Máscara Modeladora de Carvão LINDSAY | Hidratante | Embalagem em Copo | 50g
A Máscara Modeladora de Carvão LINDSAY é um produto inovador que proporciona uma experiência de cuidados com a pele incomparável. Com sua fórmula rica em carvão ativado, esta máscara não apenas limpa profundamente, mas também remove impurezas e toxinas, deixando a pele revitalizada e com um aspecto saudável. O carvão ativado é conhecido por suas propriedades purificantes, que ajudam a desobstruir os poros e a eliminar resíduos acumulados, resultando em uma pele mais clara e luminosa.
Além de suas propriedades purificantes, a Máscara Modeladora de Carvão LINDSAY também possui um efeito hidratante intenso. Sua fórmula é projetada para penetrar nas camadas da pele, proporcionando uma hidratação profunda que deixa a pele macia e suave ao toque. Com o uso regular, você notará uma melhora significativa no tom e na textura da pele, que se tornará mais radiante e uniforme.
A embalagem em copo é uma adição prática, permitindo uma aplicação fácil e sem desperdícios. Com 50g de produto, é ideal para quem busca uma solução eficaz e conveniente para o cuidado da pele. A máscara é perfeita para ser utilizada uma vez por semana, garantindo que sua pele receba o tratamento que merece.
- Hidratação Profunda: Proporciona uma hidratação intensa, deixando a pele macia e suave.
- Efeito Purificante: Remove impurezas e toxinas, promovendo uma pele limpa e saudável.
- Fácil Aplicação: A embalagem em copo facilita a aplicação, tornando o processo prático e conveniente.
- Resultados Visíveis: Melhora a textura e aparência da pele, proporcionando um aspecto radiante.
- Produto de Qualidade: A marca LINDSAY é reconhecida pela eficácia e segurança de seus produtos.
Para obter os melhores resultados com a Máscara Modeladora de Carvão LINDSAY, comece limpando bem o rosto para remover qualquer maquiagem ou sujeira. Em seguida, abra a embalagem e aplique a máscara uniformemente sobre a pele, evitando a área dos olhos e lábios. Deixe a máscara agir por 15 a 20 minutos, permitindo que os ingredientes ativos penetrem na pele. Após o tempo de ação, enxágue com água morna, removendo completamente o produto. Recomenda-se o uso da máscara uma vez por semana para manter a pele sempre hidratada e revitalizada.
Blueberry Smiles –
I like that this facemask is very easy to prepare. All I have to do is mix in seven spoons full of water and stir it until it had a good consistency. A measuring spoon is included, which is very convenient. I like that it contains deep pore cleaning ingredients and is very hydrating. Also, like that, it has a nice sent to it as well.
Cin –
As a woman of “a certain age” I guess it’s time to start taking care of what I’ve been given! I have pretty good skin overall, especially for an old lady of 54, but there a few areas I’d like to diminish (mainly my waistline but, sadly, this isn’t the right product for that!).
It’s been a REALLY long time since I’ve done a skincare mask – and I’ve NEVER done one like this – so I’m willing to accept most of these “cons” as my own learning curve.
CONS (listed first because that’s the order of events)
1. There is a lot of packaging for these 6 sets of masks; perhaps they are intended for single-sale use but were delivered to me as 6/box. It would be less expensive – and far more eco-friendly – to provide one cup, one scoop/spatula utensil, and a resealable bag of mask powder.
2. Each cup contains enough powder for two full masks but there’s no easy way to save either the dry powder or the final product (mixed mask).
3. As noted by others the instructions are hit or miss – a very clear English sticker on the outside box is great – unless you discarded the box without noticing said sticker.
4. The lid on the cup was really hard to get off – I knew it was powder inside but one wrong move and it could have gone POOF all over my desk.
5. Adding the water spoon by spoon is tedious – next time I will measure 6-7 spoons into a measuring cup and make a note of the volume.
6. Since I used the cup side to measure/stir the “batter” I couldn’t really use the spatula to apply it – I ended up just scooping it onto my face. Separate tools would probably be more efficient.
7. This is a MESSY project – at least for me. I managed to drip it all over my shirt (fortunately an old one I don’t care about) and my desk. It did clean up quickly but I got to it right away – no idea how it would be if it had solidified.
