MASON NATURAL Enzimas Digestivas com Prebióticos e Probióticos – Função Digestiva Saudável, Melhoria da Saúde Intestinal, 90 Comprimidos (Pacote de 3)
As enzimas digestivas desempenham um papel crucial na manutenção da saúde intestinal e na promoção de uma digestão eficiente. O MASON NATURAL Digestive Enzymes é uma fórmula poderosa que combina uma ampla gama de enzimas com prebióticos e probióticos, oferecendo uma solução abrangente para aqueles que buscam melhorar sua saúde digestiva. Cada comprimido contém uma mistura única de ingredientes que trabalham em sinergia para facilitar a digestão de alimentos complexos, reduzindo desconfortos como inchaço e gases.
- ENZIMAS DIGESTIVAS: Nossas super tabelas contêm um amplo espectro de enzimas; juntamente com o probiótico acidophilus, podem apoiar a digestão saudável e reduzir o inchaço.
- FÓRMULA SUPER: Nossa fórmula exclusiva contém 200 mg de pancreatina, 50 milhões de unidades de acidophilus, 100 mg de pectina cítrica, 75 mg de diastase, 25 mg de papaína (pó de fruta de mamão), 25 mg de pepsina, 15 mg de cloridrato de betaína, 15 mg de ácido glutâmico, 15 mg de lipase e 2 mg de bromelina.
- SAÚDE INTESTINAL: As enzimas digestivas são utilizadas pelo corpo para ajudar a digerir alimentos complexos em nutrientes críticos, o que pode ajudar a reduzir gases intestinais, inchaço e cólicas. Além disso, os probióticos acidophilus podem ajudar a povoar o trato gastrointestinal com a flora natural necessária para apoiar a saúde digestiva.
- NADA DE COISAS RUINS: Sem glúten. Sem soja. Garantido sem adição de: açúcar, amido, levedura, peixe, nozes, amendoim, ovo, soja, trigo, laticínios, glúten, crustáceos, fragrâncias, corantes artificiais, conservantes.
- AS MELHORES VITAMINAS HÁ MAIS DE 50 ANOS: Há mais de cinco décadas, a Mason Natural produz suplementos vitamínicos de qualidade sob cGMPs (boas práticas de fabricação atuais) e em conformidade com as diretrizes dos EUA. Todos os ingredientes e produtos acabados são submetidos a rigorosos testes analíticos, inspeções e auditorias de qualidade.
1. Melhora da Digestão: As enzimas ajudam a quebrar alimentos complexos, facilitando a absorção de nutrientes.
2. Redução do Inchaço: A combinação de enzimas e probióticos pode minimizar o desconforto abdominal e a sensação de inchaço.
3. Saúde Intestinal Otimizada: Os probióticos acidophilus promovem um equilíbrio saudável da flora intestinal.
4. Fórmula Livre de Aditivos: Ideal para pessoas com restrições alimentares, pois não contém glúten, soja ou açúcares adicionados.
5. Qualidade Comprovada: Fabricado por uma marca com mais de 50 anos de experiência em suplementos, garantindo eficácia e segurança.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de um comprimido antes de cada refeição principal, acompanhado de um copo de água. Para melhores resultados, utilize diariamente e mantenha uma dieta equilibrada. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas preexistentes ou estiver grávida.
M. L Lamendola –
I have been taking digestive enzymes for years. They reduce gas and (I am told) improve protein utilization. Since my diet is whole-food based and nearly all of those are “super foods” that are mostly of the organic variety and not damaged through poor preparation/cooking procedures, I probably don’t need an enzyme supplement. But “probably” is not good enough for me when it comes to my health, so I take an enzyme supplement.
I’m not an expert on digestive enzymes, but there are some things I look at. For example, some of the products on the market are coated with maltodextrose or some other endocrine modifier to improve the flavor. Mason Natural doesn’t have that or any fragrance, artificial colors, or preservatives. I have to take their word for it that they have a “super formula” but with 10 enzyme sources this rings true. I also did a quick search on Mason Natural and saw they have a stellar reputation for things ranging from vitamins to skin cream. Their products are sold on all the major marketplaces and in the major drugstore chains, so a lot of people who make big buying decisions trust them also.
