A Máscara Detoxificante para Rosto e Corpo da EUROPEAN WAX CENTER é uma máscara de argila de limpeza profunda que combina carvão ativado, óleo de melaleuca e ácido glicólico, oferecendo uma solução eficaz para a purificação da pele. Este produto é ideal para quem busca uma limpeza profunda dos poros, remoção de impurezas e rejuvenescimento da pele, resultando em uma aparência mais limpa, suave e radiante. A fórmula inovadora não apenas desobstrui os poros, mas também trata problemas comuns como cravos, acne e pelos encravados, tornando-se um aliado indispensável entre sessões de depilação com cera, depilação com açúcar, barbear e pinçar.
O carvão ativado é um dos principais ingredientes, conhecido por sua capacidade de absorver sujeira e toxinas, proporcionando uma limpeza eficaz sem ressecar a pele. A presença de ácidos AHA e BHA, como o ácido glicólico, promove uma esfoliação suave, enquanto o óleo de melaleuca atua como um agente calmante, reduzindo a irritação e a inflamação. A vitamina C, por sua vez, ilumina a pele, conferindo um aspecto saudável e radiante. A fórmula é cuidadosamente elaborada para evitar o uso de substâncias prejudiciais, como óleo mineral, ftalatos, parabenos e glúten, garantindo uma experiência de cuidado com a pele segura e eficaz.
1. Limpeza Profunda dos Poros: Remove impurezas e desobstrui os poros, promovendo uma pele saudável.
2. Tratamento de Cravos e Acne: Combate cravos e acne com a ação do carvão ativado e dos ácidos AHA e BHA.
3. Hidratação e Esfoliação: Proporciona esfoliação suave e hidratação, melhorando a textura da pele.
4. Acalma a Irritação e Inflamação: O óleo de melaleuca reduz a irritação, tornando a pele mais confortável.
5. Livre de Substâncias Prejudiciais: Garantia de um produto seguro, sem ingredientes nocivos que possam causar irritações.
Aplique uma camada uniforme da Máscara Detoxificante no rosto e/ou corpo, evitando a área dos olhos. Deixe agir por 10 a 15 minutos para permitir que os ingredientes ativos penetrem na pele. Em seguida, enxágue com água morna, removendo completamente o produto. Para melhores resultados, utilize a máscara de 1 a 2 vezes por semana. Em caso de irritação, suspenda o uso e consulte um médico.
SmartShopperQT –
I like using this face mask because instead of having something hang onto my face, I squeeze the bottle and spread it on. You won’t have to worry about liquid dripping off of your face or feeling wetness on your skin. The product has a light charcoal scent. You will barely notice it. When I used the product, it reminded me slightly of clay. It comes off easily and I didn’t have to worry about scrubbing it off. The longer the product sat, I noticed a minty feeling on my face. I noticed my skin would feel slightly tighter, which is a feeling that regular face masks would give me. It didn’t irritate my skin and I felt clean after rinsing it off. I do feel like my acne was lessened in the places where I used the product. I feel that the product is good for people with sensitive skin since there wasn’t much friction needed after rinsing it.
Ten minutes is the average time around having to wear and rinse skin products so I wasn’t too surprised about having to do that.
Overall, I think the product is good for clearing acne and isn’t harsh on the skin. I didn’t feel softer skin after using it and I didn’t feel like it moisturized my skin but that’s fine with me. I recommend it to those that want a different way of having a face mask without the inconveniences that normally come with them. My face felt cleaner and my acne seems to have lessened.
Maryann –
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I just got it but I did use it on my face,and so far i’m loving it! Next I’ll try it on my body.
Joanna –
This mask is good for sensitive skin
GardenCat –
This is a mud type mask. It has a herbal menthol scent. The scent is not very strong, but it feels cooling like it has some camphor or menthol in it.
I think it smells very nice. It just feels a little bit cool it doesn’t burn at all.
The first time I used this I left it on a long time. It really wasn’t intentional – I was reading. When I washed it off my face felt super soft but very dry. It was just soaking up moisturizer about as fast as I could put it on it, so this mask can be very drying if you leave it on a very long time.
That said, it also left my skin looking like it had been deep cleaned. The tiny blackheads I get were gone, and my pores look super tight. This is a mess that really does draw stuff out like it says. Just be prepared that if you leave it on for a long time and you have dry skin to use a lot of moisturizer for the next day. I’d actually do it again though!
If you just leave it on as directed it’s not so bad about drying your skin out.
I haven’t have any breakouts at all -it’s a lovely product that I really enjoy. I can really see the clean when I use this and feel the difference.
I would recommend it to anyone – especially if you have always skin, or if you just want to tighten your pores and get them really clean. I feel this would be great for anyone who has a problem with blackheads.
Quinn –
I tried this mask out recently when I had a pretty bad blackhead breakout on my face. This mask is perfect for blackheads.
I put it on, it’s easy to apply and has a menthol-ish, tea tree oil-ish smell to it. After a few minutes I felt a tingly burning sensation on my face. It wasn’t bad but it was enough to make me not to want to try this anywhere else on my body, especially sensitive areas. After I washed it off I couldn’t believe it, all the blackheads were gone and my face felt clean, refreshed and wonderful.
It’s a great mask. especially for blackheads. I’m definitely going to use this whenever I notice a new breakout of blackouts. It works wonders.
Nikki V –
Doesn’t work as well as the other products.
jeanne doran –
I love the way it applies with a squeeze. Easy to use and no mess. It works wonders on my face. I will be buying it again. Thanks for a great product.
Laura N –
This mask is amazing. The effect on irritated skin after waxing is awesome. It takes away irritation almost immediately. Highly recommend this purchase.