Máscara Facial de Colágeno de Algas Marinhas Pura e Natural em Pó, Sem Fragrância, Sem Parabenos, Vegana, Máscara de Semente de Algas para Hidratação Profunda e Purificação, Uso em Salões de Beleza e Spa para Pele em Geléia.
A Máscara Facial de Colágeno de Algas Marinhas Pura e Natural em Pó é formulada com ingredientes naturais e seguros, como extrato de LESSONIA NIGRESCENS, extrato de colágeno e trealose. Livre de fragrâncias, parabenos, óleos e corantes, essa máscara não causa danos nem irritações à pele.
Com menos de 0,5 mm de partículas, essa máscara é rica em extrato de algas marinhas e colágeno, permitindo que os nutrientes sejam facilmente absorvidos pela pele, proporcionando hidratação profunda e limpeza. A máscara de colágeno de algas marinhas também possui três efeitos principais:
- Limpeza: O extrato de algas marinhas penetra profundamente na pele, purificando e acalmando-a, removendo cravos, espinhas e sujeira dos poros.
- Controle de oleosidade: As algas marinhas são eficazes no controle da produção de óleo, sendo ideais para peles oleosas.
- Hidratação: O colágeno penetra profundamente na pele, fornecendo hidratação e nutrientes, preenchendo os poros secos e deixando-os mais firmes.
Essa máscara de partículas de algas marinhas é muito popular em salões de beleza, sendo frequentemente utilizada por esteticistas profissionais em conjunto com máscaras de gel e máscaras modeladoras para potencializar os resultados dos tratamentos e acalmar a pele após os procedimentos.
A Máscara de Colágeno de Algas Marinhas é a melhor opção em termos de custo-benefício, pois apenas 10g de grânulos de algas são suficientes para uma aplicação facial. Com 500g, é possível utilizar a máscara até 50 vezes! Essa máscara é perfeita tanto para uso doméstico quanto para uso em salões de beleza.
- Ingredientes naturais e seguros, sem fragrâncias, parabenos, óleos e corantes.
- Facilmente absorvida pela pele, proporcionando hidratação profunda e limpeza.
- Efeitos de limpeza, controle de oleosidade e hidratação.
- Popular em salões de beleza, utilizado por esteticistas profissionais.
- Excelente custo-benefício, rende até 50 aplicações.
Para utilizar a Máscara Facial de Colágeno de Algas Marinhas Pura e Natural em Pó, siga as instruções abaixo:
- Lave o rosto com água morna e seque-o suavemente.
- Misture 10g de grânulos de algas com água até obter uma consistência pastosa.
- Aplique a máscara uniformemente no rosto, evitando a área dos olhos e lábios.
- Deixe a máscara agir por 15-20 minutos.
- Enxágue o rosto com água morna e seque-o suavemente.
- Utilize a máscara de 1 a 2 vezes por semana para obter melhores resultados.
Experimente a Máscara Facial de Colágeno de Algas Marinhas Pura e Natural em Pó e desfrute de uma pele hidratada, purificada e radiante!
Maria –
This face mask is great! I love how my face feels after I use it. The only thing I didn’t like is the instructions are not that ckear on how to use. I followed the directions the first time and the mixed product was not enough for my face. Three next time I searched youtube videos and worked with the measurements and it seemed to work a little better. I didn’t put the mixture on my eyes, or around my mouth because I felt anxious if I did that. I left it on for 20 min and removing it was hard the first time, but that’s because I didn’t put a thick layer, but the second time was much easier. You definitely have to practice if you are not used to these type of masks. The container does have enough for quite a few facials, so I definitely think it’s worth it.
Nini –
I ordered this for some of my clients and let me tell you…. They are in love. It works best to use 1.5 scoops of powder to 1 scoop of water to keep it a bit thicker so you don’t have a runny mess
Island kiss –
This face mask is amazing. I love the way it makes my skin look.
Viviane –
I love this mask. I’m a licensed esty and I have tried many brands of jelly masks over the last few years and this is by far my fave! while mask itself doesn’t necessarily hydrate the skin (molecularly it’s too large to penetrate into the skin), it does create a great occlusive barrier so whatever is under it ( serum, other gel or cream masks, etc,) absorbs into the skin better and more efficiently ( prevents product evaporation). It helps to calm and cool the skin after more aggressive treatments or waxingz. It feels great on the skin and the skin comes out softer after having this mask on. It’s super finely milled, and mixes easily with water, isn’t clumpy or anything like that. 2-3 little scoops (provided in the jar) is all it takes to do the face. (One professional brand gives you scoops that are 3-4xs times bigger than this and it take 3-4 of those larger scoops to create enough mask for the face)…. This is a better mask overall and a better value for the money. I highly recommend!
Also did I mention how pretty the mask is on the skin? You can see the gold flecks, they really sparkle. Clients love seeing and touching the mask after it sets and I take it off them.
My only complaint ( and it’s not a complaint), is I wish I could buy it in a larger size! ☺️
bianca emmons ;) –
i love doing at home facials and spa nights and this mask upped my game i feel like im in a real salon it’s so cooling and moisturizing it feels so wonderful! it’s super nice and smells yummy you get so much too!
Magdalena Hughes –
I had high hopes for this product… I really did. Like many I thought it was the perfect little amount of jelly mask to use occasionally. I didn’t want to spend 30 bucks on a large container of it, so I bought this. Some pros, I enjoyed the jelly texture and the cool effect it has on the skin while wearing it. However when I opened the package I immediately was covered in powder. Half of the bag had spilled into the container. After mixing the product with water I was greeted with just straight up perfume. I felt like I was walking through a Macy’s, I am very sensitive to smells and gave me a horrible headache, it wears off a bit while you wear the mask but it is still extremely strong. Taking off the mask was weird too, it felt like thick rice paper and waterproof bandaids, it really hurt in more sensitive areas to remove. The product irritated my skin and made it feel dry, it left a weird residue and in pain. I do not recommend buying it 🙁
Viviane –
It leaves the skin feeling soft but doesn’t last all day be careful don’t get it on your clothes it stains them hard to get off.
It takes a long time to harden up so it can peel off easy.
Megan –
Excelente producto