Descrição do Produto: Mitochondria Maximizer com CoQ10 e PQQ Ativo
O Mitochondria Maximizer com CoQ10 e PQQ Ativo é um suplemento revolucionário que se destaca no mercado por sua fórmula avançada e natural, projetada para oferecer suporte excepcional à saúde mitocondrial. Cada cápsula vegetariana contém uma combinação poderosa de ingredientes que atuam em sinergia para otimizar a produção de energia celular, proporcionando uma fonte limpa e focada de energia para o seu dia a dia. Ao contrário de muitos suplementos energéticos que utilizam fórmulas fracas e vitaminas sintéticas como enchimentos, o Mitochondria Maximizer garante a absorção e biodisponibilidade ideais, permitindo que seu corpo aproveite ao máximo cada ingrediente.
As mitocôndrias, conhecidas como as “usinas de energia” das células, são responsáveis pela geração de energia que alimenta todas as funções do corpo. Com o passar dos anos, a eficiência das mitocôndrias pode ser comprometida, levando a uma diminuição na produção de energia e ao aumento da fadiga. Fatores como má nutrição e estresse ambiental podem agravar essa situação. O Mitochondria Maximizer foi desenvolvido para apoiar a saúde e a eficiência mitocondrial, ajudando a revitalizar essas pequenas usinas e a restaurar sua capacidade de gerar energia.
Enriquecido com PQQ (Pirroloquinolina quinona) e CoQ10 (Coenzima Q10), este suplemento atua em nível celular, combinando dois ingredientes naturais que são essenciais para o funcionamento adequado das mitocôndrias. Ambos os compostos ocorrem naturalmente no corpo e desempenham papéis cruciais na produção de energia celular. Com mais de 1 milhão de clientes satisfeitos, a Peak Performance também se orgulha de seu programa de doação 1-para-1 em parceria com a Vitamin Angels, garantindo que, para cada unidade comprada, uma criança em risco de desnutrição receba vitaminas por um ano. Até hoje, mais de 1 milhão de crianças foram beneficiadas por essa iniciativa transformadora.
– Aumento da Energia: Melhora a produção de energia celular, proporcionando mais disposição e vitalidade ao longo do dia.
– Saúde Mitocondrial: Apoia a função e a saúde das mitocôndrias, essenciais para o metabolismo energético.
– Ingredientes Naturais: Formulado com PQQ e CoQ10, que são componentes naturais e eficazes para a produção de energia.
– Sem Efeitos Colaterais Indesejados: Diferente de muitos suplementos, não contém aditivos sintéticos que podem causar reações adversas.
– Impacto Social Positivo: Cada compra contribui para a nutrição de crianças em situação de vulnerabilidade, promovendo um impacto social significativo.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas do Mitochondria Maximizer diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso garantirá uma melhor absorção dos nutrientes e maximizará os benefícios energéticos. É importante manter uma rotina consistente para observar os efeitos positivos na sua energia e bem-estar geral. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer novo suplemento, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas preexistentes ou estiver tomando outros medicamentos.
Dean G Hess –
I tried the for two months. I didn’t see what they were touted to be.
Javier Rodas –
A good one.
P. Moreno –
Great product
akklingner927 –
The following is a personal result and overview of this product to help tx inflammation and pain related to history of multiple knee transplants and arthritis with activity level of being on my feet 12+ hrs at work and at home activities with toddler and kindergartener:
– decrease in inflammation
– decrease in pain score
– increase in mobility
– increase in energy
Start date: day 1 noticed my knees weren’t as swollen in the morning and stiff from arthritis with pain score 4/10 which I typically have 6/10. After the continued daily use as directed I noticed increase in flexion because the swelling had decreased along with I’ve been able to perform more squatting and kneeling motions without difficulty and pain. Over the past month I have been able to meet my goal of decreasing my as needed medications which would either cause some indigestion since Ibuprofen is harsh on the stomach lining and I’ve been able to decrease Tramadol which has helped decrease my drowsiness. I’m happy with the product because it is something I can take daily to maintain consistent results meeting all of my daily goals and requirements without having the unwanted side effects of the other medications I had been utilizing more frequently. I’ve actually seen an increase in energy and my skin has improved too which were unexpected added positives to this product as a daily anti-inflammatory. Overall I would suggest this medication as a daily supplement for someone who suffers chronic inflammation and pain related to joint damage to maintain consistent results.
I chose to try Autoimmune Nutrition Turmeric Curcumin due to joint inflammation/arthritic pain resulting from previous meniscus transplants x3 most recent being 6/13/17. The problems that I’ve had since the surgeries are chronic inflammation, stiffness and dull aching pain because of the arthritic damage from when my knees were bone on bone. Previously had been tx with Tylenol, Ibuprofen and Tramadol. My personal goal has been to decrease the consumption of these medications because of damaging effects on the liver (Tylenol), kidneys (Ibuprofen) and chemical dependency on the opioid release from the Tramadol. I was able to meet all goals with the help of this product resulting in a 5/5 rating.
Steve DeWitt –
I liked this product for it’s intended purpose which is to provide nutrients to the cells. It seems to work as I have a little more energy and feeling of well-being. Mostly a feeling of well-being which translates to more energy. The one objective change that I see is since I have started this product, I have been sleeping better, going to sleep faster and awaking feeling more refreshed. also, I have quit taking naps in the afternoon, which is an objective change. The feeling of well-being is a subjective change. Overall, I intend to keep ordering and taking this food supplement.
I usually am a skeptic of food supplements, but I feel this one is worth the time and money . I’m confident in this product and can recommend it with no mental reservation or evasion.
Karen B –
I am a primary healthcare provider in NYC. I have some challenging metabolic SNPs and am always looking for ways to mitigate their downsides. My lack of energy severely limits the hours I can work each day, which for someone as passionate about my work healing people is a painful limitation. I have so much more I could contribute (research, journal articles, advocacy for natural methods of reducing pain), but my metabolic challenges limit me quite severely. I am grateful to be able to work at all!
One of the products I tried was PQQ. I had tried several different manufacturers, but this product has made a discernible difference in my energy levels. I have more stamina, I come more fully awake after I take it in the morning. So bravo to this company for producing such an effective product! I recommend it to all my patients with similar issues.
Brenda G. Aylor –
It is a little overpriced, it has given me a little extra energy (did not help my husband) as far as mental clarity cannot tell if it helps. Give it a few weeks taking it before judging it. I understand it has niacin in it, if you cannot take
T. Lee Horne III –
I started taking this several months ago. Within a week I noticed a noticeable improvement in my stamina. After two weeks I was able to work longer and harder than I had been able to work in years.