Descrição do Produto: Matrix5.0, Simply Vanilla, 5 Pounds
O Matrix5.0, Simply Vanilla, é uma fórmula avançada de proteína que combina a potência do Whey Protein não desnaturado, Caseína Micelar e Albumina de Ovo, proporcionando uma nutrição vital para a saúde e recuperação muscular. Este produto é ideal para atletas, praticantes de atividades físicas e qualquer pessoa que busca otimizar sua ingestão de proteínas de alta qualidade. Com uma mistura perfeita de proteínas de rápida e lenta absorção, o Matrix5.0 garante que seu corpo receba os aminoácidos necessários para a recuperação e crescimento muscular ao longo do dia.
A presença de Peptídeos de Glutamina em sua composição potencializa ainda mais a recuperação, ajudando a reduzir a fadiga muscular e promovendo um ambiente anabólico. Além disso, o Matrix5.0 se destaca pelo seu sabor excepcional, com a garantia de ser a proteína mais saborosa do mercado. A fórmula se mistura instantaneamente, facilitando o preparo de shakes e smoothies, tornando a experiência de consumo prática e agradável.
Com o Matrix5.0, você não apenas ingere uma fonte de proteína de alta qualidade, mas também investe em sua saúde e bem-estar, garantindo que seu corpo esteja sempre preparado para os desafios do dia a dia.
– Nutrição Completa: Combinação de Whey Protein, Caseína e Albumina para suporte total à recuperação muscular.
– Aumento da Performance: Melhora na performance atlética e na resistência durante os treinos.
– Sabor Inigualável: Garantia de um sabor delicioso que torna o consumo de proteína prazeroso.
– Mistura Instantânea: Facilidade no preparo, ideal para quem tem uma rotina agitada.
– Suporte ao Sistema Imunológico: A Glutamina ajuda a fortalecer o sistema imunológico, essencial para quem treina intensamente.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Matrix5.0, recomenda-se misturar 1 a 2 scoops (30g a 60g) do produto em 200 a 300 ml de água ou leite, utilizando um shaker ou liquidificador. Consuma imediatamente após o treino para maximizar a recuperação muscular ou como um lanche nutritivo ao longo do dia. Ajuste a quantidade de líquido conforme sua preferência de consistência. É importante manter uma dieta equilibrada e um estilo de vida saudável para potencializar os efeitos do suplemento.
Amazon Customer –
This is hands down the most delicious protein shake I have tried. I have lost a lot of weight (80lbs), gotten my blood sugar down to normal, gotten rid of my migraines, gotten my cholesterol to excellent levels, gotten rid of my sleep apnea, and a host of other happy improvements, and I did it using the Syntrax shakes. Some of them are just too sweet for me to drink very much of, but alternating out flavors helps. I also mix them with unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk (Blue Diamond is the best), and water, so they are not as sweet or as caloric as they could otherwise be.
This flavor, though, the Orange Cream, I could survive on this alone for months at a time. It is not too sweet, and I am able to drink two shakes a day (three scoops total) without any problem. I have to stop myself from making more, they are that refreshing. Using the unsweetened Vanilla almond milk and water, 60/40, is the secret. It keeps it from being too sweet and too rich, and keeps the carbs and fat down. I take it to the gym and drink it through my weight lifting and cardio classes, making sure I leave enough for at least 15 – 20 grams of protein after my class is over. I’ll alternate with water to make sure I don’t run out before the end, because it’s best to consume protein within the first 30 minutes after a strenuous workout, especially if using weights. This hits the spot, kills my thirst, satisfies my hunger and any sweetness craving, all without overloading on the sweet. It’s so refreshing, especially with ice, and it becomes very creamy if you use an immersion blender for a few seconds (much better mixing than with the shake bottles and their little metal balls). Friends whom I’ve persuaded to try this and other flavors all agree that it is hands down the best tasting line of protein shakes ever. And it is the brand of shakes used by bariatric specialists for extreme weight loss diets.