8. I hope this isn’t going to pull out any hair because it’s in my eyebrows and hairline. It slides a bit so watch out for falling bits and pieces!
PROS (yes, in spite of all the cons, I do have some good things to say!!)
1. This product has just a fresh, faint smell – very subtle and doesn’t bother me at all.
2. I LOVE the cooling effect – perhaps it’s just because it’s summer and I have the fan on but it feels so nice as it’s drying!
3. It transitions fairly quickly from thick goop to almost a silicone texture; I can feel that it’s during down/tightening but I don’t feel like it’s pulling my skin. It’s funny to feel the cracking sensation when I smile.
4. Peeling it off, for the most part, is SO SATISFYING! It says to make the edges thick but I ended up with the entire face about the same thickness and most of it came off pretty easily.
5. My husband got a good laugh at my expense (“Mrs. Doubtfire lives!”) but we do both agree that my skin is less red and silky smooth.
6. You’ll want to move on to the rest of your skincare regimen shortly after removal as I definitely feel like I need more moisture – even though the mask itself is hydrating I think the “stress” has a temporary drying effect.
At the end of the day I’m giving this 4 stars, taking 1 cumulative star for the packaging and instructions.
Thank you for reading my review, I hope it was helpful!
Amazon Customer –
I love to use different beauty products, especially face masks. I hadn’t tried a mask like this before, so there was a bit of a learning curve. I decided to use my daughter as a guinea pig.
The container was pretty difficult to open; I had to use a knife to break the seal. I couldn’t read the instructions on the label, but they were available on the website, so I knew how much water to use. The container had powder and a spoon/spatula in there; I added the water and mixed until it was the consistency of frosting. Then I applied the mask to my daughter and it was, pretty much, like frosting a cake. I thought I had applied it thickly and there was enough to maybe use on my face, but the mask had begun to harden in the container. I tried to use some on my face, but it was too dried out, so I had to throw it away.
My daughter said the mask felt cold and goopy, but then it began to dry out and it was stiff. After 15-20 min, she peeled it off. It didn’t come in one sheet, but rather in pieces. So I have dried mask everywhere to clean up. The mask at least didn’t drip while she was wearing it, but that’s because she was laying down the whole time. She did have to wash her face afterward to get everything off, then moisturize.
So overall, that was a fun little experiment with lots of laughs. We have 5 more packets to use and might give them a try with friends. But I think for overall general skincare, I may prefer to use the pre-made masks that go on/come off in one piece.
Blueberry Smiles –
I did not realize what I was in for with these. Here’s the good the bad and the messy. The cover is hard to peel off so eventually I cut the top off. The material is powder so you have to add water and mix but be ready to put it on your face (hair back tightly, no clothes in the way) before you mix. It comes with a little scoop to measure the water.
This stuff is goopy. I’m not sure if I did the right consistency as I have not used anything like this before. To apply I used my fingers. I should’ve used a little spatula maybe to get it on thicker. I didn’t realize that when it dries, if it’s thick enough, it will peel off. I really should’ve pulled my hair back better before I got my hands all goopy.
15 minutes after applying and cleanup I was ready to take the mask off. The center parts were thick enough to peel but my edges were challenging to get off. So I did the best I could and then used a washcloth.
The results are good. I get rosacea and it flares periodically so I have sensitive skin. I do feel like this left my skin moisturized, even, and cleaner. It’s really a good mask, as long as you can deal with thick goop. Maybe I should have mixed it with something besides the scoop to reduce clumps. Since there are five more masks, I’ll get plenty of practice.
At first I thought maybe you could get 2 uses out of 1 container but if you can get it on thick enough, and do your neck, it’s probably right for one person and you’d have a little leftover.
Megan –
I really like the formulation of this product. Anything with centella makes me almost an instant fan. That product is always calming and with the tea tree a subtle cooling effect. The smell was pleasant, it applied smoothly and evenly. My skin was well hydrated once used, but I wouldn’t say anything miraculous happened (masks typically don’t anyways). Overall, this was a relaxing and soothing experience. The product itself seemed of high quality and I look forward to using it more. It’s also a bonus it’s in individual cups to keep the remaining applications sanitary.