These come in tablet form. The tablets may be easily swallowed, or chewed if you prefer. Because these are not contaminated with processed sugar or petrochemical-based flavors as many chewables are, they have a taste that is a bit sour and not something to brag about. And that is a good thing.
Malvin –
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The Mason Natural Digestive Enzymes 90 tablets (3 pack) are the very best gut health tablets. The video shows three (3) bottles of Mason Natural Digestive Enzymes with one (1) tablet on table. Notice the product is made in a Good Manufacturing Practices facility and is free of gluten and soy. Taken regularly with meal, Mason Natural Digestive Enzymes with prebiotics and probiotics can help ease digestion and ensure regularity. I like that.
I highly recommend Mason Natural Digestive Enzymes 90 tablets (3 pack) to everyone.
Josie Logan –
I don’t like that they’re not chewables which is what I thought I purchased. This brand makes a chewable which taste great and works great. These tablets are chalky and dry.
Dr. Stuart Gitlow –
The medical literature is just starting to explore issues of digestive enzyme supplementation. The most significant potential problem is interaction with prescription medication. Another problem is present if you’re trying to address some type of chronic symptom which hasn’t already been medically investigated. So, best to speak with your doctor prior to starting to take digestive enzymes, particularly if you have any chronic medical condition or take regular prescription drugs. In the meantime, if everything is clear, this particular choice isn’t a bad start. You’ll receive three brown plastic vials, each containing 90 tablets to be taken once daily. The tablets have a 2 1/2 year shelf life.
A.Mom –
I don’t usually comment on the cost of something, because a good deal can be subjective. But this three pack here on Amazon, is almost the same price as one bottle at my local pharmacy! I think that is a crazy great deal, lol. Plus, I’ve been taking these for over a month now and I *think* they are working. I have to say I think because I am not certain.
I feel my digestive health has improved. I can now predict when I eat too much of my trigger foods, and confidently know that is what is causing my heartburn. Before I started taking these pills daily, I had heartburn 24/7… no matter what I eat. And it seems I am having less food sensitivity reactions to the foods that make me break out in hives. I can’t prove it, but it feels like my digestive health has improved. For only $24 a year to me, I am going to continue to take these.
Margarita Barahona –
Muy bueno
Justin –
Mason is a good brand, I’ve seen their products in a few pharmacies and have used their vitamin D supplements in the past. I was interested in trying this digestive enzyme product to see it would help with the common stomach ailments we all get from time to time.
They arrive as a 3 pack – 90 tablets per bottle, each has a nice dark amber bottle to help maintain freshness and potency. The directions are simply take one with food once daily. The blend of dietary aids here seems proprietary with a few common things you’d expect to find (acidophilus, lipase etc) and then some things I wasn’t necessarily familiar with.
The tablets are an acceptable size, easy to swallow and are tan in color – similar to that of multivitamins you may have taken. The smell, taste and texture are all what I’d expect from a product such as this; no foul or funky tastes or odors.
I took these as directed for 8 days and here’s my thoughts:
I did feel pretty good when taking these; I didn’t alter my diet in any way…just added this in my regimen. The typical flatulence and bloating I would get occasionally stopped and I didn’t have to take any simethicone as I do every so often. However, I did notice one change…
I was having BM’s waaay more frequently.
I don’t know if this is my body adjusting to the enzymes, or if this is like the same deal as increasing your fiber intake…but I was using the bathroom quite a bit more often with this. Nevertheless, it wasn’t troublesome enough to never take it again but something I’ll likely use as a short therapy if my stomach begins acting up.
Eva –
I got these enzymes to help improve my digestion, but I can’t tell whether they help or not. It might just be me. They are smallish tablets that are easy to swallow. I barely notice a taste when I take them. I’m still taking them and will update this review if I notice an improvement.