Colágeno Máscara Facial – Máscara Anti-Envelhecimento
A Máscara Facial de Colágeno é um elixir que reduz a aparência de rugas e ameniza os efeitos do envelhecimento, revitalizando e tonificando a pele, graças à essência supercarregada de Ácido Hialurônico e Colágeno; ela também estimula a produção de colágeno para proteger contra futuras linhas e rugas.
Fórmula anti-envelhecimento: Os benefícios anti-envelhecimento do ouro são conhecidos desde a época de Cleópatra; a máscara de ouro 24k ajuda a melhorar a circulação da pele, reduzindo linhas finas e rugas; proporciona uma nutrição luxuosa para a sua pele; a Vitamina E protege a pele dos danos causados pelo sol, diminui as manchas de idade e ajuda a fortalecer a barreira da pele; sua pele fica com uma aparência melhor, renovada e melhora a si mesma a partir da camada mais profunda da epiderme.
Experiência de spa em casa: As máscaras faciais são um elemento essencial na rotina de cuidados com a pele, amadas por muitos devido à sua eficácia, facilidade de uso e sensação geral de bem-estar; a máscara de ouro 24k ajudará você a se sentir rejuvenescido, como se estivesse em um spa, mas no conforto da sua casa.
Indicada para todos os tipos de pele: As máscaras faciais Elixir Premium são seguras para uso em todos os tipos de pele, incluindo pele sensível e propensa a acne; os ingredientes ativos naturais e poderosos são capazes de saturar rapidamente a pele, infundindo hidratação revitalizante e suavizando a aparência de linhas finas; esta máscara facial hidratante anti-envelhecimento é essencial tanto para homens quanto para mulheres usarem regularmente.
Tendências de beleza coreanas: Produzimos “cosméticos funcionais” com propriedades anti-rugas, que aumentam a elasticidade e desbotam pigmentos nos melhores laboratórios coreanos, utilizando tecnologias inovadoras; as Máscaras de Ouro 24k coreanas conquistaram mais de 1000 corações e avaliações positivas.
Ótimo presente: Este é o presente perfeito para cuidados pessoais para esposa, mãe, namorada ou amiga que leva a beleza e os cuidados pessoais a sério; os produtos Elixir são incomparáveis pela concorrência e são o presente perfeito para caixas de tratamento para madrinhas de casamento ou como agradecimento em festas de despedida de solteira.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Poder do colágeno:
A Máscara Facial de Colágeno possui uma fórmula poderosa que reduz rugas e revitaliza a pele, estimulando a produção de colágeno para prevenir linhas e rugas futuras.
2. Benefícios anti-envelhecimento:
A máscara de ouro 24k melhora a circulação da pele, reduzindo linhas finas e rugas, além de fornecer nutrição luxuosa e proteção contra danos causados pelo sol.
3. Experiência de spa em casa:
Aproveite a sensação de rejuvenescimento e relaxamento de um spa no conforto da sua própria casa com a máscara de ouro 24k.
4. Adequada para todos os tipos de pele:
A máscara facial Elixir Premium é segura para uso em todos os tipos de pele, incluindo pele sensível e propensa a acne, proporcionando hidratação e suavizando linhas finas.
5. Tendência de beleza coreana:
As Máscaras de Ouro 24k coreanas são produzidas com tecnologias inovadoras e são altamente recomendadas por sua eficácia no combate ao envelhecimento.
1. Hidratação profunda que revitaliza a pele e melhora a elasticidade.
2. Redução visível de rugas e linhas de expressão, promovendo uma aparência mais jovem.
3. Efeito lifting que proporciona firmeza e tonificação à pele.
4. Proteção contra danos solares e manchas de idade, graças à presença da Vitamina E.
5. Facilidade de uso que transforma a rotina de cuidados com a pele em um momento de autocuidado e relaxamento.
Limpe e seque o rosto antes de aplicar a máscara. Retire a máscara da embalagem e desdobre-a cuidadosamente. Aplique a máscara no rosto, alinhando-a com os contornos faciais. Deixe-a agir por 15-20 minutos para permitir que os ingredientes ativos sejam absorvidos pela pele. Após o tempo recomendado, remova a máscara e massageie suavemente o rosto para ajudar na absorção do excesso de essência. Não é necessário enxaguar. Recomenda-se o uso regular para obter melhores resultados.
Alyssa –
I tried this mask, and it was AMAZING! My skin felt so soft and rejuvenated after I used it. Some masks are rough on my skin and in the past has burned it. But, this mask left my skin feeling clear and detoxified! Everyone’s skin is different, but I definitely recommend to try it. My skin still felt clear the next day, and it looked better too.
