### Máscara Facial de Argila Eight Saints No Plans
A Máscara Facial de Argila Eight Saints No Plans é uma solução inovadora e eficaz para quem busca cuidados com a pele de forma natural e orgânica. Com 60g de pura essência de beleza, esta máscara é formulada com ingredientes cuidadosamente selecionados, como argila de caulim, flor de rosa, antioxidantes e gerânio, que trabalham em sinergia para purificar, revitalizar e transformar a pele. Ideal para todos os tipos de pele, ela se destaca por sua capacidade de reduzir poros, remover manchas, acne, oleosidade e impurezas, proporcionando uma pele mais clara, saudável e radiante.
A máscara é livre de produtos químicos agressivos e não contém fragrâncias artificiais, garantindo uma experiência suave e agradável. Fabricada nos EUA com amor e compromisso com a ética, a Eight Saints No Plans é também um produto livre de crueldade animal, refletindo a preocupação com o bem-estar dos animais e do meio ambiente. Acreditamos que a beleza deve ser acessível e verdadeira, por isso, nossa fórmula é baseada em oito ingredientes-chave que realmente fazem a diferença na sua rotina de cuidados com a pele.
1. Hidratação Profunda: Proporciona uma hidratação intensa, deixando a pele macia e com um brilho saudável.
2. Redução de Poros: Com o uso regular, ajuda a minimizar a aparência dos poros, resultando em uma textura de pele mais suave.
3. Remoção de Manchas e Acne: Os ingredientes naturais atuam na clareza da pele, reduzindo manchas e prevenindo o surgimento de acne.
4. Controle de Oleosidade: Ideal para peles oleosas, controla a produção de sebo, mantendo a pele equilibrada e livre de brilho excessivo.
5. Limpeza Profunda: Penetra nos poros para remover impurezas e toxinas, revitalizando a pele e promovendo uma aparência fresca.
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Para obter os melhores resultados com a Máscara Facial de Argila Eight Saints No Plans, comece com a pele limpa e seca. Aplique uma camada uniforme em todo o rosto, evitando a área delicada dos olhos. Deixe a máscara agir por 10 minutos, permitindo que os ingredientes naturais penetrem profundamente na pele. Em seguida, enxágue com água morna, removendo completamente o produto. Para maximizar os benefícios, recomenda-se o uso da máscara de 1 a 2 vezes por semana, integrando-a à sua rotina de cuidados com a pele. Sinta a diferença e desfrute de uma pele revitalizada e saudável com esta máscara de argila de alta qualidade.
S. A. Deffenderfer –
It makes my skin so soft! Moisturized, but also clean & blemish-free! I have very sensitive skin that is oily & acne prone… and this works perfectly with zero issues! Eight Saints is just awesome. So far all their products I’ve tried so far, are just amazing & work wonderfully!
And it lasts a long time! One jar, twice a week, just on my face, lasted almost 3 months!
SunshineCAH –
My face was dry and flaking after swimming every day in the Florida sun. Moisturizers helped, but only for a few hours. A friend suggested this mask, so I tried it. First, the scent is heavenly, just like smelling a summer rose. I usually hate scented cosmetics, but this scemt was so natural, it helped me relax. The results amazed me. After I washed it off (very easily) my skin was suddenly creamy and smooth; it had not felt like that in years! After a few hours, skin discolorations faded, and I was glowing. The next day, my skin was still soft, pliable, and creamy with no flaking at all. My skin absorbed serums and moisturizers and held onto them all day. I am delighted with this mask and would use it every day, except I don’t need to do that. Now I will confess before this, I hated masks because they always dried my skin and stuck in my pores. This mask is like a trip to the spa; I love it and its results.
S. A. Deffenderfer –
I’m obsessed with rose so when I saw Eight Saints came out with a rose clay mask I just had to have it and it smells heavenly, the rose scent is soft and wonderfully perfect, not over powering and fake. This mask has been great on my oily skin, it goes on smooth and really helps clean out my pores without drying out my skin. Also I can’t get over the fact I’ve used this mask at least 5 times and the jar is still full, I’ll include a picture, it doesn’t even look like I’ve used it. It’s not a plastic jar either, it’s heavy, maybe glass, I’m not 100% sure but the jar is heavy and doesn’t feel cheep. When I use a new product too often my face will start to sting however I haven’t noticed that happening with this mask, it’s a keeper. I would most definitely buy again and I’ve already told my sister who also has oily skin she needs to give this mask a try.
Venus Y –
Very nice and easy to us makes my skin soft
Josh S. –
I LOOVVEEE this face mask! It smells like a rose and goes on smoothly. I use it twice a week- I have combination skin in the spring/summer and dry skin in the winter/ fall. It absorbs the oil in my face without leaving my face dry- it’s like magic! 😃 I’m in love with Eight Saints products so this was a natural choice to up my face regimen. Be careful tho- it will stain whatever you use to remove it from your face (it is clay for heavens sakes). I highly recommend you try this face mask- you will not be disappointed! 🌸🌸
Bre T –
Disclaimer… I didn’t expect to love this mask as much as I did. This product is amazing! Feels so good to put on, tingling just the right amount and chock full of minerals. Added additional cleaning fun to an already exciting date night. Great product for weekly use. Leaves my skin glowing and feeling super healthy, like all the eight saints women’s and brickell men’s products that I’ve tried. Light scent, which is especially necessary for sensitive folks like me. Get you one today!
SunshineCAH –
I absolutely love this face mask! I’ve tried so many.
It applies so smooth and creamy. The scent is warm with notes of rose & frankincense. When its time to remove the mask, it doesn’t make you scrub like all the others I’ve tried. It wipes off easily, with no scrubbing/irritation. It leaves my face feeling so hydrated, soft, & even has calmed my redness greatly. And makes for a great pre-makeup skincare, my foundation sits so well on top. I have a hard time being able to keep my skin from being dry/flaky in Indiana winter weather. And this has helped greatly even being used a just several times a week. Would highly recommend! This is a face mask I will always have in my bag.
Josh S. –
I used this product on a Sunday as part of my weekly at home “spa re-set ritual”. This is a clay mask which are generally used for removing oil from the surface of the face and light detoxifying. This mask has a light rose scent in the glass jar but not at all noticeable when applied. The mask surprising did not make a dry cursty layer on my face – so was true to description on the box. After I let is rest for 10 minutes, it washed off quite easily and left my skin feeling refreshed with a light moist surface texture and ready for my next skincare steps.