Descrição do Produto: Mega Resveratrol
O Mega Resveratrol é um suplemento de grau farmacêutico, com 99% de pureza, que oferece uma forma isolada e micronizada de trans-resveratrol. Cada cápsula contém 500 mg de resveratrol, proporcionando 495 mg de trans-resveratrol puro, garantindo assim uma dosagem eficaz e concentrada. A micronização do produto é um diferencial que aumenta a absorção e a biodisponibilidade, permitindo que o corpo aproveite ao máximo os benefícios deste poderoso antioxidante.
Produzido nos Estados Unidos, o Mega Resveratrol é 100% natural e vegetariano, sem adição de ingredientes inativos tóxicos. A pureza do produto é certificada, assegurando que cada cápsula é livre de contaminantes e substâncias indesejadas. Além disso, o Mega Resveratrol é um fornecedor respeitado de resveratrol para instituições de pesquisa em todo o mundo, tendo sido utilizado em mais de 50 estudos publicados, o que atesta sua eficácia e confiabilidade.
- ✅ Pharmaceutical Grade, 99% Pure, Micronized Trans Resveratrol. Sua escolha de 500mg/cápsula, 120 cápsulas/frasco
- ✅ Micronizado para maior absorção e biodisponibilidade
- ✅ Cada cápsula de 500 mg fornece 495 mg de trans-resveratrol puro
- ✅ 100% Natural, 100% vegetariano, sem ingredientes inativos tóxicos adicionados. Fabricado nos EUA. Certificado por laboratório dos EUA.
- ✅ Orgulhosamente fornecedor de resveratrol para institutos de pesquisa ao redor do mundo. Mega Resveratrol foi utilizado em mais de 50 estudos publicados (veja descrição/link abaixo).
1. Ação Antioxidante Potente: O trans-resveratrol é conhecido por suas propriedades antioxidantes, ajudando a combater os radicais livres e a proteger as células do corpo.
2. Suporte à Saúde Cardiovascular: Estudos sugerem que o resveratrol pode contribuir para a saúde do coração, promovendo a circulação sanguínea e a saúde vascular.
3. Melhora da Função Cognitiva: O resveratrol pode ter efeitos benéficos na função cerebral, potencialmente ajudando na memória e na concentração.
4. Apoio ao Controle de Peso: O resveratrol pode auxiliar na regulação do metabolismo, contribuindo para a manutenção de um peso saudável.
5. Ação Anti-inflamatória: Este suplemento pode ajudar a reduzir a inflamação no corpo, promovendo um estado geral de bem-estar.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula de Mega Resveratrol (500 mg) duas vezes ao dia, preferencialmente com as refeições. Isso maximiza a absorção do resveratrol e potencializa seus efeitos benéficos. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua integridade e eficácia.
I have been suffering from (PLEVA) and also i have GI issues which constantly cause inflammation in my stomach and intestines. I take 2 in the am and 2 at night alongside other medications. This is not only a life saver but easier to ingest and carry along dieing your day. I have struggled to find ones as potent as this and i have tried many. Sorry for the vague comment. But it works wonderful for me. Also note, this is a much better price than I’ve found, but i require a high amount and don’t want to buy a bottle every week.
Peanut –
My husband and I are in our mid 70’s and have been taking Pharmaceutical grade Resveratrol, micronized, 99% pure, for almost 30 years. How do we know this stuff works, right? What I can say is that we are healthy and traveling and living our best lives, while other people our age don’t appear so lucky. My husband takes NO prescription medications, while I take only a low dose 20mg statin daily. Not bad, huh? I’m not claiming Resveratrol is the reason we are still going strong, but we do continue to take it….just in case it is helping. We’ve only ever taken 2 brands, Biotivia and now this one, as this brand has identical ingredients to Biotivia, but a bit less expensive. The bottles recommend 3-4 capsules per day, but we have always taken just one a day. That’s our story about Resveratrol usage for nearly 30 years.
