Meaningful Beauty Creme Levanta Olhos Fórmula Avançada Cuidado Sob os Olhos – 30g
O Meaningful Beauty Lifting Eye Crème Advanced Formula Under Care é um creme inovador que se destaca no cuidado da delicada área ao redor dos olhos. Com uma fórmula avançada, este produto não apenas levanta e firma a pele, mas também atua de maneira eficaz na redução da aparência de rugas e linhas finas. Sua textura leve e de rápida absorção proporciona uma hidratação profunda, resultando em uma aparência mais jovem e revitalizada. Este creme multifuncional é ideal para quem busca suavizar a aparência de sinais de envelhecimento, como inchaço e pés de galinha, enquanto promove um olhar mais descansado e iluminado.
Um produto multifuncional projetado para não apenas ajudar a suavizar a aparência de linhas finas e rugas, mas também para reduzir visivelmente o inchaço e os pés de galinha. Com uma combinação poderosa de ingredientes, o creme atua diretamente nas necessidades da pele ao redor dos olhos, proporcionando um tratamento completo e eficaz.
Rico em antioxidantes, ajuda a reduzir as olheiras, rejuvenesce visivelmente a pele e diminui os sinais visíveis de envelhecimento. Este creme é uma solução prática para quem deseja manter a pele ao redor dos olhos saudável e vibrante.
1. Redução de linhas finas e rugas: A fórmula avançada do Creme para os Olhos Meaningful Beauty Lifting ajuda a suavizar a aparência de linhas finas e rugas, proporcionando uma aparência mais jovem e revitalizada.
2. Redução de inchaço: Além de combater os sinais de envelhecimento, este creme também ajuda a reduzir visivelmente o inchaço ao redor dos olhos, proporcionando uma aparência mais descansada e rejuvenescida.
3. Combate às olheiras: Com sua rica concentração de antioxidantes, este creme ajuda a clarear as olheiras, deixando a área dos olhos com uma aparência mais iluminada e saudável.
4. Rejuvenescimento da pele: A fórmula avançada deste creme para os olhos ajuda a rejuvenescer visivelmente a pele, deixando-a mais firme, suave e radiante.
5. Proteção contra o envelhecimento: Com seu poderoso complexo de antioxidantes, este creme ajuda a proteger a pele contra os danos causados pelos radicais livres, prevenindo o envelhecimento precoce.
Massageie suavemente o creme na área dos olhos até que seja completamente absorvido. Para melhores resultados, utilize diariamente, tanto pela manhã quanto à noite. É importante evitar o contato direto com os olhos, garantindo assim uma aplicação segura e eficaz.
Sunshine –
Best eye product I’ve ever used. In fact, I’m a Aesthetician and I’m constantly researching products looking for an all in one eye treatment. This product lifts, tightens, reduces puffiness, reduces dark under eye circles as well as reduces fine lines and wrinkles. IT DOES EVERYTHING! I use it myself both morning and night. I also use it on every one of my clients including the men. I recommend it to everyone, not just my clients but my family and friends as well. The quickest and most common feedback I get is always amazement at how quickly results are seen. And the results that are noticed first is usually a dramatic reduction in puffiness and noticeably tighter skin. This product is amazing.
Norwegian kebler –
I am not blown away by the effects of this eye creme. It moisturizes just fine, but I have not seen any improvement in fine lines. Probably won’t buy again for the price.
MB –
It works but not worth the price for this tiny tube
Maureen –
I have used this product for the past 30 years and it is better than anything else that I have tried.
I bought the eye cream because I wasn’t ready to buy a whole quick kit, but I’ve used Meaningful Beauty products since they first came out more than 15 years ago, and my skin is in very good condition and I think it’s because of using these products. The lifting eye cream is so soft. It’s not greasy it absorbs underneath the eye and above the eye and you definitely will see a decrease, the deeper lines around your eyes when you use it after a while. I would highly recommend this product to anyone looking for a good skin care regime. It may be expensive, but it’s actually worth it. This is coming from someone who lives on an extremely limited income, but for me. , the deeper lines around your eyes when you use it after a while. I would highly recommend this product to anyone looking for a good skin care regime. It may be expensive, but it’s actually worth it. And this is coming from someone who lives on extremely limited income, but for me, your skin is important and , if you have to spend a little more money, it’s worth it to save your skin especially when you’re in your 40s or 50s and I started using her products in my 30s
L. L. –
It takes a small drop on each eye, in gentle circular motions until it works its way in, (always be gentle with this area of your eyes skin) but within a few minutes, your eyes open. Within two days of using this (again), I saw improvement in under eye bags and dark circles, and I’ve “lived through the 60’s twice”!! This works! I have no wrinkles under my eyes and no crows feet at all again, since I began using it again. The very first time I used this I saw a difference, and then just didn’t buy it again..Over time I noticed what time and gravity was doing, again, and resumed using this. It’s a must have, and worth every penny. Use it twice a day. A little bit goes a long way.
I’ve tried everything out there, in my long life, cheap brand name creams, to $100 an ounce “miracle creams”. Nothing works like this for eye wrinkles, dark circles, puffiness or crows feet, but you have to keep using it daily. The cool application itself takes down the puffiness in minutes. By the time you’re done, so is any puffiness. Buy this, you won’t be disappointed. I won’t make the mistake of just “forgetting to buy this” again, because I had no more wrinkles after using it for a while..Time catches up, so keep it up. You won’t be sorry.
Morgan –
I got this originally on MB website with the intro kit. This and the melon serum are 110% worth it. Pay attention to the size. This bottle was tiny BUT it’s the same size I got in the kit and that lasted me almost 2 months! It does not take much at all and you can literally see the difference after you use it. I use it 1x a day (some days 2x just depending).
pamela m. –
It’s the size of my pinky finger- or almost. Also I’m not 100% sure it’s the size of the one pictured.
Elizabeth –
I should have purchased a few since it has been out of stock for quite a while now.
Vega –
Been using it for over 6 months and won’t go back to my old creams, a little bit goes a long way