Descrição do Produto: MAJOR Cough and Cold HBP Medicine
Apresentamos o MAJOR Cough and Cold Medicine, um remédio confiável que oferece alívio temporário dos sintomas comuns do resfriado, como tosse, coriza e espirros. Este medicamento é especialmente formulado para atender às necessidades de pessoas com hipertensão arterial, garantindo que aqueles que sofrem com essa condição possam encontrar alívio sem comprometer sua saúde.
Os ingredientes ativos das nossas pastilhas para tosse e resfriado incluem 30g de dextrometorfano HBr, um eficaz supressor da tosse, e 4g de maleato de clorfeniramina, um antihistamínico que ajuda a combater os sintomas alérgicos. Além disso, nossas pastilhas são isentas de gelatina, amido, glúten e nozes, tornando-as uma opção segura para uma ampla gama de consumidores.
Na MAJOR Pharmaceuticals, mantemos altos padrões de qualidade através de rigorosa conformidade regulatória, garantindo que nossas pastilhas para tosse e resfriado sejam cuidadosamente formuladas e eficazes. Com a combinação de dextrometorfano e clorfeniramina, nossas pastilhas proporcionam alívio dos sintomas comuns do resfriado, permitindo que você retome suas atividades diárias com conforto.
– Alívio Eficaz: Proporciona alívio rápido e eficaz dos sintomas do resfriado, permitindo que você se sinta melhor rapidamente.
– Segurança para Hipertensos: Formulado especificamente para pessoas com hipertensão, garantindo que você possa tratar seus sintomas sem preocupações.
– Ingredientes de Qualidade: Com dextrometorfano e clorfeniramina, oferece uma combinação poderosa para combater a tosse e os sintomas alérgicos.
– Isento de Aditivos: Livre de gelatina, amido, glúten e nozes, tornando-o seguro para diversas restrições alimentares.
– Acessibilidade: A MAJOR Pharmaceuticals se compromete a oferecer produtos de qualidade a preços acessíveis, promovendo o bem-estar de todos.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar uma pastilha do MAJOR Cough and Cold Medicine a cada 4 a 6 horas, conforme necessário, sem exceder a dose máxima recomendada. É importante seguir as instruções do rótulo e consultar um profissional de saúde se os sintomas persistirem ou se houver dúvidas sobre o uso do produto, especialmente se você estiver sob tratamento para hipertensão. Mantenha o produto fora do alcance de crianças e armazene em local fresco e seco.
Beastie –
This product is the equivalent of the name brand at roughly one tenth the retail price. Excellent. Ships quickly and with professional packaging.
Linda H, Edwards –
I would recommend this product to anyone with a cold or alergies. And the price is amazingly better than anywhere for the quantity
Suzanne –
I really like this product as it is economical as well as effective. It has no pseudoephedrine and no tussin. Therefore, it doesn’t make you nauseous. I do want to add one warning! A pharmacist said if you take these often and/or ongoing over months; the antihistamine “Chlorpheniramine maleate” is very addictive and stopping this medicine immediately will cause serious withdrawal effects.
BeOS guy –
This item works just as well as the name brand. This time of year (Spring 2021) my allergies are in high gear, and these tabs help keep my sneezing fits in check. Buy a box, give them a try, you won’t be sorry.
John Garino –
Is extremely hard to find cheap products for good heart medication that deals with bad blood pressure Coricidin is number one product that there is but it’s very expensive brand name but this is very cheaper at Dollar Self in the Box very affordable for friends and family low price a pain 8 sub in the Box one pill that’s all you need trick is pair. Get rid of colds call
Amazon Customer –
The item matches in every way: The pills (pastillas in Espanol) are how they appear in the page advertised.
The blister packages are intact but NOT TIGHT and God-awful to open like so many modern blisters are.
They actually cared about the patients in every way I can ascertain. . . .. The drug is ‘clean’ unlike so many bargain OTC drugs. I have rarely if ever felt ill effect from APPROPRIATE to LARGE (that is to say, a few extra pills down my hatch) dosages.
Asthma coughing fits = these help me.
Bronchitis pains, and rough aching coughs = these REALLY HELP ME.
General malaise, Colds, Flu = the Dissociative impact is noted and powerful too, and it’s pleasant in limited dosage. It can cause acid reflux to some, but uncommon. I don’t want to speak to that much.
Fever = UnTested, thus no idea if helpful personally.
Sneezing fits = semi effective in suppressing sneezes.
Crucially they exclusively contain ONLY THE 2 DRUGS; Chlorpheniramine 4 mg, and DextroMethOrphan Hydrobromide 30 *thirty* milligrams.
In the future I will have on hand a formulation which DOES NOT CONTAIN the Chlorpheniramine, as it messes with my Contact Lenses (doing it’s job, that is, suppressing tears, itchiness so on, so it has a boomerang effect on me, again it’s what the drug is intended to do, I dislike the eyes’ effect)… If you wear contact lenses, I warn you – you may anticipate a slight vision problem and more a DisComfort.
THE TOTAL PILLS COUNT IS correct to the last pill. You will get what you order, surely, I always have.
vmarasco –
This product is exactly like Coricedin and way less in price. I’ve used it for the past 3 years and it does the job. I always keep a lot of boxes on hand just in case, that’s why I get the 12 box supply. The shelf life is 2 years so it’s kind of like a little piece of mind for me and my wife!
C. Jackson –
For allergy suffers who have high blood pressure, these help a lot. I recommend them. Check with you doctor or healthcare provider before use. Very fair price.