MB Herbals Zinc Oxide Powder 1 lb / 16 oz (454 Gram) | Uncoated é um pó de óxido de zinco de grau farmacêutico, branco e sem odor. Este produto é não nano e não revestido, garantindo sua pureza e qualidade. O pó de óxido de zinco é amplamente utilizado em loções de protetor solar e cremes para assaduras de fraldas, devido às suas propriedades protetoras e calmantes para a pele.
Caros clientes, nosso óxido de zinco é um ingrediente (matéria-prima) para suas próprias formulações. Portanto, nosso produto não contém nenhuma instrução de uso, pois se trata de uma matéria-prima. É importante ressaltar que este produto é fabricado na Índia, garantindo sua autenticidade e qualidade.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Grau Farmacêutico: O pó de óxido de zinco da MB Herbals é de grau farmacêutico, garantindo sua pureza e segurança para uso em produtos para a pele.
2. Não Nano e Não Revestido: A formulação não nano e não revestida deste produto garante que você esteja usando um pó de óxido de zinco de alta qualidade, sem partículas minúsculas que possam ser absorvidas pela pele.
3. Versatilidade: Este pó de óxido de zinco é amplamente utilizado em loções de protetor solar e cremes para assaduras de fraldas, proporcionando proteção eficaz contra os raios UV e alívio para a pele irritada.
4. Matéria-prima para Formulações: Se você é um entusiasta de produtos naturais e gosta de criar suas próprias formulações, este pó de óxido de zinco é perfeito para você. Use-o como ingrediente em suas próprias loções, cremes e produtos para a pele.
5. Origem Confiável: Fabricado na Índia, este pó de óxido de zinco é produzido com os mais altos padrões de qualidade, garantindo sua autenticidade e eficácia.
Para usar o pó de óxido de zinco da MB Herbals, basta adicionar a quantidade desejada à sua formulação de loção, creme ou produto para a pele. Recomenda-se seguir as diretrizes de formulação adequadas e realizar testes de compatibilidade antes de usar em grande escala. Este pó de óxido de zinco é destinado apenas para uso externo.
Aproveite os benefícios do pó de óxido de zinco da MB Herbals e crie seus próprios produtos para a pele com qualidade farmacêutica. Adquira agora mesmo e experimente a diferença!
Kay –
This works great for all my homemade personal care products I have started. We have removed all toxic products from our home and this helps make effective products such as sun screen
Chris C. –
This works great to make your own beauty products. I’m started out with diaper cream. This powder mixed in easily. I’m very happy with it. Next I plan to make my own sunscreen for the summer!
nailartShookme –
The listing states this powder is uncoated, non-nano, and is pharmaceutical grade. But, when I received the product, I was suprised that none of this information is even mentioned on the product container, itself. I do not like that this info isn’t specified on the product. I really have no way of knowing if it’s true, even if it is stated on the product container. But, I still want this kind of info listed on the product container. Aside from this, it seems to be a good product. Though, I’ve never used zinc oxide powder before. So, I have nothing to compare it to. I can say the powder is very finely milled, and odorless. I got it to make diaper rash paste, and maybe also to make sunscreen later on. I did do some comparison shopping on Amazon. Most other brands state, on the product containers, whether they’re uncoated, non nano, or pharmaceutical grade. So, I removed one star for this. Costwise, it’s similar to many other brands like it. It has a 3 year expiration window. Package date was 8/18/23. Best before date is 8/18/26. This is a product of India. I’d much rather products be made in USA. But, it’s also nice to see that business is being done with countries, other than PRC (China). Overall, I’m happy with this product. But, the missing info does need to be stated on the product container, and not just stated in the Amazon listing.
Cjoy –
I got this to make my own diy sun screen. Blends well and very easy to use. This one pound bag will go a very long way. Planning to mix with the skincare products I’m already using for simplicity.
Mom&DadOfMany –
I honestly had never considered that I could buy zinc oxide powder to make sunscreen for my family before seeing this product. I was very excited to get to try this! As I’ve never purchased zinc oxide powder before, I don’t really have anything with which to compare it. But I can say that it was just as I hoped and expected it to be. It seems to be pure and clean, is odorless, and is a very fine powder. The price seems comparable to similar products out there. With a quick search of the interwebs I was able to find many, many uses for this powder and I can’t wait to try them out. Five stars.
Zort –
I make several natural bath and body products for my family as we’re slowly starting to break away from the chemical laden ones that are everywhere, but I wanted to branch out and try to make my own baby balm and sunscreen which is where the zinc oxide powder came in. I found some recipes online to try out, and after tweaking them a bit, I arrived at a really nice product. This powder worked great. It was packaged well and was exactly what I needed for my recipe. I would definitely purchase it again when I need to make more.
Lake Living –
This is an amazing product for sensitive skin. I am resistant to very chemical sunscreens so this is a terrific product to mix and use for sun protection or rash. No instructions with package so I had to go online for more information, but it is a great idea. I had to play with ratios to determine how much liquid to use. I also just add the powder right to lotion.
Samantha Ford Taner –
I got this for DIY bath and body products. I use this mostly in rash cream and sunscreen formulations. This is a great value for the amount of product as it usually only takes a small amount. The powder is very finely ground but I love that it is non-nano so it is not so fine as to enter the bloodstream and just sits atop the skin.