Máscara Facial de Carvão Ativado para Cravos e Poros
O Blackhead Peel Off Pack é uma máscara facial de carvão ativado que remove cravos e limpa os poros profundamente. Com 50g, essa máscara de cuidados coreanos é um esfoliante e extrator de poros, proporcionando uma limpeza eficaz. Seus principais benefícios incluem a remoção de cravos, a limpeza profunda dos poros e a melhoria da aparência da pele.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Limpeza Profunda de Cravos: A Máscara Peel Off para Cravos Blackhead Peel Off Pack é a solução definitiva para a remoção de cravos. Com sua tecnologia avançada e extrato de carvão, essa máscara facial coreana é capaz de atingir os cravos de forma eficaz, proporcionando resultados visíveis e uma tez clara e suave, tão admirada nos cuidados com a pele coreanos.
- Minimização Avançada dos Poros: A nossa máscara facial de carvão combina o poder do carvão para minimizar efetivamente os poros e eliminar o excesso de óleo. Experimente os benefícios da máscara de carvão para cravos e poros, e desfrute de uma pele mais limpa e saudável.
- Remoção de Cravos e Impurezas: Esta máscara removedora de cravos utiliza carvão de bambu para extrair suavemente os cravos e impurezas. Além disso, ela elimina a sujeira que obstrui os poros e o óleo que causa acne, proporcionando uma tez mais clara e livre de imperfeições.
- Purificação e Esfoliação: Experimente uma esfoliação suave e uma purificação profunda com a nossa máscara esfoliante. Ela reduz as linhas finas e o tamanho dos poros, deixando a sua pele suave e saudável.
- Conveniente e Rápida: Esta máscara facial peel off é fácil de aplicar e remover. Basta espalhar uma camada uniforme, aguardar secar e remover para revelar uma pele fresca e rejuvenescida.
1. Limpeza profunda e eficaz dos poros, eliminando cravos e impurezas.
2. Melhora visível na textura da pele, deixando-a mais suave e radiante.
3. Redução do tamanho dos poros, contribuindo para uma aparência mais uniforme.
4. Ação esfoliante que remove células mortas, promovendo renovação celular.
5. Praticidade no uso, permitindo uma rotina de cuidados com a pele rápida e eficiente.
Para obter os melhores resultados, siga estas instruções de uso: Limpe bem o rosto antes de aplicar a máscara. Aplique uma camada uniforme e evite áreas sensíveis, como os olhos e os lábios. Aguarde cerca de 15-20 minutos até que a máscara esteja completamente seca. Em seguida, comece a remover a máscara delicadamente a partir das bordas. Lave o rosto com água morna para remover qualquer resíduo. Recomendamos o uso de 1 a 2 vezes por semana para manter a pele limpa e saudável.
Mary johns –
To Runny not thick enough, took forever to dry and still didn’t work
Michelle K. –
The product feels like a thick goopy gel, and I needed more than I thought I would. The instructions indicate using a thin layer, but when peeling off, it will come off in little pieces. I would recommend doubling up on the thickness and upping the drying time to at least 30 mins so you can remove in one sheet and avoid any hairlines and eyebrows. Small stubborn remnants was easily removed by scraping with water and my fingernails or using a wash cloth. It left my face feeling smooth and refreshed while pulling some whiteheads, mostly from my nose. My guess is that this tube will last for 3-4 face peels.
Shannon Hennessy –
This works similarly to other peel off masks I’ve tried. I washed and dried my face then applied it. The trick is applying enough for it to work, but not so much that it takes forever to dry. It did take longer than the 30 minutes it says, but I’ve found that true for every peel off mask I’ve tried. It came off easily and left my skin feeling fresh.
Keep in mind this isn’t one of those strips that dries like it’s been glued to your face, then you see a bunch of blackhead stuff sticking out when you pull it off. You might see some stuff, but if you’re expecting it to work like one of those strips you’ll probably think it isn’t working. This gets a lot deeper when it’s cleaning.
Overall I like it. It works well at a good price level. It doesn’t smell bad like some I’ve tried and it was easy to apply and take off.
Michelle K. –
This mask is pretty easy to apply, although it is pretty gooey. It works best with a thicker layer, but not too thick, if that makes sense. The scent is pleasant, although a bit strong for skincare. After half an hour, the mask peels with ease. However, the results are not great. Nothing pulls from my pores…overall, I see no difference. Not sure if maybe I should allow more time to see results, but so far I’m not impressed.
My 2 Cents! O_o –
So I have used other Blackhead peels like this before and it requires a high learning curve to get the best results. lol
This one was a little nicer and the smell was nicer. I don’t know how to really explain it but the texture was so much nicer as it was easier for me to get an even spread on my skin.
First thing, I do it after a nice wash of my face with warm water to open up my pores and when I am drying my skin, I tend to rub a little harder to get rid of the top layer of whatever is leftover from your wash. As soon as my skin is dried, I put this on. It is hard to know how thick you need to put on BUT my suggestion is to error out on the side of it being too thick. And BE patient, Sometimes, I’ve noticed that it takes longer for it to dry.
If you put this on too thinly, you will end up washing it off instead of peeling it off like I did on my first try. LOL -________-
For me the longer that I use this, the better the results are for me. My suggestions might not work if you have sensitive skin as I do not have sensitive skin.
Also, please remember that everyone’s body chemistry is different and what works for me might not work for you and vice versa. So I love this thing and I hope you like it too but you might end up HATING it.
So overall, this thing requires a high learning curve in my opinion but for me the results are worth it.
Daniel Tarlos –
Hard to use not the most effective words on the actual bottle are in korean
I’ve never try a full face peel off mask before. I have only tried strips targeting areas like the nose area. So, I was curious to see how this works. Also, this was different in that I had to apply it on my face like a cream instead of it being a strip. This is definitely better in that it’ll apply where ever I want it instead of being limited to the size of the strips. The first time I tried it, I did use it over my entire face and waited at least 30 minutes before peeling it off. The result was good but not great. It was easier than expect to take off for the most part, and I also didn’t notice that it removed much, except more around my nose area. I guess that was to be expected. Moving forward, I’ll probably just limit it to areas that I want to target.
The charcoal in this peel-off mask works wonders for my skin. After just one use, I noticed a significant reduction in blackheads and impurities. The mask adheres well to the skin and effectively pulls dirt and oil from deep within my pores, leaving my skin feeling fresh and clean. Applying the mask is simple;The texture is smooth and glides easily. I appreciated that it dries relatively quickly and is less painful to peel off than some other masks I’ve tried. I think that as I continue to use it, my blackheads will decrease