O Meditime Pore Corset Pack é uma máscara facial de argila que se destaca por sua capacidade de minimizar a oleosidade e os poros dilatados, proporcionando uma pele mais suave e saudável. Com origem na renomada rotina de cuidados com a pele coreana, este produto é formulado para limpar profundamente os poros, reduzindo a aparência de cravos e poros visíveis. Sua composição rica em ingredientes potentes, como caulim e bentonita, atua de forma eficaz na remoção de impurezas, enquanto o pó de feijão vermelho promove uma esfoliação suave, deixando a pele com uma textura refinada e fresca.
Além de sua ação purificadora, o Meditime Pore Corset Pack oferece intensa hidratação, graças à presença de aminoácidos e 20 tipos de minerais que nutrem a pele profundamente. Essa combinação não apenas equilibra a produção de sebo, mas também proporciona uma sensação luxuosa de nutrição e hidratação duradoura. Com o uso regular, a máscara ajuda a gerenciar a oleosidade, reduzindo a aparência de cravos e espinhas, resultando em uma tez mais clara e radiante, que se destaca mesmo sob a maquiagem.
A tecnologia cosmeceutica inovadora do Meditime garante que, após apenas uma aplicação, você possa liberar o brilho natural da sua pele, tornando-a visivelmente mais brilhante, suave e radiante. Experimente a transformação que essa máscara pode proporcionar e descubra uma nova rotina de cuidados com a pele que revela uma tez fresca e revitalizada.
1. Pores Minimizer: Reduz a aparência dos poros, proporcionando uma pele mais refinada e fresca.
2. Gentle Exfoliation: Oferece uma esfoliação suave e eficaz, limpando e suavizando os poros.
3. Intense Hydration: Hidrata profundamente a pele, garantindo uma sensação luxuosa de nutrição intensa.
4. Sebum Balance: Gerencia efetivamente a oleosidade, reduzindo cravos e espinhas para uma tez equilibrada.
5. One-Shot Glow: Proporciona uma pele visivelmente mais brilhante e radiante após apenas uma aplicação.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Meditime Pore Corset Pack, comece aplicando uma camada uniforme da máscara de argila sobre o rosto limpo e seco, evitando a área dos olhos e lábios. Deixe a máscara agir por 10 a 15 minutos ou até que esteja completamente seca. Em seguida, enxágue bem com água morna e seque suavemente o rosto. Recomenda-se o uso de 1 a 2 vezes por semana para maximizar os benefícios e manter a pele sempre saudável e radiante.
KiKi –
I have semi large pores in my face so I wanted something that helps reduce them. The reviews gave me hope so I tried it out as soon as I got it and i can definitely see a difference!!!! I washed my face with cleanser and an exfoliant. Followed by toner and then the mask. Doesn’t really have a smell, a little goes a long way and I let it sit. Used a towel to get it off and then used skin perfecting exfoliant. They even told me at work my face looks smooth. Definitely worth the buy.
Amazon Customer –
This mask improves the appearance of blackheads and helps to bring them out. This mask is by no means a miracle that dissolves every single blackhead overnight however, this is one of the best facemasks I have used for targeting blackheads.
I am not a dermatologist, but I have taken Accutane for a year and a half on the strongest dosage, which means that I am VERY familiar with acne. If you don’t already know -> Accutane: Isotretinoin: It can treat severe acne.
WARNING: THIS MAY BE GROSS FOR PEOPLE WITHOUT ACNE: After rinsing off this mask, (it may take a day) the blackheads on my nose would protrude on the surface, then I use tweezers (Yes, tweezers, not an acne tool for this) to grab the protruding part and gently pull the rest of the blackhead out of the pore.
That is what I mean by this product is really great for blackheads, the mask spreads easily so only a little product is needed. I’ve used this mask 2x weekly on my blackheads for a month and I have noticed a reduction in those appearing and the deep blackheads seem to be slowly coming up as well.
This mask works well, and I will continue to refill.
Nina –
I love it. At first, I thought I was having an allergic reaction to it because my face literally broke out. The areas around my cheeks and chin (typical hormone area and of course, the dirt from life in general and cellphone usage). Then I reviewed the jar again (although it’s written in chinese), it shows that the purpose is to push up and reveal any black heads. As if to make them arise sooner than later.
It did. Once they arrived, I continued to clean my face as I do and within days….gone! Literally. I don’t get paid money nor points for this review, I’m trying to let you know.
Issa win fa me🥴
TG –
So I had to read some of the other reviews because I thought maybe it was just me…it isn’t. I love the texture and consistency of this mask, I love the results (it has helped my pores somewhat), there was no burning, tingling or bad reaction, but sadly I’ve only been able to use this product three times because it just smells disgusting. Mine smelled like I was on a farm (sorry, I’m trying not to be harsh). I’m not sure how this is supposed to smell. Some reviews state no smell, some state it “smells great”. I would have given this close to 5 stars had it not been for the scent. It’s just too overpowering.
Hot-Mess Syndrome –
I have a combination type skin , i dont have nad acne but get occasional chin acne if i skip my skin routine to much, This has been a great product to use weekly along with my African soap and other products, and keeps my pores cleaner since I wear foundation and makeup almost daily . I use about once a week and leave on for the 5 to 10 minutes . If you use warmer to hot water it does burn some like a heat sensation but it’s not made my skin red ,I also do not have very sensitive skin . I’ve used cold water like I read to and it didn’t burn like it do with warmer water so it’s up to ur preference , I personally don’t mind the burn lol . At first I thought this was a dry mask but it didn’t dry on my skin even after wearing 10 minutes it more exfoliates and cleans ,and you don’t need to put on a ton its thick ! . The bottle does dent in on the bottom and fill part of the bottle so it appears bigger them It actually is and it has less product then you think for such a large container ..to me it feels like a waste of plastic? That’s my only complaint with the product , also it’s a bit pricy for how much you get when it’s not on sale .
Matt Manning –
This product works really well. Works first time and works all the time. Excellent.
Phillip B. –
I was quite surprised after using this a couple of times a week. My pores look smaller and unclogged .
Lady J –
Worked well on pores