MEDIX Fragrance Free Retinol Body Lotion Crepey Skin Care Treatment | Skin Firming Body é uma loção corporal de tratamento para a pele enrugada, formulada com retinol e ingredientes eficazes no combate ao envelhecimento. O retinol, também conhecido como vitamina A, é considerado o ingrediente número 1 recomendado por dermatologistas para cuidados com a pele anti-envelhecimento. Ele é conhecido por diminuir a aparência de rugas profundas, linhas finas, flacidez, pele enrugada e danos causados pelo sol, ao mesmo tempo em que estimula a produção de colágeno para ajudar a firmar a pele.
Esta loção de corpo e rosto da MEDIX 5.5 é uma combinação perfeita de ingredientes anti-envelhecimento com antioxidantes naturais para promover uma aparência radiante e jovem. Além do retinol, ela é enriquecida com ácido ferúlico, manteiga de karité, vitamina E, aloe vera, camomila e chá verde. Esses ingredientes trabalham juntos para firmar a pele, protegê-la contra danos ambientais, reduzir o inchaço e minimizar a aparência de rugas, pele enrugada e danos causados pelo sol. A combinação de ingredientes também ajuda a reduzir a vermelhidão e a irritação, tornando esta loção de retinol sem perfume adequada para todos os tipos de pele, especialmente as sensíveis.
Além de combater os sinais visíveis de envelhecimento, esta fórmula hidratante e nutritiva da MEDIX ajuda a restaurar a elasticidade e a umidade da pele. Clinicamente testada, dermatologicamente testada e hipoalergênica, ela suaviza visivelmente a textura áspera da pele, ilumina o tom da pele e repõe a umidade essencial para restaurar o volume em áreas propensas à flacidez e manchas escuras. Nutra, hidrate e dê volume à sua pele para uma aparência mais saudável, cheia e jovem, enquanto melhora a elasticidade da pele.
A loção corporal e facial de retinol da MEDIX é livre de fragrâncias, cuidadosamente formulada para ser adequada para todos os tipos de pele, especialmente as sensíveis. Ela é facilmente absorvida pela pele, deixando-a nutrida e incrivelmente macia ao longo do dia. Além disso, sua fórmula não é oleosa, é vegana, livre de crueldade animal e não contém óleo mineral, parabenos, álcoois secantes, ingredientes de origem animal, PEGs, sulfatos e corantes. Ela é fabricada em um laboratório regulamentado e inspecionado pela FDA em Chicago, EUA.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do retinol, é recomendado testar a loção em uma pequena área da pele antes de incorporá-la à rotina de cuidados com a pele. Gradualmente, aumente a frequência de uso para até duas vezes ao dia, conforme tolerância. Caso ocorra irritação, reduza a frequência de uso. Se a irritação persistir, interrompa o uso.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Poderoso ingrediente anti-envelhecimento: O retinol é considerado o ingrediente número 1 recomendado por dermatologistas para combater os sinais de envelhecimento, como rugas, linhas finas e flacidez da pele.
2. Fórmula eficaz e segura: Além do retinol, esta loção contém uma combinação de ingredientes naturais e antioxidantes que trabalham juntos para firmar a pele, protegê-la contra danos ambientais e reduzir a aparência de rugas e danos causados pelo sol.
3. Adequado para todos os tipos de pele: Esta loção é livre de fragrâncias e foi cuidadosamente formulada para ser adequada para todos os tipos de pele, incluindo as sensíveis.
4. Hidratação e nutrição intensas: Com o envelhecimento, a pele perde elasticidade e umidade. Esta loção ajuda a restaurar a hidratação essencial da pele, deixando-a mais saudável, cheia e jovem.
5. Fabricado nos EUA: A loção MEDIX é fabricada em um laboratório regulamentado e inspecionado pela FDA em Chicago, garantindo a qualidade e segurança do produto.
– Sugestão de Uso:
Aplique a loção MEDIX Fragrance Free Retinol Body Lotion Crepey Skin Care Treatment | Skin Firming Body diariamente, massageando suavemente na pele limpa até completa absorção. Para melhores resultados, utilize a loção duas vezes ao dia. Lembre-se de testar o produto em uma pequena área da pele antes de incorporá-lo à sua rotina de cuidados com a pele.
