As máscaras faciais Cranberry USA C2900K são a escolha ideal para quem busca proteção e conforto em ambientes que exigem cuidados especiais. Com um design elegante na cor preta, cada pacote contém 50 unidades, garantindo que você tenha sempre uma máscara à mão. Estas máscaras são 100% livres de látex e fibra de vidro, proporcionando uma experiência segura e hipoalergênica. A camada interna é isenta de corantes, produtos químicos e fiapos, o que as torna ideais para uso prolongado, sem causar irritações na pele.
O design com alças para as orelhas e o protetor nasal de comprimento total asseguram um ajuste seguro e confortável, permitindo que você se mova livremente sem se preocupar com a máscara escorregando ou causando desconforto. Com uma eficiência de filtração superior a 99% para bactérias (BFE) e partículas (PFE) a 0,1 micrômetro, essas máscaras oferecem uma proteção robusta contra agentes patogênicos e poluentes. Além disso, as máscaras atendem ao padrão ASTM Level 3, o que significa que são adequadas para ambientes de alto risco, como hospitais e clínicas.
– Proteção Superior: Filtra mais de 99% de bactérias e partículas, garantindo segurança em ambientes críticos.
– Conforto Prolongado: Design ergonômico com alças para as orelhas que não causam desconforto, mesmo após longos períodos de uso.
– Hipoalergênica: Composição livre de látex e fibra de vidro, ideal para pessoas com pele sensível.
– Uso Versátil: Perfeita para profissionais da saúde, atividades ao ar livre, ou qualquer situação que exija proteção respiratória.
– Praticidade: Pacote com 50 unidades, garantindo que você tenha sempre uma máscara disponível quando necessário.
Para garantir a máxima eficácia das máscaras Cranberry USA C2900K, siga estas orientações: antes de colocar a máscara, lave bem as mãos com água e sabão ou utilize um desinfetante à base de álcool. Segure a máscara pelas alças e coloque-a sobre o nariz e a boca, ajustando o protetor nasal para um encaixe seguro. Certifique-se de que a máscara esteja bem ajustada ao redor do rosto, sem espaços visíveis nas laterais. Evite tocar na máscara enquanto a usa e, ao removê-la, faça isso pelas alças, descartando-a imediatamente em um recipiente apropriado. Lave as mãos novamente após a remoção.
We received this initially from our dentist and we later bought it from Amazon. It is durable, and fits snugly on the face and it is easy breathe.
Fco Cano –
Lo use por razones medicas, utilizo lentes además de respirar cómodamente no tuve el problema de que se me empañaran los lentes, altamente recomendable
If worn properly this is the best surgical mask out there. Unlike most surgical masks, you can tighten it at the bottom. It has a metal band you crimp. This makes for a secure fit around the cheeks, ensuring a great overall fit. It covers the entire face, even large faces. It’s very easy to breathe in. Just wore these on an long international trip. Totally comfortable, and I felt safe. You don’t even realize it’s there.
It’s a 4 ply mask with high fluid resistance. Most surgical masks are 3 ply. It’s also 4 panels instead of 3 like most surgical masks.
I’ve tried a ton of masks since March 2020. Whether cheap surgical masks, or fancy cloth. This is, by far, my favorite. And it looks very nice! Don’t think twice, try this mask. Be safe out there!
Skip next paragraph for more mask info.
Get over Made in China. Do you shop at a big box store? 90% of that stuff is made in China. Do you use electronics? China. Your car? Many components, China. The US sent our manufacturing knowledge and equipment in the late 90’s. It’s called the The WTO. Do your research! LOL It’s how the world works. Please, try buying only US products and see how well your home and life functions. And don’t complain about the cost! I wish we had more manufacturing here as well, we don’t. Get over it!
Note: My order came from Pro Dental Supply. I suggest choosing them as your seller.
My friend is a dentist (how I discovered this mask) He said to only buy from a dental supply company. Whether on Amazon or elsewhere.
Jesús Rdz –
Buen producto, me cubre en trabajos de alta demanda durante cirugías en las que salpica gran cantidad de hueso y sangre. Además me hace ver súper cool 😉 Recomendable
chris –
Bought these to wear with my Halloween costume because the regular surgical masks would clash with the outfit; these are actually a higher grade of protection and more comfortable than the ones at work. The only kind of downside is that they are bigger so feel a little weird at first. I have been using these up because I like them so much better. Of course, it would be nice to not be in an outbreak situation at work at all. I may just buy more of these to keep on hand because they are so much nicer than the facility provided ones.
The side that touches your face is like silk. You are able to shape it to your nose and also shape it around your chin. It’s longer than your typical face mask so it’s able to provide a bit more room between your mouth and the mask, making it easier to talk. My employer provides masks but I’m happy to pay for these to have a more comfortable fit that keeps my skin happy for 12 hours at a time.
Anna K –
I work in a hospital…masking up is extremely important! These are affordable and comfortable!
Nyl Fumero –
This facemask isnt the regular ones that we all know. Its desing and materials makes it realñy confortable to wear and doesnt make your face itch. This brand impresses me everytime i buy one of their products (gloves, dental dams…)
Leticia Nicole King –
Really big size otherwise great material and thickness
Amazon Customer –
I’m so glad I found these here. Many many years ago, I remember Cranberry making some of the best masks out there. During that time, it was a treat when my boss would kindly buy them for the office. Working now for a huge organization, who buys the cheapest quality of masks, gloves, toilet paper, paper towels, etc. It’s just easier for me to buy and bring my own.