Descrição do Produto: RENPHO Eyeris 1 Eye Massager com Calor
No mundo agitado de hoje, onde o estresse e a fadiga ocular se tornaram companheiros constantes, o RENPHO Eyeris 1 Eye Massager surge como um verdadeiro salvador. Este presente de Dia dos Namorados, ideal tanto para mulheres quanto para homens, oferece uma experiência de autocuidado incomparável. Ao abrir a embalagem, você será recebido por um produto de alta qualidade, reconhecido pela excelência e pelo atendimento ao cliente excepcional da RENPHO.
O massajador ocular RENPHO é equipado com almofadas de aquecimento que proporcionam uma temperatura confortável entre 40℃ e 45℃ (104°F a 113°F). Essa característica não apenas alivia a tensão acumulada ao redor dos olhos, mas também promove uma sensação de relaxamento profundo. O design ergonômico do dispositivo permite que ele se ajuste perfeitamente ao contorno do rosto, enquanto a máscara de sono bloqueia a luz, criando um ambiente ideal para relaxar e melhorar a qualidade do sono.
Com um design dobrável de 180°, o massajador ocular é portátil e pode ser facilmente transportado para o escritório, avião ou durante viagens. O ajuste do headband é simples, tornando-o adequado para adolescentes e adultos. Após longas horas de trabalho, especialmente para profissionais como enfermeiros que enfrentam turnos exaustivos, este massajador é o presente perfeito para revitalizar e reenergizar. Além disso, com suas funcionalidades de calor e música, ele proporciona um descanso revigorante.
Este massajador ocular, aprovado pela FSA/HSA, pode ser adquirido através da sua conta FSA/HSA, tornando-se uma opção prática e acessível para quem busca cuidar da saúde ocular.
– Alívio do Estresse: O aquecimento e a massagem rítmica ajudam a reduzir a tensão e o estresse acumulados ao longo do dia.
– Melhoria da Qualidade do Sono: A máscara de sono bloqueia a luz, criando um ambiente propício para um descanso reparador.
– Portabilidade: O design dobrável permite que você leve o massajador para qualquer lugar, garantindo relaxamento a qualquer momento.
– Ajuste Personalizado: O headband ajustável se adapta a diferentes tamanhos de cabeça, proporcionando conforto para todos.
– Aprovação FSA/HSA: A possibilidade de compra através de contas FSA/HSA torna o produto acessível e financeiramente viável.
Para utilizar o RENPHO Eyeris 1 Eye Massager, comece ajustando o headband para um encaixe confortável na sua cabeça. Em seguida, escolha a intensidade da massagem e a temperatura desejada. Coloque a máscara sobre os olhos, garantindo que esteja bem posicionada para bloquear a luz. Ligue o dispositivo e relaxe enquanto ele realiza a massagem com pressão oscilante e percussão rítmica. Aproveite a experiência por cerca de 15 a 20 minutos, permitindo que seus olhos se recuperem do cansaço diário. Utilize o massajador diariamente ou sempre que sentir necessidade de um momento de relaxamento.
Terry L Cerveny –
Lo uso para relajar mi vista después de jornadas largas .me funciona perfecto pues padezco de ojo seco y con la función de calor opcional y vibración le ayuda a mis glándulas lagrimales a estimular la secreción . Además de ser muy relajante la sesión.
Roxie and Michael Elsbernd –
This heat massager is excellent for soothing my tired eyes. I have severe dry eyes due to sjogrens and I stare at a computer all day for work. I just finished similar therapy at the eye doctor and was advised to use eye pads at home that I have to heat in the microwave. This device delivers continual heat as well as massaging all around my eyes. It is fantastic and well worth the money.
Kylie –
I wanted these things for 2 years, where it sat on my wishlist. Found it on sale, and decided finally to pull the trigger and grab it. For the price I paid, I think it’s 100% worth it. It’s become a nightly required me-session. This is advertised as an eye massager, but the star of this show is your temples. I absolutely love how it massages the side of your head. Yeah, inflating warm pillows on your eyes is nice, but it’s all about those temples. I wish there was a way to program it to only focus on temples or eyes for the entire 15 minutes, but small complaint. But why I’m rating this a bit lower than how I’m making it sound is for some pretty un-fun things about this device:
– It’s not super comfortable on your head if you lie back. The buckle on the back can stab your head a bit if you lie back on a pillow or something that is also touching it. So you have to adjust a bit. Which leads me to another adjustment issue. When you put it on, it’s impossible to put back on in the exact same spot you loved before. It seems to forever sit in different places, so it hits your eyes or eyebrows or temples in a different way, and some of those ways aren’t as pleasant as others. And if you find the perfect position, you won’t find that spot again until 3-4 times later.
– It sometimes snaps & crackles when it blows up the pillows. It’s that sheet of plastic in there – it’s similar to when like….wrapping paper crackles. The sound doesn’t make relaxing easy, and also feeling that crackle on your eyeball doesn’t leave you as relaxed in the moment either.
