A Máscara em Bastão de Chá Verde – Limpeza de Poros – 1 Pacote (V1) é a solução ideal para quem busca uma pele limpa e revitalizada. Com uma fórmula inovadora que combina as propriedades antioxidantes do chá verde com a eficácia da argila e do ácido hialurônico, esta máscara proporciona uma limpeza profunda dos poros, removendo impurezas e reduzindo a oleosidade. O formato em bastão torna a aplicação prática e sem bagunça, permitindo que você desfrute de uma experiência de spa no conforto da sua casa. Ao aplicar a máscara, você notará uma redução na aparência dos poros, além de uma pele mais suave e hidratada. É perfeita para todos os tipos de pele, especialmente para aquelas que enfrentam problemas como acne e cravos.
Conheça a Máscara em Bastão de Chá Verde – Removedor de Poros – 1 Pacote (V1). Esta máscara em bastão de chá verde oferece ingredientes de limpeza potentes em um formato inovador e conveniente, tornando o cuidado com a pele fácil e eficaz. Uma solução suave para cuidados faciais, perfeita para seus entes queridos, oferecendo uma limpeza profunda em um bastão fácil de usar.
Ótima ideia de presente: Esta máscara em bastão de argila de chá verde utiliza os benefícios do chá verde para limpar profundamente os poros e deixar a pele macia. Uma máscara facial natural de chá verde, perfeita como um presente atencioso para mãe, irmã ou amiga.
Máscara em Bastão Hidratante de Chá Verde para Cravos: Este bastão de chá verde é enriquecido com ácido hialurônico e argila, dois ingredientes vitais celebrados por seus benefícios hidratantes. Ideal para todos os tipos de pele, esses componentes são cruciais em várias máscaras de cuidados com a pele para hidratação eficaz e eliminação de cravos.
Removedor de Cravos de Chá Verde: Este bastão de limpeza de poros, infundido com chá verde, não apenas ajuda a reduzir a acne, mas também minimiza a vermelhidão e as imperfeições. A máscara de argila de chá verde oferece uma variedade de benefícios para a pele adequados tanto para homens quanto para mulheres.
Removedor de Cravos Suave: Esta máscara é especialmente formulada para peles sensíveis, oleosas e mistas, proporcionando uma experiência de limpeza suave e eficaz. Seu aplicador em bastão conveniente garante uma aplicação sem bagunça e uniforme em áreas específicas, como o nariz e a zona T.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Limpeza profunda e eficaz dos poros
- Benefícios hidratantes do ácido hialurônico e argila
- Redução da acne, vermelhidão e imperfeições
- Formulação suave para peles sensíveis, oleosas e mistas
- Aplicação fácil e sem bagunça com o bastão
A Máscara em Bastão de Chá Verde oferece uma série de benefícios que a tornam indispensável na rotina de cuidados com a pele. Primeiramente, sua fórmula proporciona uma limpeza profunda, eliminando impurezas e desobstruindo os poros. Em segundo lugar, o ácido hialurônico e a argila garantem uma hidratação eficaz, mantendo a pele macia e saudável. Além disso, a máscara ajuda a reduzir a acne e a vermelhidão, promovendo uma aparência mais uniforme. A sua formulação suave é ideal para peles sensíveis, oleosas e mistas, tornando-a acessível a todos. Por fim, o formato em bastão facilita a aplicação, permitindo que você cuide da sua pele de maneira prática e rápida.
Para obter melhores resultados, siga estas etapas ao usar a Máscara em Bastão de Chá Verde:
- Lave o rosto com água morna e seque suavemente.
- Gire a base do bastão para expor a máscara.
- Aplique a máscara diretamente nas áreas desejadas, como o nariz e a zona T.
- Deixe a máscara agir por 10-15 minutos.
- Enxágue bem o rosto com água morna.
- Use 2-3 vezes por semana para obter melhores resultados.
Scotty White –
First of all, I love how mess free this is to apply. The mask is a twist up stick, like a lipstick, and you can just spread it onto your skin directly. I did have to use my fingers to kind of massage the mask in a little better, like around my nose where the stick couldn’t quite apply it. This mask feels more like a creamy clay mask than the kind of masks that dry and harden. You’re supposed to leave it on for ten minutes. I left it on for around twenty because I was busy doing other things, but it never really got tight on my skin or did that cracking thing that green masks usually do. It rinses off fairly easily, and did not irritate my sensitive skin. I did need to moisturize afterwards, so it does seem to be a little drying, at least on my skin. I did notice my pores looked visibly smaller after using this, so I will continue using it, but only once a week or so. I will also note that there is a warning on the back of the container that you should use sunscreen because of the increased risk of sunburn, so it may be a good idea to use a nice moisturizer with sunscreen added after use of this mask.