Irina –
Keine Klumpen und gut verträglich. Cremig und gut im Geschmack .Immer wieder werde ich es bestellen. Kann es nur weiterempfehlen.
Produto péssimo! Muito fino, liso –
Apesar do preço salgado, os wheys Syntrax sempre possuem os melhores sabores
Anthony C. Fehr –
If you have ever frequented GNC with any regularity, you know there are a million overpriced, awful tasting protein powders out there. This is not one of them. In fact, even at the extremely low cost, I find all of the Syntrax Matrix flavors to be head and shoulders above everything but Muscle Milk, and this has nearly zero carbs.
I have only been able to find this on Amazon and small, independent supplement stores so I tend to order in bulk, especially when I am aiming at losing weight. Fortunately, if you get a nice selection of flavors you can have a couple shakes every day and not get tired of them.
The protein also blends very effectively with ice in a blender or in just a shaker with water. You won’t get those big wet clumps in the bottom you have to dig out with a spoon.
The quality of the protein is great as well. As a long time lifter, I don’t see why people are still just taking Whey protein. This blend will take a full six hours to digest, helping your body rebuild muscle long after Whey protein has been absorbed over just two hours.
All in all, I wouldn’t buy anything else other than Syntrax or Prohealth protein.
Oak –
I even like it with water (usually I use milk to make the taste better). But this protein I like with water, so less calories per one shake. You need to buy a protein shaker to mix it well, even a mixer does not do it as good as shaker.
Produto péssimo! Muito fino, liso –
Produto ótimo, o sabor e consistência é o diferencial. Com certeza virou a preferida!
Anonymous –
Orange Cream:
This product has a decent taste. Not wonderful, but it’s definitely a nice change from the standard chocolate and vanilla protein poweders. Absolutely the best product for the price, 5 lbs for 40 bucks is a great deal. Also very low calorie, which is nice.
Very good flavor, and again, a nice change from other protein powders. This one blends exceedingly well with frozen fruit for shakes, and again, great price. This is also a very low calorie protein supplement which is great for dieters.
Cookies and Cream. This is the most expensive flavor for a reason. While the price is equivalent to that of ON Whey, whereas the other flavors are cheaper, it is definitely the best protein powder I’ve tasted. I like mixing it with equal parts powder and milk and putting it in the freezer. Very tasty. Kind of high in calories and carbs which isn’t so good.
Overall, a fantastic product. Banana is my favorite due to the combination of price, low calories and flavor, even though cookies and cream tastes better.
The 5 lb bags are very well priced, and competitive with 10 lb bags from other manufacturers, but I do wish this product was offered in 10 lb bags.
prens88 –
Gostei do sabor. E mistura fácil na shakeira.
Jon –
I was pretty excited for this flavor and all the reviews I read.
Pros: Nice, foamy, good flavor. It definitely tastes exactly like the name. It is also low in sodium (30mg per scoop), especially compared to other brands. It does mix up very easily, however, I use a shaker cup, and the first couple sips of mine always include bits of the powder. It is not clumpy, but some of it just never mixed with the water and it tastes like you’re drinking sand. I’m probably going to try and mix it with a spoon or blender. It does have a mixture of whey & casein, which I like.
Neutral: Cholesterol amount is not too bad, 40 mg per scoop. That is 10 mg higher than ON, Gaspari, etc.
Cons: It comes in a bag rather than a plastic jug, which is kind of a pain. It was hard to open and the re-seal zipper is pretty unreliable. Nonetheless, not a huge deal breaker for me. As I mentioned above, it was a little gritty for me – at least the first two or three sips of my shakes. This is purely personal preference, but as another reviewer mentioned, I can see this flavor getting old so proceed with caution before getting the 5lb bag (and, I much prefer the more fruity flavors rather than the dessert type flavors). While it does have a mixture of whey & casein, the whey is only whey concentrate and not an isolate, so it is a little lower in quality.
Overall, I would probably buy more of their products, but I’m not ready to be drinking this stuff on a regular basis just yet.