– It only lasts about 6 sessions on full massage/heat/vibration with hard pressure. You have to charge this thing very frequently, and it isn’t a quick charge either. Will take 2 hours or more to charge something that lasts an hour and a half.
So yeah, I really do love this device. Don’t get me wrong. I’ll probably get another when this one dies. But it really does have some blaring problems too that break the comfort of the device. Even turned off and on your face, it kinda hurts to wear until you turn it on. So a wonderful device that just happens to have a lot of downfalls as well. But do I still recommend it? Most definitely.
UPDATED: So the company messaged me to see if they could fix the problem for me. And while a lot of these problems are kinda just how it is manufactured (I didn’t mention how the ballooning on the eyes kinda shoves my eyelashes into my eye and that’s SUPER uncomfortable and you have to fidget with it a million times to fix that positioning), the item still overall is pretty great, even with the negatives. Because they were so cool about talking to me about it though, I really do think this deserves another star. So I still really do recommend the item.
freddy dony –
اشتغل كثير على الكمبيوتر واشتريت النظارة هذي ريحت عيني كثير تسوي مساج وكماده للعين وتسوي انتعاش ثاني مره اشتري الجهاز واحد لي والثاني لصديقي والسعر هنا ممتاز
Karen S. –
I have MGD dry eye and this has been amazing! No more reheating warm compresses in microwave. This warms and massages with a press of a button. It is timed and will shut off automatically which is also nice. I have not used the Bluetooth feature yet. You can adjust the pressure and heat. This is great-highly recommend!!!!
Lisa Smith –
A little different than anticipated but still a great product. Heat, air, massage and Bluetooth all in one – Great for people with migraines or individuals who just want to relax!
Oscar D. –
Bonne qualiter
Lisa Smith –
I bought this product while it was on sale and looking for Christmas gifts. I ended up buying another one for a family member after trying it out and liking it so much. I saw in the reviews that some people say it doesn’t fit snug to your face, which I noticed too but I found a solution. The photo I’ve attached hopefully shows that I adjusted the device to sit at an angle on my head. I didn’t put the band directly level with my ears, but angled it up so it rests more towards the crown of my head. I’ve found that this makes the massager portion of the device able to reach closer to my nose while still reaching my temples as well.
That aside ill list the pros and cons of the device:
Feels amazing on temples and eyes, almost like hands, which I was not expecting for essentially a bag inflating and deflating around your head. It imitates something that a masseuse would do. Targeting multiple areas and going a long or short time on some areas, or multiple areas at once…good technology.
It lasts about 15-20 minutes then automatically shuts off.
You can choose heat, vibration and music all at once or have any combination of the 3.
Vibration adds another level to this massage. If you fit the device snug to your head you will feel the vibration around the crown of your head, which in my opinion contributes a great deal of pleasure in addition to the ‘rubbing’ sensation.
If you’re into asmr, you can pair your phone to the massager and listen to that while being massaged. It takes asmr tingles to another level.
It is heavy on your head and takes some adjusting pretty much everytime you put it on. I prefer to lay down when I have it on as it will usually slip down a little if im sitting up. The way the eye pads inflate makes it so the whole device will shift a little bit on your head…so even while you’re being massaged you may have to adjust sometimes more.
It can feel like slightly too much pressure at certain times…especially when it’s on top of your eyeballs.
I so wish they made this thing with a way to still be able to see. I enjoy watching something while I’m relaxing and with this im forced to look at nothing but darkness. I suppose at least having audio makes it less ‘boring’, but if you’re able to tolerate looking at nothing but the back of your eyelids this shouldn’t be a problem.
This is a strange one but as someone that suffers with ptsd, having a loud, heated, mechanic device that prevents vision strapped on your head can bring on a slight feeling of anxiety or claustrophobia.
It’s a little loud, with the motor sound and the crinkling of the inflatable bags.
The music that automatically plays is like generic spa music, but you can either turn it off or use Bluetooth to replace that sound.
You have to press the power button a bunch of times to cycle through all the options. I gave up on doing that everytime and just let it do its thing.
All in all, the pros out way the cons to me. Even though its not perfect it comes close to a real massage, and for what it is I can’t ask for much more. I was pleasantly suprised, its not just a gimmick.
Anthony S. –
I bought it to help with my dry eyes and it has really helped. My six year old grandson tried it and liked it so much he added it to his Christmas list! I look forward to the massage and heat. I often get so relaxed that I fall asleep with it on. I’ve only had it since just before Thanksgiving, I’m hopeful that it continues working for a long time. I seldom have to use my eye drops or any warming pads so over the course of time it could end up saving me money. I do have to charge it after every 4-5 uses and it is a wee bit noisy on massage mode but it is so worth it. If this one quits working I will definitely buy another one.
Yce –
Excelente producto,funciona muy bien, materiales de calidad y al usarlos en realidad da una sensación de relajación absoluta.