This mask also has vitamin E in it, which is supposed to be really beneficial for the skin. Besides being good for the skin, it also looks cool when you have it on! It is a gold shiny metallic color and is super fun too.
pdxbeautiful –
If you want to feel like gold, this is the face mask for you. I decided to give this mask a try because I’ve seen friends with gold face masks, and they’ve always said good things. I definitely chose a good one, because not only did I feel awesome wearing it, but it make my skin feel so good after.
The gel on the mask was cool and smelled really good, and my skin felt like it was being refreshed while I was wearing it. I have sensitive skin that doesn’t always agree with face masks, but I was very happy that this one not only felt good on my skin but it felt great after! I was very happy to note that my skin felt softer and more moisturized than it did before.
It’s super easy to put on, too. One of the worst parts of some face masks is getting your hands dirty smoothing it over your face. This mask is simple – just unfold, place on your face, smooth down the wrinkles, and leave on for about 20 minutes. Definitely a plus in my book.
One of the best parts is the fact that it’s a gold face mask. The material is smooth and shiny, and you really feel like a goddess wearing it.
Eden Jones –
I’m a face mask junkie, so when I heard about these gold face masks I had to try it! It is very simple to apply. It’s a sheet mask that is folded in some mesh, which ensures that it doesn’t get smushed up in the packaging. I would recommend opening it over a sink, as it is a bit liquidy when you take it out of the bag. Once you unfold it you just press it onto your skin and leave it on for 15-20 mins. This mask stays on the skin really well, as opposed to others which tend to crease up around the edges. Also just love the fact that it’s gold foil! It can definitely be creepy looking but that’s part of the fun :). My skin was super soft and smooth after taking the mask off. I didn’t even bother wearing makeup for the rest of the day because my skin looked so fantastic!
pdxbeautiful –
This is the Moisturizing Collagen & Anti-aging Mask by Elixir Cosmetics. This mask is made up of 3 layers & claims to detox, minimize pores, rejuvenate, brighten & deeply moisturize.
Notable ingredients include CoQ10 (fights free radicals), collagen (plumlping), adenosine (energizes/skin restoring/anti-wrinkle), arginine (builds collagen/skin regenerating/healing), raspberry ketone (delays aging/brightens/evens skin tone), sodium hyaluronate, soybean seed extract (moisturizing/stimulates collagen/combats free radical damage/anti-wrinkle), vitamin E and colloidal gold which is healing, anti-bacterial so it’s perfect for treating acne, firms, stimulates collagen production & deeply moisturizes.
The fit was good & the material clung well to the skin. It was saturated in a thick, clear gel essence that had a synthetic aloe fragrance (it wasn’t bad at all). I left this on for about 25 mins and my skin was very plump, moist & bouncy. My skin looked brighter/lighter & more even toned, smooth and my pores were blurred. Any anti-aging effects would take consistent use to see visual changes but my skin fid feel firmer & again, very plump. There was a good handful of left over essence that I slathered all over my face & neck.
I really enjoyed this mask but I do have to mention 2 things. First, a 4 pack costs $34. Honestly, for a foil mask, this price isn’t bad & considering the positive results, I’d happily pay the price. Lastly, this mask was tacky. Once absorbed, it was less tacky but still felt a bit sticky. After finishing my routine, I didn’t notice any tackiness but thought I’d mention the tackiness. Overall, I’d repurchase.
For more review, plz visit @pdxbeautiful on Instagram
Jenna Zimmerman –
This Korean golden face mask is everything! I love that it moisturizes and brightens skin. It has vitamin E and soybean essence which seriously softened my skin—love a healthy glowy skin! I can also see that it visibly minimized my pores. I’m all for skincare products that work! This face mask also stayed on very well, unlike some other ones I’ve had that kept falling off and I had to keep fixing it. LOVE! I highly recommend this product! Also, props to the seller! I need to mention that I received this product in a reasonable amount of time. I can’t be happier about this purchase from the seller and the product itself!
Taylor Dean –
It says 2 mask and i only recieved 1 pack 1 piece inside,
What is this??
Maria S. –
In the picture it’s says 2 pack but only 1 came
Eden Jones –
Other than emotionally scarring my son, this mask seems pretty good.
This was my first ever “stick this one piece of film over your whole face” mask.
When opening I was shocked at how SUPER WET it was. It seemed like it was covered with 1/4″ of aloe-mixture. Therefore, it has the potential to be very messy.
It definitely added some hydration to my skin, but I am not sure I will buy another as I am willing to bet there are masks out there just as hydrating that cost less.
Plus, I can only afford so much therapy for my kids….