Captain & Miss America –
I thought this was a decent product and I didn’t have any issues with the application method or the removal of the dried mask. All good. I’m just not too sure it did a lot for my skin. The pores on my nose don’t appear to have been affected much. I think I was expecting a little more but I’ll try it again next week and update this if there’s a change.
Amazon Customer –
I usually despise applying facial masks because it can get messy very quickly.
Well, this mask is genius as it slides on your face using almost like a lipstick screwing method, and I LOVE it! No mess!!!!
I really like how it slides and applies easily to my face, and I enjoy feeling it dry. My face felt tighter, but in a good way, telling me it dried well, and I loved seeing it crack a little bit.
It washed off easily, with zero irritation, which is a huge plus.
My pores, after a couple of uses, looked noticeably smaller.
I will say, my skin felt tender, and so make sure you apply a good moisturizer with SPF to ensure your face does not burn when being out in the sun.
Very pleased.
Amy N. –
I ordered 2 of these stick masks and am enjoying them both. They are actually fun to crayon over my face and they feel good going on. This mask is the better one for oily skin, it’s not quite as simultaneously moisturizing as the other one and I did feel squeakier after washing it off. I have combination skin so this is perfect for my T-zone. This is not as drying as some of the mud masks of old, it’s much more gentle to the skin. That’s important for my sensitive skin, I’ve had no ill effects to report. I feel that this is beneficial in terms of keeping the pores clean while being good and not harsh to my skin. These sticks are a wonderful way to apply, it really feels good going on. Thumbs up!
Captain & Miss America –
This green tea tea leaf extract facial mask comes in a tube stick with a twist-up base to bring up the product. When you remove the cap you will see that the product is a pale mint color and has a light but very pleasant green tea scent. To apply, you twist the bottom to bring the product up (like a lipstick or deodorant) and simply apply it directly from the stick to your face. The stick goes over all the surface of your face in one smooth glide. There was only one location I found I had to use my fingers – around the creases of my nostrils and nose. It does not go on super heavy, as you choose how heavy you want to apply it – whatever your preference is.
After leaving it on for 10 minutes, I found it lightly firmed up and allowed me to continue to do other things while I waited on it. I used a warm wash cloth to wipe it off my face, and it came off very easily. No intense scrubbing was necessary. I did experience a slight reddening and warmth on my skin that did not negatively affect my feelings for the product.
I really liked that not having messy fingers during application makes this one of the most fun and easy face masks to apply.
larkspur –
Ingredients: 0 stars. The description mentions AHA (alpha hydroxy acid) but the ingredients label does not list this. The ingredients label also does not list fragrance, however, the product is STRONGLY fragranced. Peppermint is a listed ingredient but it smells nothing like peppermint. More like strong perfume.
Packaging: ½ star. Functional, hygienic, but all plastic.
Source: ½ stars. Made in China, but appreciate that the factory is labeled. Where do they source their ingredients from and what are the conditions like of the factory? Unknown. The company definitely is NOT a small business as marketed on Amazon.
Quality assurance: 0 stars. Again nothing about the ingredient sourcing or third party testing.
Product: 0 stars. Soft and comfortable on skin, but smells way too strong. The synthetic fragrance (unlisted) gave me a headache. I would not want to put this on my skin again.
D. Bray –
Love that this comes in a stick style so I’m not getting my hands messy when I put this on. It glides smooth, and dried pretty quick. If you’re oily skin type this is great- I’ve noticed it really improved my pore size and oiliness. This is pretty drying though so I wouldn’t recommend it for every day use.
customer review –
I use this mask so frequently because of how easy to use it is! I love that’s it’s so mess free for what it is. It doesn’t dry like a clay mask does, at least not after about 10-15 minutes, which I prefer. It seems to clean out my pores fairly well, but I don’t tend to have a ton of junk in mine (#blessed). I do have to use my finger to rub it onto my nose, but that’s understandable, and it washes off so easily. I haven’t had any negative reactions to it. Such a great concept!