Descrição do Produto:
A Máscara OMWAH para Olheiras e Inchaço no Rosto é um produto inovador que se destaca no universo da beleza, especialmente para aqueles que buscam combater as indesejadas olheiras e o inchaço ao redor dos olhos. Com uma fórmula rica em muco de caracol, conhecida por suas propriedades hidratantes e nutritivas, esta máscara proporciona uma experiência de cuidado que vai além da superfície. Ao aplicar a máscara, você notará uma ação hidratante intensa que ajuda a suavizar as linhas finas e a revitalizar a pele, conferindo um aspecto mais jovem e radiante. A textura luxuosa da máscara adere perfeitamente à pele, garantindo uma absorção ideal dos ativos, enquanto você relaxa e desfruta de um momento de autocuidado. Com 30g de produto, a embalagem contém 60 peças (30 pares), permitindo um tratamento contínuo e eficaz para a delicada área sob os olhos. É um produto versátil, adequado para todos os tipos de pele, incluindo as mais sensíveis, tornando-se um aliado indispensável na sua rotina de beleza.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Hidratação e nutrição intensas para uma pele mais suave e flexível.
- Revitaliza e refresca a área sob os olhos, proporcionando uma aparência mais jovem.
- Aplicação fácil e confortável, garantindo uma experiência livre de complicações.
- Embalagem generosa com 60 peças (30 pares) para cuidado consistente e de longa duração.
- Adequado para todos os tipos de pele, incluindo pele sensível.
A Máscara OMWAH oferece uma série de benefícios que transformam a rotina de cuidados com a pele. Primeiramente, sua ação hidratante profunda combate a desidratação da pele, resultando em uma textura mais suave e flexível. Em segundo lugar, a revitalização da área sob os olhos proporciona um efeito lifting natural, reduzindo visivelmente o inchaço e as olheiras. Além disso, a facilidade de aplicação torna o uso do produto prático e acessível, permitindo que você cuide de si mesmo em qualquer lugar. A embalagem generosa garante que você tenha um estoque suficiente para um tratamento contínuo, enquanto a compatibilidade com todos os tipos de pele, incluindo as mais sensíveis, assegura que todos possam desfrutar dos benefícios dessa máscara. Por fim, a experiência de autocuidado que a máscara proporciona é um convite ao relaxamento e à renovação, melhorando não apenas a aparência, mas também o bem-estar geral.
Para maximizar os resultados da Máscara OMWAH, siga estas etapas técnicas: Primeiro, lave e seque bem o rosto para garantir que a pele esteja limpa e pronta para a aplicação. Em seguida, retire a máscara do pacote com cuidado e aplique-a suavemente na área sob os olhos, ajustando-a para que se encaixe confortavelmente. Deixe a máscara agir por 20 a 30 minutos, permitindo que os ingredientes ativos sejam absorvidos completamente pela pele. Após o tempo de aplicação, remova a máscara e massageie suavemente o excesso de produto na pele até que seja totalmente absorvido. Para resultados visíveis e duradouros, recomenda-se o uso regular da máscara, integrando-a à sua rotina de beleza.
Berrylicious –
These were a good price and there’s a lot inside, but they always sting my skin when I use them. I have sensitive skin so I wouldn’t recommend it for others that do too, otherwise it’s okay.
Jay –
Good for dark circles and puffiness
Jacqueline –
These little eye patches pack a punch as far as moisturization goes for the eye area. I notice that a little extra moisturization in this area can make a world of difference when it comes to a youthful appearance, and these fit the bill. They are slimy, which they are supposed to be, and maybe even more so because of the snail mucin that is one of the ingredients in this formula. This makes them difficult to wear when sitting up, so prepare to lay back and chill out for the duration of wearing these. I mean that isn’t exactly a bad thing, because hello self care should be about relaxing and pampering yourself. I like the gold color too, because it makes me feel a little extra fancy while doing so. On to the benefits, like I said they are a little slimy and very generously coated in the serum which is a good thing. This ensures they keep moisturizing while you are wearing them, and they don’t dry up. Once you take them off make sure you gently pat the serum into the under eye area and do not wash it off. In fact, due to there being extra serum, you could even apply just the serum once the patches are gone (so don’t throw it out!). I noticed after wearing them that my eyes aren’t as puffy, and I won’t say they’re glowing, but they definitely look happier after applying the moisture. I didn’t notice that it really does anything for dark circles, then again no beauty product I’ve used that claimed it does has ever really done anything. Bottom line, if you want to take some time to pamper yourself and have the fine lines diminished temporarily from a deep moisturizing treatment the pick these up.
Nick –
A little self-care is always a good thing. Apply these, tilt your head back and get Zen! They feel amazing going on…keep them in the fridge and they will feel even more amazing. My under-eye puffiness and dark circles are something I am really not okay with. I used these every other day and after a little over a week I can say I noticed a difference. They leave my under-eye area feeling really soft and hydrated after use. I did not wash off the residual product after I removed them. I just massaged it in. I think this would work well as some sort of eye gel too without the patches, but that may just be me. I plan on getting every drop of product I can out of the jar when I run out of patches, Above average value for this type of product. I highly, highly recommend this product!
Dianna –
Saw no difference. Waste of your money.
Jacqueline –
The under eye patches come in a nice packaging, the patches are easy enough to extract from the container with the provided spatula, and the container is sealed well to prevent them from drying out.
My experience, they are larger and feel like they are designed for probably a male face, I had a difficult time finding a way for them to sit and not slide down away from the targeted area. They have a lot of product on them so the initial application is very soothing and refreshing feeling. After leaving them on for the recommend time, I found that my puffiness did decrease but no improvement with under eye circles at all. My skin after, ended up feeling very dry where the patches were applied and I had to apply additional moisturizer to the area. I do have a more dry/sensitive skin, so this is something to consider. For myself though, I would not consider these hydrating or moisturizing. I continue to use them periodically, because they are very soothing during application. I just keep in mind that I need to take further steps for moisturizing after their use. I am very sensitive with product smells, this product has a very light scent to it, that does not bother me. Overall, these patches do sooth and help reduce inflammation under my eyes, which is needed for any of us who sit and stare at computer screens all day.
Avuzwa Khumalo –
These snail mucin under eye masks come in a nice little container with the typical spoon to pull these out easily. Each eye mask adhered to my face easily enough and stayed in place well throughout the process. They definitely cover a lot of surface area under my eyes which I definitely appreciated.
They felt comfortable to wear and I could tell they were absorbing into my skin. I like to keep these in the fridge to give an extra bit of cooling to help reduce redness/puffiness even more than if I left them out in room temperature. This is the first try at using an eye mask with the snail mucin and I found them to have a pleasant scent that wasn’t overpowering, but your mileage may vary depending on you sense of smell!
Tina Burrow –
Great product works great