Erica –
I ordered this product because after an extensive research on the internet I read a lot of products back labels reading the “other added ingredients” this is the only one I could found that is clean of unnecessary other ingredients. Great product.
sandra ragland –
I decided to up the ml and take this supplement. My main purpose is longevity and prevention of breast cancer returning. I am now backing off and only taking it 3 times a week because I have had depression problems, which I hadn’t had for a few years. Living in Oregon, dark rainy days, could be part of this down feeling but my friend I walk regularly with has expressed the same side effects. She is delighted with her A1C numbers and other diabetic numbers. Plus her dogs have had miraculous healing and energy.
blue rose –
I bought this product after having read so many good reviews. I’m sure it is a great product but after 5 days of taking one pill a day I had to stop. My blood pressure had jumped up to a dangerious level and the only thing I was doing differently was taking Resveratrol. After 2-3 days my BP was back to normal. I did a lot more research on Resveratrol and found that it can increase BP, especially if you are on BP medication which I am. I’m disappointed that I paid so much but unfortunately, I just can’t take it.
blue rose –
First – I am taking the third bottle, and no side effects whatsoever.
Second – while resveratrol cannot cure Cancer, based on scientific studies, consuming resveratrol can help in preventing Cancer, or slowing down the Progress of cancer.
The Lab research regarding Resveratrol, MicroRNAs, Inflammation, and Cancer, confirm that the Resveratrol modulates the levels of microRNAs targeting genes encoding tumor-suppressors and e_ectors of TGFbeta signaling pathway in SW480 cells.
It has been known since 1993 that resveratrol strongly inhibits tyrosine kinase.
Resveratrol Reduces Prostate Cancer Growth and Metastasis by Inhibiting the Akt/MicroRNA-21 Pathway.
Based on clinical trials the dosage to see an effect was 2.5 grams a day, but not more than 5 grams in a day. A take 3 grams in a day.
Resveratrol is a dietary agent found in a wide variety of plants like grapes, berries and peanuts and is known to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It is emerging as a promising anticancer agent because of its chemo preventive and pro-apoptotic properties.
The consumption of foods containing resveratrol produces significant health benefits.
Fresh grape skin contains about 50–100 μg/g of Rsv and 40 μg/g of Quercetin. In red wine, the concentration of Rsv is in the range of 7–13 μM and Quercetin is in the range of 7.4 μM. But to take the minimal dose you have to take huge amounts of these foods.
Resveratrol and Quercetin cooperate to induce senescence-like growth arrest in C6 rat glioma cell.
Rsv and Quer were purchased from Sigma Chemical (St. Louis, MO, USA).
Resveratrol inhibits cancer by reducing cell proliferation and metastasis and by inducing apoptosis. These actions could be explained by its ability to inhibit (ERK-1/2), Akt and suppressing the levels of estrogen and insulin growth factor -1 (IGF-1) receptor. How these processes are manifested into the ant tumor actions of resveratrol is not clear. Using micro array studies, we show that resveratrol reduced the expression of various prostate-tumor associated microRNAs (miRs) including miR-21 in androgen receptor negative and highly aggressive human prostate cancer cells, PC-3M-MM2. This effect of resveratrol was associated with reduced cell viability, migration and invasiveness.
Pre clinical studies indicate beneficial actions of resveratrol in preventing and treating cancer, with few associated side effects. A ten year epidemiological study showed a greater than 50% reduction in breast cancer risk in women who ingested resveratrol by consuming grapes but not wine. Several phase I and phase II clinical trials are currently underway for resveratrol at the National Institute of Health (http:/ For example, resveratrol is currently being investigated in Phase I trials against the Wnt pathway in colon cancer. Resveratrol is also being used in Phase II trials in lymphoma patients.
Third – while the benefits of resveratrol are well known, finding real resveratrol is challenging, because the market of supplements with resveratrol is unregulated, and not lab certified.
lorenzo –
Ordered this because my integrative doctor recommended as part of my treatment. Don’t know yet about results until my next blood test.
TLynn –
Mega Resveratrol, Pharmaceutical Grade, 99% Pure Isolate, Micronized Trans-Resveratrol. Seems to do fine, no adverse effects noticed. No effects at all noticed. Which is fine, that’s what this chemical is supposed to do. All claims of miraculous “mental” or “energy” perceptive changes due to taking this product? I’m very skeptical about those claims. That’s NOT was trans-resveratrol is supposed to do! It’s primary effect is to help your body cells telomere functions. Which slows down aging overall. A better telomere cushion at the end of each cell could potentially be noticed “physically” in areas of the body suffering from damage due to aging. But the energy and mood claims? I doubt those. I trust this product and do not want to see how my body feels after a couple years of not taking it. I will continue to take this product. I only wish there was more video footage of the actual manufacturing process showing the product NAME. And footage of the actual labs verifying it’s potency. Also footage of the University labs claiming to be using this SPECIFIC brand in their studies would be a good seller as well.