Descrição do Produto:
Os comprimidos Coldcalm da Boiron são uma solução eficaz e natural para o alívio dos sintomas do resfriado, oferecendo um suporte essencial em momentos de desconforto. Com um formato de 60 comprimidos de rápida dissolução, este produto é ideal para quem busca um alívio imediato e prático. Os comprimidos atuam em todas as fases do resfriado, proporcionando alívio temporário para sintomas como espirros, coriza, congestão nasal e dor de garganta leve.
Uma das grandes vantagens do Coldcalm é que ele não causa sonolência, permitindo que você continue suas atividades diárias sem interrupções. Além disso, não há interações conhecidas com outros medicamentos, tornando-o uma opção segura para a maioria das pessoas. Recomendado para todos a partir de 3 anos, Coldcalm é uma escolha confiável para famílias que buscam um tratamento natural e eficaz para os resfriados. Os ingredientes ativos naturais presentes na fórmula garantem um alívio suave e eficaz, sem os efeitos colaterais indesejados que muitos medicamentos convencionais podem causar.
– Alívio Abrangente: Combate os principais sintomas do resfriado, como espirros e congestão nasal.
– Sem Sonolência: Permite que você mantenha sua rotina sem o risco de sonolência.
– Fórmula Natural: Com ingredientes ativos naturais, é uma opção mais saudável para o alívio dos sintomas.
– Segurança: Não apresenta interações conhecidas com outros medicamentos, sendo seguro para uso em conjunto.
– Apropriado para Todas as Idades: Recomendado para crianças a partir de 3 anos, ideal para toda a família.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se que adultos e crianças a partir de 3 anos tomem 2 comprimidos de Coldcalm a cada 2 horas, até um máximo de 6 doses por dia. Os comprimidos devem ser colocados na boca e deixados dissolver completamente antes de engolir. É importante não exceder a dose recomendada e consultar um profissional de saúde em caso de dúvidas ou se os sintomas persistirem. Mantenha o produto em um local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
Amazon Customer –
I ordered this Item from this seller and only received one box with 60 tabs for the price that you would pay for 3 box with 60 tabs in each box. The description and pricing is very misleading. I will never purchase anything from this seller again. I have been using Cold Calm for years and it is amazing. If you take it as soon as you feel like you are getting sick many times you can avoid coming down with a cold. If you run out and take it after you are already sick it helps minimize the symptoms and helps you get over the cold faster. I love this product!
P. M. Hawkins –
I’ll admit, I was skeptical when a box of these appeared in my stocking last Christmas.
That all changed when a couple of days before vacation, my daughter started to come down with one of her famous, hangin’ on, red-nosed colds. We thought she would be miserable the whole time. Because she is younger, our choices on how to treat them are limited. We remembered the Coldcalm, checked out the box and were happy to see that these were safe for Adults and children 3 years of age and older.
The instructions state to take 2 tablets at the onset of symptoms every 15 minutes for 2 hours. Then take two tablets every hour until symptoms are relieved. The tablets dissolve in your mouth (don’t worry, they have almost zero taste!).
We did just that, treating her for almost two days, then forgot about them and went on vacation. We realized during vacation that the cold was gone. Completely. We had forgotten to keep up the treatment earlier in the week because the symptoms were no longer reminding us to.
Recently my husband felt a cold coming on and thought we would give these a try. He is a believer now too.
Amazon’s offering of less than $9 for 3 boxes are a steal! Seriously, wouldn’t you pay $3 to get rid of a cold? It’s certainly worth a shot.
Praskofka –
I have heard so many times that the homeopathic medicine is just diluted medicine that doesn’t work. So here is my objection: if it doesn’t work then why does it work. Granted you have to take the doses within first signs of cold and you need to continue taking it, which can get expensive really fast, but this stuff works. I carry it with me in the purse and as soon as I feel that I am going under the weather I start taking it – most of the times it cuts the cold right there, other times it helps reduce the duration and severity. When it comes to colds once I get it it will hold me for 3-4 weeks, so this medicine has helped me tremendously to reduce the sick time to a week. The think to remember is you have to continue taking it until you are better.
Dana Q. –
I had read about this on a blog somewhere and was interested enough to look it up on here. The reviews were good, so I decided to try it. Of course, my luck, it was scheduled to arrive on Wednesday…I came down with a cold on Tuesday. I did start taking it then, and it did make me feel some better. Nothing huge though. HOWEVER, my husband started getting sick the following Sunday, and he started taking it fairly soon after he started feeling symptoms. It made a HUGE difference for him. He usually gets a much worse version of whatever I get, and usually runs a fever and feels horrible…pretty much just lays on the couch for several days doing nothing. This time he was able to work every day, and even went hunting after work. He didn’t get so run down like he normally does. I will DEFINITELY be keeping some of this on hand from now on.
S. Hill –
I’ve found there are generally two main schools of thought when it comes to homeopathy: either you believe it works or you believe it’s a bunch of useless hooey. I fall into the first camp, mainly because of the positive experiences I’ve had with homeopathic products. I don’t care about the science, only whether or not it works for me and my family. So if you’re looking for a defense of homeopathy or to argue its merits, please look elsewhere.
That said, I purchased this product to try when my daughter and I both came down with nasty summer colds. We took the Coldcalm tablets as directed for two days. Our colds resolved fairly quickly. I think they would have resolved more quickly if we had had the product on hand to begin taking when we first began to have symptoms rather than having to wait a couple of days. Now that we have some on hand, I’ll try to remember to update my review the next time we try it.
I’d say if you’re a user of homeopathic preparations, this would be a useful product to have on hand.
Zoya Raysberg –
Arrived just as described. Great product! I never had thought that homeopathic treatments would be truly beneficial, but these really help me beat colds faster. Last time my toddler brought home a cold from preschool and had a massive coughing fit right in my face(despite my best efforts to move my face away from her, while holding her). I little while later, I noticed I started coughing quite a bit, too. So I broke this stuff out and did 4 doses the first hour(2 tablets every 15 minutes) and then one dose per hour(or whenever I’d remember). By the end of the second day, the cough was totally gone and I never fully got the cold.
Oh, and the taste…not bad at all–lightly sweet, sort of like a non minty after dinner mint, but without the mint.
Jinoj –
I needed something I can give my 4 year old daughter. Homeopathic medicines are always safer. The Best part about this is that I give it as soon as i See the first sign of cold. Before this she would get sick for a long time but with this it has stopped her cold faster. In some cases the cold stops within a day. I cant guarantee its because of this but since we started this the duration is definitely shorter. Plus the satisfaction that I don’t have to give other medicines which could cause long term harm. As an Adult we have choices such as Airborne and Zycam. As a child I strongly recommend this for any ages as it does work. It may stop the cold completely or at least shorten the duration. It melts easily in her mouth. No funny taste. Kids wont have problems with this medicine.