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Produto Importado dos EUA

Mederma Cold Sore Discreet Healing Patch – Esconde Instantaneamente Feridas de Febre, 15 Unidades

*R$179.40 Em até 6x de R$29.90 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$29.90 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$179.40 sem juros2x de R$89.70 sem juros3x de R$59.80 sem juros4x de R$44.85 sem juros5x de R$35.88 sem juros6x de R$29.90 sem juros

O Mederma Cold Sore Discreet Healing Patch é um adesivo que esconde instantaneamente as bolhas de febre. Com 15 unidades, ele oferece uma solução discreta para o tratamento de feridas causadas por herpes labial. Suas principais características incluem a capacidade de proteger e acelerar a cicatrização, além de aliviar a dor e o desconforto. É uma opção conveniente e eficaz para quem busca uma solução discreta e rápida para o tratamento de feridas de herpes labial.

(7 avaliações de clientes)
Mederma Cold Sore Discreet Healing Patch - Esconde Instantaneamente Feridas de Febre, 15 Unidades *R$179.40 Em até 6x de R$29.90 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$29.90 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$179.40 sem juros2x de R$89.70 sem juros3x de R$59.80 sem juros4x de R$44.85 sem juros5x de R$35.88 sem juros6x de R$29.90 sem juros
SKU: 14C3A304 Categoria: Tag: Marca:

Descrição Detalhada:

O Mederma Cold Sore Discreet Healing Patch é um produto inovador que oferece uma solução eficaz para o tratamento de herpes labial. Com sua fórmula exclusiva de Gel de Hidrocolóide ultrafino, este adesivo proporciona um ambiente úmido que ajuda a aliviar a dor, reduzir a formação de bolhas e prevenir a formação de crostas.

O Gel de Hidrocolóide ultrafino presente no adesivo cria uma barreira protetora sobre a ferida, promovendo uma cicatrização rápida. Ele mantém a área afetada hidratada, o que ajuda a aliviar a dor e o desconforto causados pelo herpes labial.

Além disso, o adesivo é extremamente discreto e transparente, o que permite que você o utilize sem chamar a atenção. Com 15 unidades por embalagem, você terá adesivos suficientes para o tratamento completo.

O Mederma Cold Sore Discreet Healing Patch é a opção ideal para quem busca uma solução prática e eficiente para o tratamento de herpes labial. Sua fórmula avançada e sua tecnologia de adesivo discreto garantem resultados rápidos e discretos.

Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:

  • 1. Tratamento eficaz para herpes labial
  • 2. Alívio imediato da dor
  • 3. Reduz a formação de bolhas
  • 4. Previne a formação de crostas
  • 5. Adesivo discreto e transparente

– Sugestão de Uso:

Para utilizar o Mederma Cold Sore Discreet Healing Patch, siga as seguintes instruções:

  1. Lave bem as mãos antes de aplicar o adesivo.
  2. Limpe a área afetada com água e sabão suavemente.
  3. Seque a área com cuidado.
  4. Retire o adesivo da embalagem e aplique-o diretamente sobre a ferida.
  5. Pressione suavemente para garantir uma boa aderência.
  6. Deixe o adesivo agir por pelo menos 8 horas.
  7. Após esse período, remova o adesivo com cuidado.
  8. Descarte o adesivo usado e repita o processo conforme necessário.

É importante lembrar que cada adesivo deve ser utilizado apenas uma vez. Caso a ferida não melhore após 7 dias de uso contínuo, consulte um médico.

7 avaliações para Mederma Cold Sore Discreet Healing Patch – Esconde Instantaneamente Feridas de Febre, 15 Unidades

  1. Tori

    Works great, they stay on better than 98% of the options out there! Love these for keeping things down overnight, & can wear discretely during the day too- last as long as advertised, I order packs at a time so I’m always covered when they pop up-

  2. Kandi Tanaka

    Bought these for that terrible cold sore break out. Especially on upper lips. They are so easy to put on, not like other ones where you have to peel off the backing.
    These ones, go on simple, and STAY on overnight.
    I’ve had them on, while drinking and it holds nicely.
    I’ve found that if you have trouble removing, just use a wet cotton ball and hold it on it. It will then peel off easily.
    It definitely helps heal the sore quicker too. When you remove, you can see yucky stuff on the round after removing.
    For sure try this, before suffering without.

  3. Jo B

    Love them. Application is a dream

  4. Kendra O’Neill

    I’m 28 and have been having cold sores since I was around 14 or 15 years old. They started in 9th or 10th grade and I remember begging my mom to let me stay home because they were so embarrassing etc. I remember being in highschool & literally peeling them off, almost crying in class and putting so much lip gloss on my lips to try to hide them, being so self conscious etc. I wish I knew about these years ago. I normally get them when I’m stressed out, I also suffer from anxiety so I easily get stressed out.

    I purchased these maybe two months ago & at the time I think I may have had the worst cold sores I ever had, my lips were so swollen etc. I purchased these and at first, didn’t like them because my cold sores were already too big & I felt like they weren’t really being covered. Annoyed I just stopped using them and let the cold sores heal on their normal ten day span.

