Medicube 21%% Ácido Esfoliante Wash-off (AHA BHA Ácido Succínico) é um soro de resurfacing inovador, especialmente formulado para atender às necessidades de peles com imperfeições e propensas a acne. Com uma combinação poderosa de Ácido Succínico, AHA e BHA, este produto coreano proporciona uma esfoliação suave, removendo células mortas e desobstruindo os poros, resultando em uma pele mais limpa e saudável. A fórmula é clinicamente comprovada para reduzir a excreção de sebo, eliminar cravos e espinhas, e melhorar a textura da pele, promovendo um tom mais uniforme e radiante.
Com uma embalagem de 40ml (1.41fl.oz.), o Medicube 21%% é ideal para quem busca uma solução prática e eficaz para os problemas diários da pele. O complexo de ácidos concentrados dissolve a pele morta que causa acne e controla o excesso de sebo, deixando a pele polida e com aparência saudável em apenas um minuto. Além disso, os ingredientes calmantes patenteados da Medicube, como Hydra Calm™ e Derma-Clera™, minimizam a irritação, tornando o produto seguro para peles sensíveis.
– Reduz a excreção de sebo e células mortas da pele.
– Elimina cravos e espinhas, promovendo uma pele mais limpa.
– Minimiza a irritação, sendo seguro para peles sensíveis.
– Melhora a textura da pele, deixando-a mais uniforme e radiante.
– Desenvolvido com ingredientes de alta qualidade e eficácia comprovada, garantindo resultados visíveis.
Aplique 2 gotas do Medicube 21%% Ácido Esfoliante Wash-off em um rosto limpo e seco. Deixe agir por 1 minuto, permitindo que os ácidos penetrem e atuem na pele. Em seguida, massageie suavemente a área para potencializar a esfoliação e enxágue com água morna. Recomenda-se o uso de uma a duas vezes por semana, aumentando gradualmente a frequência conforme a tolerância da pele. Antes da primeira aplicação, realize um teste de alergia em uma pequena área da pele. Evite o contato com os olhos e, em caso de irritação, suspenda o uso. Mantenha fora do alcance de crianças.
B. Dellinger –
I have had acne since I was a teenager. I have tried EVERYTHING! I am now in my 40s and I am still getting acne. I have been consistently using Tretinoin which helps keep it under control. But with Summer approaching I wanted to try something else because I tend to get very oily. I’ve only been using this product for less than a week but I’m already incredibly impressed. I’m actually excited to use it because of how great it’s making my skin feel and look. I feel like it does a fantastic job of clearing my pores and getting rid of excess oil without making my skin feel dry. I can also feel a noticeable difference in my skin texture. It feels smoother and softer. My skin is used to harsh treatments so I have been using this twice a day and have had no issues. But I would suggest people with sensitive skin to start off slower. I can’t tell you how happy I am to have found this product. It’s truly a gift to acne-prone skin.
Shopper –
This serum comes in its brand box, however, I was surprised that it wasn’t sealed ensure that the contents have not been tampered with, so I took 1 star off.
As for the efficacy of the actual serum, I can’t rave enough about it! The serum is somewhat thick yet it is still easy to spread on your face to massage all over your face and neck, and even décolletage. I massaged this for about 2-3 minutes, with very minimal tingling sensation, if at that, and it washes off easily with water and mild facial cleanser. My skin felt exfoliated and had a pinkish healthy glow. It allowed my other serums and moisturizer to absorb well and hydrated my skin. The next morning, my face still had a nice glow and applying foundation was a lot easier and smoother.
For $25, you get a very nice weekly facial. Highly recommend!
Simba –
I have oily and acne-prone skin, and I use this product once a week. I have noticed that it does help to clear up my acne and blackheads, as well as make my skin smoother and softer. However, I have also noticed that it can be too drying and irritating for my skin sometimes, especially if I leave it on for more than one minute or use it more than once a week. I have experienced some redness, itching, and flaking of the skin after using this product. I have not seen any significant improvement in my scars, pores, or texture of the skin.
Overall, I think this product is effective for exfoliating and clearing the skin, but it is not very gentle or nourishing. It may be suitable for people who have oily and resilient skin that can handle high concentrations of acids. It may not be suitable for people who have sensitive or dry skin that can get easily irritated or damaged by acids.
Andrea –
I am obsessed with this minute peeling mask ! It has done wonders for my skin, not only did it reduce and almost completely brighten most of my dark spots, it left my skin feeling incredibly smooth. There is a dropper attached to the lid to apply with ease and the liquid resembles a jelly constancy instead of a watery texture. I highly recommend doing a patch test first specially if you have sensitive skin. You can feel the liquid begin to strip a thin layer of dead skin away causing your skin to feel a little dry but as soon as i rinsed it off my skin felt soft and smooth. The directions say to not leave it on for more than 5 minutes and to begin by massaging it on problem areas for 1-2 minutes the first time you use it. I use it twice a week followed by a vitamin c serum to help brighten my skin. My face has never peeled and I have yet to have any problems using this serum . You also don’t need to apply more than a few drops, I’ve had it for over month and have yet to make a dent in the bottle.
K-Lyn –
The last year or so, I’ve been trying to take much better care of my skin. Double cleansing if/when I wear makeup, toner, serum, and moisturizer is my normal routine now, and the last three months I added retinol and worked myself up to nightly with it. So that’s taking care of my skin in general, and the retinol helps from the inside out, but I wasn’t really exfoliating much because I was afraid of damaging my skin. In comes this lactic acid AHA peel.
Lactic acid is a more gentle aha than others, so I thought this would be good for me to try. I patch tested this on my wrist and left it on for two minutes before trying this on my face. This acid serum is a clear orange color, and the scent reminds me of a doctor’s office. Kind of medicine like, with some sterilization scent. I used about a dropper and half worth to rub on my face. I rubbed this in an upwards circular motion all over my face for about 1 1/2 minutes. The texture of this felt like it was drying as I put it on and also felt like it got stickier the longer I touched it. I rinsed this off with warm water, and it felt like it came off easily. I then dried my face.
After using this my skin felt instantly smoother. Lactic acid helps remove dead skin cells from the surface of your skin (exfoliating), and that’s exactly what it must have done because not only did my skin feel smoother, it also looked brighter and fresher. I had no irritation, redness, or any tingling when I used this. I’m going to use this once per week to help gently and effectively, exfoliate my skin.
Make sure you use a sunscreen daily when using any AHA product like this one (or retinol).
Carlos Bendlin –
excellent seller
Clarie Tonge –
Can’t say that it did anything but I like how it feels on my face
Andrea –
As an individual with particularly acne-prone skin, I was excited to give this lactic acid AHA peel a try. The serum has a subtle soapy scent and has a clear orange color. I applied the product using a dropper and a half, rubbing it in upward circular motions for about 1 1/2 minutes. The texture of the serum felt like it was drying and becoming stickier as I applied it. After rinsing it off with warm water, my skin felt instantly smoother and looked brighter and fresher. I have noticed a significant reduction in breakouts and my skin overall looks clearer after using this product for a few weeks. I will continue to use this once a week as a gentle yet effective exfoliant. It’s important to note that it’s crucial to use sunscreen daily when using any AHA products like this one.