Khaymanbb –
This is a great body lotion that goes on smooth and doesn’t feel greasy at all. There is no scent, which is perfect for those who like to keep smelling their body wash or don’t want to mix scents from body wash, lotion, deodorant, etc. Or just are sensitive to scented lotions.
One bad thing is the pump top pumps out too much, so gently press down about halfway or you’ll get enough for half your body in one press. You don’t want to waste this. I am not too fond of pump lotions or body washes, as there is usually a week or two worth of product left in the bottle when the pump stops working. We’ll see if this bottle is like that.
JJ –
This is a really nice, smoothing, hydrating cream that lasts. I have very dry, scaly skin that is hard to please and my skin likes this stuff a lot. Just be aware that you will need to use sunscreen on your body if you plan to go outdoors while using this because retinols thin your skin and make it more susceptible to sun damage. Also, I’d recommend applying this at night because UV rays break down retinols and make them less effective. The cream is unscented, which I really appreciate, and for some reason I really like the blocky, no-nonsense look of the bottle. I would recommend it!
LA Mama –
I love that this lotion is unscented and contains no fragrance. I also love that it absorbs quickly and leaves no greasy residue which tends to be a barrier of entry for me with body lotions—if it leaves my skin feeling greasy, I will never use it. I especially love that it contains retinol and ferulic acid. An anti-aging body lotion? Great idea. Plus, sometimes I get those little bumps on the back of my arms and retinol is really good for keeping those at bay. And it’s made in the USA which gives me peace of mind.
SG –
This is a fairly large bottle, which is nice, because I’ve been using this on my upper arms. I’m experiencing some sagginess from weight loss and am trying to help however I can with skin elasticity there. This is a thick cream and I’d be hesitant to apply it to my face, but think it’s super beneficial to apply to my body.
Also, I LOVE that this is fragrance free. My skin does not do well with added fragrance. So this has been super pleasant to apply to my skin.
Amy –
Excellent bottle of lotion, the fact that it has retinol at such a cheap price honestly quite surprises me due to usually how big of a markup any retinol product has. This lotion did a great job at moisturizing my skin, and definitely does help whenever I have dry skin during this cold weather. The cream is unscented which is excellent for everyone since some people are sensitive to fragrances which can cause breakouts.
Your Number One Fan –
This is quite a large container of retinol lotion. It has a pump top. The lotion is thick and creamy with no scent as far as I can tell. The lotion absorbed easily into my skin though required a few minutes to dry. There was just a very light greasy residue left behind after it dried. My skin felt soft and moisturized afterward. I did not notice any side effects.
Len –
Initial Impression:
Straight off, I was impressed with the look of the lotion. I liked the minimalistic appearance of the bottle.
During Use:
The lotion of bliss. Creamy, luxurious and scent free. It did not irritate my eczema and absorbed quickly. There’s no icky after residue and my perpetually dry hands feel refreshed and hydrated.
Final Impression:
This might just be one to add to the daily use routine. I love that it’s cruelty free (along with the list other ‘free from’ benefits) and made my skin feel great after the initial use.
Astrid –
I’ve always liked the various body lotions made by MEDIX. They all have their specific formulas and ideal skin types. This is a new one for me and I find that this particular one to be ideal for those with various sensitivities. Just be aware that it does contain some retinal, in case that’s one of your triggers. That’s not me, but I do very much like this formula. It’s fragrance free and has no chemical smell at all. Ideal for those who are scent intolerant, as well as for those with various other sensitivity situations. Though I tend to prefer a lotion that has some sort of a scent, this one is especially good for me to keep by my kitchen sink. That’s because I’m very picky about what I will use around food. I want something that won’t interfere with the scent of my foods. For instance, a lemon scent is fine, but a floral scent ruins my food ambiance. With this being unscented, there’s no worries whatsoever regarding smells.
The lotion works really well for all parts of the body to leave it soft and smooth for hours on end. Though some will like this for their face, I prefer to use this along the other parts of my body. As indicated above, it’s great for keeping a bottle in my kitchen for my hands. But it’s also really good to use on my legs which are the driest part of my body. Moisturizes quite well without leaving unwanted messy residuals along the surface of the skin. No need to have to wipe down my hands either before touching things because it’s clean and sets quickly. Great for all skin types, as well as for the entire family.