    Fast forward to today & I’m so thankful for these, & so happy I found something that actually helps me feel more comfortable while I have cold sores. I woke up Thursday, looked in the mirror and there was a cold sore staring back at me. I ran upstairs and grabbed these patches and put it on, it helped me feel like it was protected while also allowing me not to stare at my lip everytime I would look in the mirror. A few hours later, another one popped up and I put another patch on. Fast forward to today, Sunday and they are finally at the stage where they are scabbing over. These patches deff seemed to hide them during the gross first day stages of a cold sore (day 1 – 3/4), they stayed on for hours. I would figure out when I was going to eat something, like a main meal and then brush my teeth and reapply these. They also stayed on perfectly while I was sleeping, never shifting or coming off.

    I purchased a second set of these and I will now always keep them in my purse or put them on within the first feeling of them coming on. If you are debating on buying them, take it from someone whose been battling cold sores for 15+ years and buy them. Sure, cold sores will still happen but these will give you a slight peace of mind to be able to heal in confidence or at least a little more confidence. 🙂

    Pros: the price is great compared to abreva or other big name brands (abreva never worked for me really, seemed to do the opposite). Easy to apply, packaging is discreet, you don’t have to touch anything with your hands etc if you are out and about & can’t wash your hands before. It would stay on 5+ hours, try to position a straw while drinking so it doesn’t start to lift up. I would also try to eat and drink a lot at once, & reapply them. I really felt like it was protected while it was covered.

    Cons: the only con I currently have is not being able to use these for a cold sore I had that was in the corner of my mouth, it was in a weird position so it was kind of useless to put one of these on, since it couldn’t stay dry and would move but no other cons besides that. It didn’t really change the pain factor for me, but that could be different for everyone. I felt these were more useful in the comfortability category.

  5. Kendra O’Neill

    Anyone that gets cold sores/fever blisters, this is a MUST HAVE! I’ve used a cream in the past but I haven’t had 1 in so long I didn’t have anything on hand this time so I tried these and wow! I had gotten the first tingle & itch and by the next day a small red bump was starting right on the edge of my lip. These came within 24hrs and I applied the 1st one as soon as I got them. They are tricky, as I almost threw away the piece w/ the actual patch on it. There is a clear plastic tab and a teak plastic protective cover. The patch is on the clear tab, NOT THE TEAL PLASTIC COVER! Peel the clear tab, being careful not to touch anything but the rounded edge to pull. Throw away the teal plastic cover. The clear patch is on the clear tab and it is super difficult to see.
    Make sure ur skin is dry, no oils or creams or anything. Stretch ur skin so it’s taut and place the patch on it. Press it down so all the edges are sealed, holding it down for several seconds to make sure. Sometimes it took a little longer than others so I would carefully peel back the side of the clear applicator tab to see if the patch was adhered before pulling the whole tab away. Once it is fully adhered, carefully pull the clear plastic applicator tab away. Smooth down the patch while keeping ur skin nice and taut.
    It was completely invisible! I couldn’t believe my eyes! Not only could I not see the patch, but it concealed the growing bump somewhat and I could see how easily u can apply make-up over it if needed.
    Instantly, I had no symptoms! No tingling, no itching, gone like magic!!!! What is this sorcery????
    It lasted ALL DAY even under a hot sweaty silicone face mask, through talking, eating and drinking, no problems! It says up to 12hrs relief, so I made the mistake of thinking I NEEDED to take it off after 12hrs… but u don’t! U should leave it on as long as it stays on & as long as it’s providing relief. So after 12hrs when I pulled it off, I found I had to pull all the edges up carefully and pull the opposite edges AWAY from each other, NOT pulling the patch away from the skin. Pulling the sides away from each other caused it to come loose naturally without pulling the skin and came up without hurting or breaking the skin. If u pull it up and away from the skin, u could break the skin and defeat the purpose, further delaying healing.
    Really u should leave it until it is falling off on its own. It says in the directions to leave on a long as it stays on. I was able to get more than 24hrs adhesion and relief with ONE PATCH! if u leave it until its ready to fall off on its own, it comes off, super easily, without pulling, and I found it helped healing much more. I simply kept each patch on until it was ready to be removed (u will notice the edges start to come up and when u pull a little u will feel theres very little adhesion left). I would just clean the area w/ some witch Hazel (or use another cleaning drying agent), and put another patch on.
    Normally w/ a cream, it would take at least 5-7 days to scab and then another 5-7 days for the scab to heal. If I was really lucky to catch it at very first tingle, maybe I could shorten it by a couple of days. It may not have gotten as big and awful but it still went thru the same process basically. But with the patch, it NEVER turned into anything! It stayed the small red bump and then disappeared over 4-5 days. It never got any bigger, it never turned into a scab, nothing!!!! I probably could have stopped treatment end of day 4 when the patch came off naturally, but there was still a little red mark, not raised, but just a little red, and i didnt want to take any chances being this is my 1st time using them. I put another fresh patch and end of day 5, the patch came off and there was nothing! I’m in complete shock.
    These are incredible! I can’t believe how well they work and how well they conceal! I had to look so hard in the mirror to see the patch…it really is unbelievable. The key is to really follow the directions. Like I said, dont remove them before they are ready to fall off! Make sure the skin is super dry and they are applied well. They are worth every penny!!!! I highly recommend!

  6. JustabitKaotic

    These have trouble sticking. Some patches in the kit I received worked better than others.

  7. Jeremy

    Works really well! Took a few tries to figure out how to get it to stick well. But after that, it worked well

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