O Mediheal E.G.T Timetox Gel Smile-line Patch é um adesivo inovador e eficaz, projetado especialmente para combater as linhas finas e rugas ao redor da boca. Com a poderosa combinação de colágeno marinho e uma fórmula enriquecida com E.G.F e ceramida, este produto não apenas suaviza as rugas existentes, mas também previne o surgimento de novas marcas de expressão, proporcionando uma aparência mais jovem e radiante. A textura em gel do adesivo permite uma absorção rápida e profunda, garantindo que os ingredientes ativos penetrem na pele sem deixar qualquer sensação de oleosidade ou irritação.
Os patches são extremamente fáceis de usar, tornando a rotina de cuidados com a pele mais prática e acessível. Após a limpeza do rosto, basta aplicar o adesivo na linha do sorriso e deixá-lo agir por 20 a 40 minutos. Os resultados são visíveis e duradouros, permitindo que você sorria com confiança e leveza. Com o uso contínuo, 2 a 3 vezes por semana, você notará uma pele mais elástica, hidratada e livre de rugas.
1. Redução Visível de Rugas: Os adesivos ajudam a suavizar as linhas finas ao redor da boca, proporcionando uma aparência mais jovem.
2. Prevenção de Novas Linhas: A fórmula rica em colágeno marinho e E.G.F ajuda a manter a elasticidade da pele, prevenindo o surgimento de novas rugas.
3. Hidratação Intensa: A textura em gel do adesivo garante uma hidratação profunda, deixando a pele firme e suave.
4. Fácil Aplicação: O uso simples e prático dos patches se encaixa facilmente na rotina de cuidados diários.
5. Versatilidade de Uso: Pode ser aplicado não apenas na linha do sorriso, mas também em áreas como os olhos e a testa, oferecendo um tratamento abrangente.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Mediheal E.G.T Timetox Gel Smile-line Patch, inicie com a limpeza facial adequada. Em seguida, aplique um tônico para preparar a pele. Remova cuidadosamente o filme protetor de ambos os lados do adesivo e posicione o lado adesivo na área desejada, como a linha do sorriso. Deixe o patch agir por 20 a 40 minutos. Após a remoção, dê leves batidinhas na pele para facilitar a absorção da essência restante. Recomenda-se o uso de 2 a 3 vezes por semana para maximizar os benefícios e manter a pele rejuvenescida e hidratada.
Annalise –
These gold patches work well
Eleonora –
Amo questa marca di maschere viso, secondo me tra le migliori sul mercato, alcune sono miracolose ma purtroppo questi patch occhi non sono il loro miglior prodotto.
Conferiscono una discreta idratazione ma niente di eccezionale. Non hanno alcun effetto sulle borse nè sulle occhiaie.
Non le ricomprerò.
Oz –
Put these puppies in the fridge for an hour before you apply them. Bliss. Mediheal does it again!
Bayroyalty –
I had been a big fan of the face masks made by the same brand that is essentially a big version of this eye treatment and I would easily be able to go dayssssss without moisturizer after using their face masks because they are SO hydrating. It was the first time that happened to me. I struggle with dry skin and I am still shocked at the magic that is in these masks. They have helped me tremendously with dry patches and I have had acne clear up, and it helps with makeup application; literally making my skin look incredible and the way it goes on completely flawless.
So when I saw that these were available in the eye treatment, oh you KNOW I HAD to get some eye masks!! I was absolutely in love with the way it makes my eyes appear more awake and brighter after the very first application. I wasn’t consistent with the applications, I literally used the box in less than a week. I plan on repurchasing this and using the mask once or twice a week and seeing how much it would help. I’ve been trying to get acquainted with skincare products and routines for the past few years and I have come to understand that really paying attention to the box or instructions from the manufacturer and your dermatologist and or doctor, tremendously helps you get the optimal results from products. I think it is nice to treat yourself and get some masks every once in a while, and while they are not necessarily required to have a skincare routine, things like this can help you see results from consistent, effective skincare products. (For this, imagine dumping a gallon of water under the eyes at once, versus giving your eyes a gallon over a year with a small cup of water at a time, you will be transforming your skin with the hydrating products over time instead of trying to fix something overnight). I definitely want to get the best results from these eye masks, and I believe that these are a great product for dry skin under your eyes. Something that I highly recommend and will be repurchasing several times over.
MissTrace –
Does not work at all. I guess unless you have a very small face you will not be able to stretch this mask from ear to ear. Total waste of money.
H –
If you have a big event or something special you want to have a snatched jawline and more of a lifted lower face for, this is definitely the mask. It’s certainly not the sexiest of items on; however, for special events I’ll put this on while I do the top part of my make up and then I’ll take this off and finish the rest of my face. I find it to be a little too hydrating for that purpose, so I will wipe off any Excess Moisture it left on my jaw and will then finish my makeup. You will absolutely have a completely different looking jawline from moving the fluids around and it is very noticeable. I will typically leave this mask on for 30 to 35 minutes, which is more than what it says on the package, but I found that you’ll see more of it that way. It’s so striking that even my husband noticed when I came out of the bathroom! Love it so much! So fun. This review is applicable for someone in the 40s or older that is starting to see gravity take over in these areas. If you’re in your early 20s and 30s, then you probably won’t notice too much of a difference.
THretired2014 –
Used for the first time last night. Cool on skin. Easy to put on your skin and over the ears. I threw it away not knowing that I could put it back in the bag and use again. Use for designated time so it will not dry out. After one time my skin looked fresher. I massaged gel left over on chin and down my neck. Hopefully it will work and help my 70 yr old skin look refreshed. That’s all I want.
sarah carr –
No noticeable differences after using all days in a row
Qcheeca –
Maybe its a placebo effect but after using this, my jawline looks more defined and my face shape more lifted. It’s good for a temporary change but results don’t last more than a day. Still worth using in my opinion.
Geerie Geraln –
Feels nice but idk if it works yet