Descrição do Produto: Melatonin 10mg | Auxiliar Natural para o Sono Noturno | Imediato
A Melatonin 10mg é um suplemento inovador que se destaca como um auxiliar natural para o sono, proporcionando uma solução eficaz para aqueles que enfrentam dificuldades em adormecer ou manter um sono reparador. Com a tecnologia avançada Cyclosome, os ingredientes encapsulados são transportados de forma otimizada pelo trato digestivo, garantindo uma absorção muito mais eficiente e uma biodisponibilidade superior. Isso significa que você pode contar com uma experiência de sono mais profunda e revigorante.
Cada dose contém 10mg de melatonina, uma quantidade robusta que assegura um período de sono prolongado, superando os efeitos de doses menores. A fórmula de liberação em múltiplas etapas da EASSentials é um diferencial notável: ao ingerir o suplemento, uma camada inicial libera rapidamente 3mg de melatonina, ajudando você a adormecer rapidamente. Em seguida, uma liberação sustentada de 7mg ocorre mais tarde no ciclo do sono, permitindo um potencial contínuo de descanso.
A EAS garante a qualidade e o custo dos seus produtos através da aquisição direta de matérias-primas, sempre em conformidade com rigorosos padrões de qualidade GMP para suplementos nutricionais. É importante ressaltar que essas afirmações não foram avaliadas pela FDA e que os produtos não se destinam a diagnosticar, tratar, curar ou prevenir qualquer doença.
– Sono Prolongado: A dose de 10mg garante um sono mais longo e reparador, ideal para quem precisa de um descanso profundo.
– Absorção Eficiente: A tecnologia Cyclosome maximiza a absorção dos ingredientes, potencializando os efeitos do suplemento.
– Liberação em Múltiplas Etapas: A combinação de liberação rápida e sustentada proporciona um início rápido do sono e manutenção ao longo da noite.
– Qualidade Garantida: Produzido sob rigorosos padrões de qualidade, assegurando que você receba um produto seguro e eficaz.
– Sem Dependência de Medicamentos: Uma alternativa natural e livre de drogas para melhorar a qualidade do sono, sem os efeitos colaterais comuns de medicamentos.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar uma cápsula de Melatonin 10mg cerca de 30 minutos antes de dormir. É importante ingerir o suplemento com um copo de água, preferencialmente em um ambiente tranquilo e escuro, para otimizar a eficácia da melatonina. Evite o consumo de cafeína ou alimentos pesados nas horas que antecedem o sono, pois isso pode interferir na ação do produto. Para resultados consistentes, utilize o suplemento regularmente, respeitando a dosagem recomendada.
SC –
These melatonin tablets work, but they are big and hard to swallow. EAS is a trusted brand and the dosage of 10mg is the right amount for me. It takes about 30-45 minutes for me before I doze off, which is OK for me. Just time yourself how long it takes and then take it in accordance with your desired sleep time.
Nathan –
This Melatonin 10mg supplement offers a promising solution for those seeking natural sleep support. Its unique combination of immediate and sustained release technology, coupled with Cyclosome delivery for enhanced absorption, suggests a well-rounded approach to promoting restful sleep. With 60 tablets per bottle, it provides a convenient two-month supply for consistent use.
pen –
I’m sure metabolisms and tolerances vary. If you’re uncertain about whether melatonin can help you get to sleep, this product should convince you. It’s like a start button; you may doubt that it works so you mash the button down and hold it. If that did not work, then you know that the button does not work.
Similarly, this product provides 10mg of melatonin per tablet. That’ more than enough. Not a dangerously high amount, mind you; 5mg would do. That 10mg is delivered in two waves. If melatonin is going to help you, this mechanism will be more than sufficient.
Melatonin is a hormone that your brain produces naturally. It is the first in a series of hormones that bring about sleep. That series is easily disrupted. A dose of melatonin starts that series again. That’s why there’s no drugged feeling in the morning, unlike many other sleep aids.
Dan –
Very rough shaped pill. Hard to swallow with no coating. Don’t taste the best. Instructions are unclear…at first I thought the were dissolvable. Bottle seals well. Just a very chalky texture to the pill.
Miss Nomer –
With my occasional struggles with sleep, I was hopeful that this supplement would offer the much-needed support without compromising on quality. However, my enthusiasm quickly disappeared after inspecting the ingredients list, where synthetic red and blue dye appears.
On the plus side, the potency of 10mg of melatonin is commendable. For those nights when sleep seems elusive, it does indeed help in gently coaxing the mind and body toward winding down. I appreciated the ease of use and the convenience of the pill form, making it simple to add to my nightly routine.
Yet, the unnecessary inclusion of synthetic dyes left a bitter taste in my mouth, both figuratively and literally. I find it disheartening that a product marketed to promote wellness would resort to artificial additives. Their presence contradicts the very essence of seeking a natural remedy for sleep troubles.
All in all, while the 10mg Melatonin does deliver on its ability to aid sleep, the presence of synthetic red and blue dye taints its appeal for me. For those who prioritize natural ingredients and wish to steer clear of unnecessary additives, I would advise exploring alternative options. After all, true wellness should not come at the cost of compromising on purity.
blord7777 –
This is a good melatonin. I do take 2 pills instead of 1 but that is me, I do not recommend doing that. With that being said, it works great so far, I like the time release factor it has and it is one of my favorites so far!! I will get this again!!
David –
I had never used a two-part time-release melatonin like this before, but I take several tablets when I go to bed because I have severe sleep issues, and I have always disliked that sort of all-at-once feeling you can get with them sometimes, since it doesn’t feel as natural, so I wanted to see if it made a difference.
It did. It really did. I took two tablets at the same time, even though the total mgs was lower than I was at with several smaller tablets of my last brand, just to see how they worked, and I didn’t miss those extra mgs at all. It was a much more ramped feeling that felt more like naturally falling asleep, and in the end I even felt more rested because of that. I have been taking these for a few weeks now and the pattern has stuck, so I am sold.
Gosig Marsvin –
I was enthusiastic about time-release melatonin and was curious to try it out. I tried it one night and I couldn’t fall asleep. I usually take 10mg and this one is 10mg, but I didn’t read closely. This one gives you 3 at first, and 7 later. So that’s on me. Well, the next night I just took two instead and was greeted with the familiar drowsiness of a whole 10, at 6. The time release part also seemed to work as advertised, since a lot of times I wake up in the middle of the night and need to take another one to fall back asleep. But with this I was able to just stay drowsy.
Overall, Since I already take two most nights of regular instant release melatonin. Taking two of these is pretty much the same? I’m hoping to ween myself to just taking less melatonin overall though, so these might help me with that!