Descrição do Produto: Medtrition HyFiber Liquid Fiber para Crianças
O Medtrition HyFiber Liquid Fiber para Crianças é uma solução inovadora e eficaz para ajudar na regularidade intestinal dos pequenos. Com apenas uma colher de sopa, este produto oferece 6 gramas de fibra, proporcionando uma maneira prática e segura de gerenciar a constipação. Com mais de 25 milhões de doses administradas em todo o mundo, HyFiber é amplamente confiado por profissionais de saúde em hospitais e clínicas, garantindo que seu filho receba o suporte necessário para um sistema digestivo saudável.
Este fibra líquida é especialmente formulada para crianças e bebês, eliminando a necessidade de grandes porções. Com apenas meia onça de líquido, você obtém mais fibra por porção do que a maioria das marcas líderes, sem a confusão de misturas ou pós. Os ingredientes são cuidadosamente selecionados para serem suaves no estômago da criança, incluindo FOS (fruto-oligossacarídeos), que promovem a saúde intestinal e a regularidade das fezes.
HyFiber para Crianças pode ser administrado diretamente ou misturado com os alimentos ou bebidas favoritas do seu filho, tornando a experiência agradável e fácil. Para melhores resultados, recomenda-se o uso diário. Além disso, o produto é livre de alérgenos e açúcar, não contendo soja, ovos, glúten, laticínios, amendoim, nozes ou laxantes, garantindo uma opção segura para todos os pequenos.
– Gerenciamento Eficaz da Constipação: Comprovado por mais de 25 milhões de doses, é uma solução confiável para a constipação infantil.
– Fácil de Usar: Apenas uma colher de sopa fornece 6 gramas de fibra, sem necessidade de misturas complicadas.
– Ingredientes Naturais e Gentis: Formulado com ingredientes que respeitam o sistema digestivo das crianças, promovendo saúde intestinal.
– Versatilidade: Pode ser consumido puro ou misturado com alimentos e bebidas, facilitando a inclusão na rotina alimentar.
– Segurança Garantida: Livre de alérgenos comuns e açúcares, ideal para crianças com restrições alimentares.
Para utilizar o Medtrition HyFiber Liquid Fiber para Crianças, administre uma colher de sopa (meia onça) diariamente. O produto pode ser tomado diretamente ou misturado com a comida ou bebida preferida da criança, como sucos, iogurtes ou purês. É importante garantir que a criança beba bastante água ao longo do dia para maximizar os benefícios da fibra. Para resultados ideais, mantenha uma rotina diária de uso e consulte um profissional de saúde em caso de dúvidas sobre a introdução de fibras na dieta do seu filho.
J Hen –
It takes a week minimum to get the product. I was signed up for auto refill and it is two days after the stuff should have arrived and it hasn’t even shipped yet!
Jessica Zarrella –
My kid has extreme trouble pooping. she always had from a very young age and learned to keep it in and not go , causing many issues down the line for her. we tried this in her juice and every frew days, she is pooping absolutely normal. shes now fully potty trained with no accidents and has no issues going at all. we live and swear by this product
Shayna McClurg –
My kid doesn’t like the flavor so won’t take the stuff. I think it’s pretty good, I’d take it.
Shayna McClurg –
My son was having some minor constipation so I got this. It worked within 24 hours. It didn’t bother his belly. (He’s 6) And the bottle is bigger than I expected. Pictured next to a large bottle of children’s vitamins. Good purchase for sure.
Garret –
We give this to our toddler most days to promote regular and softer bowel movements. Great product. Only con is how sticky the bottle and cap get, not the end of the world though! We’ve bought this many times and have recommended it to friends and family who love it as well.
Taste great quality fiber easy to swallow just mix in your kids juice great value for money and it works texture is that of cough syrup and it’s a smooth texture color will blend In oj perfectly !
Eldon De Groot –
I don’t always leave reviews, but this product deserves one. Hopefully I can help other parents in similar situations.
Rewind about 7 months ago, my son (2 at the time) was experiencing very painful hard poops, one particular time I can remember it was so hard that it made his poor little booty bleed. After that moment a switch turned off in his head and we said goodbye to his normals BM and hello to a rough season of holding in his poops. As directed by a doctor we started giving him miralax to help clear him out and hopefully return to his normal poops. Clearing him out required a sudden change from tough poop to very loose stool. Still trying to hold in even the loose poop he started to develop a terrible rash from some of the poop leaking though and sitting on his bum. This rash progressively got worse, even after three drs appointments of us being very concerned about his rash it just wasn’t getting better. The rash at this point was welted and bleeding. Out of desperation I tried several different methods to heal him. Finally we got the rash in control (poor thing has scars on the booty still because it was so bad).
So hard poops to loose poops and holding everything in created a very unpredictable poop pattern for our son, and a genuine fear.
This summer (now 3 years old) we started potty training. We knew the challenges going into it based off of his poop alone. This has been a very long experience to say the least. He was still holding in his poop causing more build up. We were giving more miralax to help the process but it just didn’t seem to be doing the trick. We were having to give a children’s enema about every 4 days because he was so uncomfortable.
We were desperate to help our son and find a solution. After browsing product for the millionth time I ran across this product. I read so many reviews my eyes started to cross, story after story I could relate to something in each one.
We took the plunge, it has been a week and I am absolutely thrilled to report our son had his first (unassisted) BM in the toilet. This poop was at least a foot long, smooth, and easy to wipe. A literal miracle! He looks like he feels so much better!
He was so proud of himself!
We will continue to give this product to him daily! I am so happy we came across this!
Our potty training journey is far from over, but this is an excellent spot to be in!
If you’ve read it this far, I’m guessing your child probably needs this product too! Give it a try. There is nothing to loose and hopefully a lot to gain!!!
RyeshaRaider –
Backstory: My 9 y/o child had a whole month where only a Dulcolax suppository could produce a bowel movement, once a week at best. Stressful is an understatement. Stools were enormous and progressively harder. This is despite using the max dose of Milk of Magnesia and drinking copious amounts of water. Diet is limited because of autism, but this had not changed, so the constipation was surprising. Miralax produces bad side effects for us. Colace, no effect. I was desperate to soften my child’s stool somehow.
After reading reviews of Hyfiber, I thought it might work. After 8 days doing 1 full cap a day, along with 22ml of Milk of Magnesia, I saw a big change in stool softness. It became quite loose, and frequent, so now we’re adjusting to find the right dose. This was a welcome change from the month before of absolute hell. We haven’t had to use a suppository since starting (about a month ago), and Hyfiber has drastically softened my child’s stool, using 1 full cap a day. I do still supplement with 15ml of Milk of Magnesia right now, but I know that MOM by itself does not do the job for us.
I am so relieved to have this product. Please give it a try if you find yourself in a crazy position like us.