Máscara Removedora de Cravos POP MODERN.C Bambu Carvão Ativado Máscara Facial 3 em 1 Cuidados com a Pele Kit Acne
A máscara removedora de cravos POP MODERN.C é a solução completa para cuidados com a pele. Com carvão de bambu selecionado, nossa máscara de carvão ativado possui uma capacidade de adsorção superior e mais forte. Além disso, a fórmula exclusiva da POP MODERN.C é mais espessa do que outras marcas, permitindo cobrir facilmente toda a área do rosto e remover 98% dos cravos sem causar danos.
Esta máscara removedora de cravos pode ser usada para remover cravos ou pelos finos da testa, nariz, queixo ou bochechas. É adequada para pele oleosa, poros dilatados, cravos e pele exposta ao uso prolongado de computadores ou fãs de TV.
Além disso, ao adquirir a máscara, você também receberá um kit de 4 ferramentas de remoção de cravos e uma escova de silicone (valor de $9.99). Nosso kit de carvão ativado trabalha profundamente para eliminar cravos, impurezas, sujeira e excesso de óleo. As ferramentas e a escova de silicone ajudam a remover acne e imperfeições.
Economize dinheiro removendo acne, cravos e pelos faciais finos. Não é necessário gastar centenas de dólares em salões de beleza para manter sua pele com aparência fresca e limpa. Com este kit de cuidados com a pele testado e comprovado, você pode remover acne, cravos e pelos faciais finos na testa, nariz e queixo. É fácil usar este kit em casa ou em viagens.
Além disso, a máscara removedora de cravos POP MODERN.C é uma ótima ideia de presente de Natal. Sua qualidade superior aliada a uma apresentação requintada a torna o presente perfeito para sua esposa, marido, amigos ou entes queridos.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Capacidade de adsorção superior e mais forte
- Pode ser usada em várias áreas do rosto
- Inclui kit de ferramentas de remoção de cravos e escova de silicone
- Economize dinheiro em tratamentos de salão
- Ótima ideia de presente de Natal
- Remoção eficaz de cravos e impurezas, proporcionando uma pele mais limpa e saudável.
- Fórmula espessa que garante uma aplicação uniforme e fácil remoção.
- Kit completo que inclui ferramentas adicionais para um tratamento mais completo.
- Praticidade de uso em casa, evitando gastos com salões de beleza.
- Ideal para diferentes tipos de pele, especialmente para quem sofre com oleosidade e poros dilatados.
Para obter os melhores resultados, siga estas etapas:
- Lave o rosto com água morna para abrir os poros.
- Aplique uma camada espessa e uniforme da máscara no rosto, evitando a área dos olhos, sobrancelhas e lábios.
- Deixe a máscara secar completamente por cerca de 20-30 minutos.
- Com cuidado, comece a puxar a máscara a partir das bordas externas.
- Lave o rosto com água morna para remover qualquer resíduo da máscara.
- Use 1-2 vezes por semana para obter melhores resultados.
Star –
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My nose and chin are my problems areas. I only use it there. Works fine to minimize pores and leaves skin soft. Easy application, black in color, great value for money, and leaves area clean. Pores appear smaller
Star –
The small spatula that comes with this set is very helpful because I don’t have to use my fingers and get my hands all messy. The spatula is very easy to clean and is useful to get in those hard-to-reach corners of the face.
The set of tools that also comes with this set is helpful in popping those pesky pimples and whiteheads. They are weighty and are well made, they won’t be breaking any time soon.
The mask itself is extremely gooey and sticky, you don’t need a lot of product to cover a large area. There is a lot of product that comes in the container, (100 grams / 3.5 fluid oz) so you get a good amount of product for the price. It definitely took out everything that was clogging up the pores in my nose, and I also put some of the product on my cheeks. It slightly hurt taking off the mask, but that was to be expected. I do notice that my cheeks are extremely soft now. I believe it took off some of the peach fuzz that was on my face, but I had been meaning to get rid of it for a while, so I thank the product for that. If you like peeling things, this is extremely satisfying and it made my skin very soft. I did not get any allergic reaction to the product besides some redness to my skin after peeling it off, which happens every time I use a mask like this. There is a scent that comes from the mask, but is very tolerable, depending on where you apply the mask.
Because the goo was extremely thick, it did not have any issues peeling off in one piece, whereas many peel-off masks tend to come off in little flakes. I would not recommend that you put it on the skin right under your eyes, because the under eye area is extremely sensitive, just like the eyelid, so peeling off this mask would more than likely be quite painful. Do not put the mask anywhere where there is hair that you want to keep, like your eyebrows, simply because you will pull out the hair and it will be pretty painful. I’m extremely satisfied with how the mask worked and I will be continuing to use this once or twice a week.
If you’re looking for a gift, I would recommend this set. I know that when someone gifts me some skincare products, I really appreciate it.
samantha Hinson –
Product does stick to skin but dosint do the best job at removing blackheads, takes almost an hour to fully dry. It will remove some blackheads but not all.
Evan Smith –
Works as expected
Renata Kozlowski –
Sometimes works, sometimes it doesn’t.
I have sensitive skin but it can usually take a beating. I try new things all the time and usually don’t have reactions. I could barely take this thing off. It also is messy. It has the consistency of tar. It dripped on my robe and that spread everywhere. It was hard to get off. I had a red face for 3 days. I thought after sleeping and heavy moisturizing it would lessen the redness overnight but nope! This pic is one day after. My skin hurts so bad. 1.5 days later, I broke out in painful pimples in the areas I used this. I did not use this product on the whole face, only on the areas that are red. T-zone.
All these reviews are probably liars. I’m sure they got compensated for writing a 5 star review. I know this because I’ve gotten the same request over and over again from multiple sellers on other products I’ve bought.
I threw this shi* out. No even worth it to return.
*update: conveniently they won’t allow me to post a pic but no worries. I’ll get it on here eventually.
Really nice –
Works well for pulling out blackheads and whiteheads. Does hurt pulling off and drys unevenly be prepared to wash some of it off.
Brangelina Jolie –
I really like it