As noites tranquilas e confortáveis são essenciais para o bem-estar de todos, especialmente para aqueles que enfrentam desafios relacionados à incontinência. Os protetores descartáveis MED PRIDE, medindo 23” x 36”, são a solução ideal para garantir que o sono não seja interrompido por preocupações com vazamentos. Com um pacote contendo 50 unidades, esses pads são projetados para oferecer proteção avançada, permitindo que homens, mulheres, crianças e idosos durmam com confiança, sem o medo de manchas indesejadas em lençóis e colchões.
- Proteção Avançada para a Cama – Esses protetores grossos ajudam a proteger a roupa de cama e os lençóis de problemas urinários incontroláveis, melhorando a confiança e a qualidade do sono.
- Camadas Super Absorventes de Fluff – Os pads MED PRIDE são projetados com camadas de polímero premium que absorvem líquidos e acidentes rapidamente, mantendo a umidade e o odor sob controle.
- Suporte Multipropósito – Nossos pads de incontinência urinária são ideais não apenas para crianças pequenas ou pacientes idosos em cuidados paliativos, mas também para donos de pets que desejam ajudar no treinamento de filhotes ou apoiar cães mais velhos.
- Evite Poças Desordenadas ou Irritação – Os protetores de cama para incontinência são projetados para absorver líquidos de forma rápida e segura, minimizando a irritação da pele e evitando que os animais espalhem urina pelo chão.
- Grande Quantidade em Pacote – Disponíveis em pacotes de 25 ou 50 unidades, nossos protetores podem ser usados todas as noites, durante viagens ou sempre que precisar de proteção extra ao dormir. Eles também são descartáveis para uma limpeza rápida!
1. Conforto e Segurança: Proporciona uma noite de sono tranquila, sem preocupações com vazamentos.
2. Absorção Rápida: As camadas super absorventes garantem que a umidade seja rapidamente retida, evitando odores.
3. Versatilidade: Ideal para uso em crianças, idosos e até mesmo para o treinamento de filhotes.
4. Praticidade: Descartáveis e fáceis de usar, facilitam a limpeza e a manutenção da higiene.
5. Proteção Eficiente: Minimiza o risco de irritações na pele e mantém o ambiente limpo e seco.
Para utilizar os protetores descartáveis MED PRIDE, comece por posicionar o pad sobre a superfície desejada, como a cama ou o local onde o animal ficará. Certifique-se de que a camada absorvente esteja voltada para cima. Após o uso, simplesmente retire o pad e descarte-o de maneira adequada. Para garantir a máxima eficácia, recomenda-se trocar o pad sempre que necessário, especialmente em casos de incontinência severa ou durante a noite. Isso não apenas mantém a área limpa, mas também proporciona conforto e segurança para quem utiliza.
Adriana Rocha –
Muy buenos! No filtran.
Bonnie D. –
These pads work well if my puppy goes in the middle of the pad. When she goes on the edge of the pad, the urine runs underneath the pad.
PattyCakes –
These bed pads are thin, throw away. But stay in place, and keep my bedding clean because my briefs leak while urinating in my sleep.
I buy these every month.
Buyer of Products –
DATE OF ORDER: 01/16/24
DATE OF REVIEW: 03/10/24
DELIVERY: UPS – Nicely packaged in combination with other products.
QUALITY: A thin absorbent cloth-like material over a thin and slick plastic sheet.
RECOMMENDATION: We have multiple rabbit cages that have plastic pans in the bottom. The pans can be pulled in and out as the rabbits sit on the cage floor above. We use the pads to absorb urine. It will also catch the pellets.
PROS – They make a cage much easier to clean. Although they do not catch all urine, they absorb pretty well. They make cleaning a pet pan much easier as they only require a sanitary disinfectant cleaning after removing instead of having urine run all over and causing clumps to stick to the plastic pan.
CONS – The size we need is not exactly available. Therefore, we have to overlap 2 pads to make up for it. The pads have a plastic liner on the back side that tends to slide around while you try to re-install the pans back under the cages. We do use a thin layer of cat litter over the pads to weight them down and provide an extra layer of absorbancy. Expense is another other con. Again, because we have to use 2 pads for each cage (due to size issues) it costs twice as much to use. Sometimes with the overlap, we try to get away with replacing just one. Rabbits generally use one corner for bathroom privileges. The other end for sleeping. BTW, our rabbits are out of their cages frequently roaming the house and backyard. These are pets. Not meat rabbits.
NEUTRALITY – The pads for 1 rabbit have to be changed about every 5 days. With multiple rabbits, it can get expensive quickly.
As long as we have these rabbits, we will continue to purchase these pads. They would likely work very well for dogs that can’t behave indoors. They would be handy for changing oil in a vehicle (Small spills). And they could be used for things like planting plants in pots. An easy clean up for sure. Therefore, we recommend this type of product as long as it is cost effective for you. They won’t hold a ton of liquid, but if the liquid is a small quantity, they are good for the intended purpose. Shop around for the best price. There are several sellers on this website and others. They are all about the same.
R. Neumann –
Very thin and not much absorbing power. Not great if there is a lot of fluid. Might be good for a cup of liquid but any more just leaks off the edges.
Pamela Burden –
I like the size and they are very absorbent
Kindle Customer –
Using product in recliner for a disabled individual. Keeps chair in perfect condition.
Paula B. Ransom –
I love these underpads because they are absorbent with no leaks.
On-line Shopper –
These pads work well for a little leakage. I use them for an incontinent senior and they won’t do the nighttime but I use them underneath a washable pad and they catch any leaks so for that purpose I am happy with them.
~Laura A. –
I had a package of a similar item many years ago that I used for an ailing geriatric dog. I loved them because they were super handy, weren’t treated with any kind of pheromone-smelling product (I didn’t want to encourage my dog to relieve herself in the house, just wanted to have absorbent padding under her in the event of mild incontinence). They worked great for that purpose. Flash forward to many years later, and I had a puppy that I was house training. I’m not a believer in puppy pads because I want my pup to learn that the only place to potty is outside, and IMO, puppy pads just confuse that concept. However, a friend of mine had given me a package of puppy pads. Not wanting them to go to waste, I thought I’d just use them under my parrot’s play pen to catch food that he throws, stray corn cob bedding, or in the event that he hangs his bottom off of the side of his play pen to potty. Normally, I use designated microfiber towels for this and just launder as-needed, but needing something in a pinch, I remembered the puppy pads. No sooner had I put one down, my 90% potty-trained pup took one sniff of that puppy pad and promptly peed on it! Obviously, the puppy pads were not a wise choice for under the bird’s play pen. That reminded me of these, and I ordered a pack last week. They’re the perfect size for my use, super convenient, and are a time saver. I’m able to re-use one multiple times since the only time I need to replace is if the parrot has…well, you know. These aren’t very environmentally friendly, so they’re just something to keep on hand as a backup if I anticipate that I won’t have a lot of time for laundry. I think they have numerous uses for pets aside from the intended use for humans, and are suitable to protect furniture or carpeting from pets who are experiencing *mild* incontinence (I don’t think these pads would absorb a full bladder, and the plastic is rather thin – I have no intention of testing that theory for the obvious reasons!) I expect that a package will last me a long time as they’re only going to be used once in a while, but I think this is an item I’ll always keep in the house.