A Máscara de Gelo BeeVines, em um prático pacote com 2 unidades de tamanho XL Jumbo, é a solução ideal para quem busca alívio imediato para olhos inchados e uma refrescante sensação de bem-estar facial. Com um design inovador, essa máscara é preenchida com 2.100 peças de gel de grau médico, garantindo que ela mantenha a temperatura fria por até 45 minutos. Isso a torna perfeita para tratar não apenas o inchaço, mas também olheiras, fadiga facial, alergias e até mesmo dor nos seios da face. Ideal para momentos de estresse e tensão, a Máscara de Gelo BeeVines é um item indispensável para quem deseja se recuperar rapidamente após cirurgias ou simplesmente relaxar após um longo dia.
O pacote vem com uma elegante caixa de presente, tornando-a uma excelente opção para presentear. Além disso, as duas máscaras permitem que você tenha uma sempre à mão, sem precisar esperar para reutilizar a mesma. O design reversível de dupla face oferece um lado de plástico frio e um lado de tecido super macio, permitindo que você escolha a textura que mais lhe agrada. Para quem busca versatilidade, a máscara também pode ser utilizada como compressa quente, bastando aquecê-la no micro-ondas por alguns segundos. A alça elástica ajustável garante que a máscara se encaixe confortavelmente em qualquer tamanho de cabeça, sem bagunçar os cabelos.
1. Tamanho XL Jumbo: Proporciona cobertura ampla e eficaz, aliviando olhos inchados e fadiga facial.
2. Pacote de Valor com 2 Unidades: Conveniente para uso prolongado ou compartilhamento, com sacos reutilizáveis para armazenamento.
3. Design Reversível de Dupla Face: Permite personalização na experiência de uso, com um lado frio e outro macio.
4. Terapia Quente e Fria: Versatilidade para alívio de olhos secos e refrescância para inchaço.
5. Alça Elástica Ajustável: Conforto garantido para qualquer tamanho de cabeça, mantendo a máscara no lugar.
Para utilizar a Máscara de Gelo BeeVines, coloque-a no saco de armazenamento reutilizável e leve ao congelador por 45 minutos para resfriamento. Para alívio de olhos secos, aqueça a máscara no micro-ondas em potência média-alta por cerca de 20 segundos, adicionando 5 segundos a cada vez até atingir a temperatura desejada. Não exceda 1 minuto de aquecimento. Ajuste a alça elástica para um encaixe confortável e desfrute dos benefícios refrescantes ou aquecidos da máscara.
AP Singh –
This is great when you have a headache or your eyes are puffy. My eyes have been puffy from allergies and lack of sleep and this has rally helped. The side that goes against your skin is really soft. The strap is adjustable so it fits any size. The beads can be manipulated to get the right fit on your face.
The bag is so you can keep it in the fridge and not worry about anything getting on it. I love the 2 pack because one can stay in the fridge and can be swapped out as needed.
Eric –
I’m actually pretty impressed by these eye masks. They are a great size and filled with enough cooling beads that the cooling effect lasts for quite a while. Each mask comes with its own storage bag to keep it clean and odor-free in your fridge/freezer. Personally, I keep mine in the refrigerator because the freezer gets them just a tad too chilly for my comfort. They can start off a little stiff when placing them over your eyes, but they will start to conform to the shape of your face when they start to heat up just a little. The only issue that I’ve discovered is the material used around the edge of the mask. Unless I adjust it perfectly on my face, the material will hit my nose and start to irritate me. The rougher material will probably ensure that the masks last a lot longer than if a softer material had been used, but there is the potential for a little irritation there…just fyi. Overall, these have made getting to sleep (and staying asleep) on hot nights a whole lot easier. I’m a big fan!
BlueMoon185 –
This is a neat idea. They work well. They have gel bead side and a soft side. It has a strap that goes around the head. They also come with freezer bags so the fabric doesn’t pick up the smell of the freezer or smell freezer burnt. During a headache wearing one of these really seems to help put cold pressure on the head and eyes. if the bead side is to cold you can flip it to the soft side and when its not cold enough flip it back over to use the rest of the cold on the bead side. They seem to put pressure in the right spots around and on the eyes. Great at helping with eye strain. These are great and have a spot in our freezer at all times now.
AP Singh –
Since me and my husband both work in front of the screens for a longer period, I have always been looking for something to relax our eyes. This dual-sided eye mask has become an absolute essential in my household.
The pack comes in two XL-size dual-sided gel masks with a stretchable elastic strap. The best part is it comes with a ziplock to store each mask separately in its pouch and a cute gift box. Perfect for gifting!
I have been using it for both cold and hot compression. very effective and helps in puffiness and relation. Just a quick 20 mins eye relaxation I feel like I have a Brand New set of eyes 🙂
For me, it’s been tremendously beneficial, especially since I often deal with allergies, stress, and even migraines.
The versatility of this mask is commendable – be it a cold compress for reducing puffiness and fatigue or a warm compression for eye -strain, soothing eyes, or allergy flare-ups. These gel masks have been very useful.
If you ask me, I would say it’s a must for every household. No side-effects. Helps you feel relaxed and rejuvenated.
Sam –
I bought these ice eye masks to help with my puffy eyes and sinus pressure, and they’ve been a decent choice! I pop them in the freezer for a bit, and they stay cool for a long time. The XL jumbo size really covers the whole eye area, and it’s so soothing after a long day. My girlfriend has even started using them for her allergy symptoms, and she loves the relief it brings.
Stays cool for a good amount of time.
XL jumbo size covers the entire eye area for maximum relief.
Can be used for both cold and warm compresses.
The gel inside shifts a bit, so you need to adjust it to fit comfortably sometimes.
They’re perfect for relaxing and reducing puffiness, and I love that there are two in the pack—one for me and one to share.
Natasha –
I really like the sueded fabric on the side of these eye masks that touches your face. It made it much more comfortable than using a standard ice pack.
I also liked the included “freezer bag” into which you place the eye mask when putting it into your freezer. The insert with the masks says that these bags are to keep the masks from acquiring odors in your freezer, but they also keep the sueded fabric from acquiring moisture and ice.
I stuck a mask in the freezer and took it out about an hour later. It was very cold! I adjusted the strap and put on the mask. A little massaging of the gel gave me a comfortable fit and blocked out most light. It was very cold and chilled my face quickly. This will be great for those migraines that can be mitigated a bit by ice packs and darkness.
The masks are made with quality materials and seem to be put together very well. I recommend these for anyone looking for a chilling mask that works well.
OneCaliDoll –
If you’re looking for a gel eye mask that covers not only the eyes but also your forehead, these might do the job depending on your head size. I love these extra large gel masks for migraines or sinus headaches. They can be used either hot or cold, just microwave or toss in the fridge or freezer. They are also usable on either side. The gel side feels a lot colder than the fabric side. Love having these. One thing these masks have that some others do not is a plastic cover for storage in the freezer or refrigerator. The cover helps so that they don’t acquire a freezer/fridge smell, and I appreciate that.
BlueMoon185 –
I like having cold packs on my eyes after a long day, so I was interested in trying this out. I would leave one in a freezer for a while, and it would feel really nice for a good bit, but then after about 5 minutes, my eyes would start to hurt. I would only use the felt side, not the blue squishy side. I tried squishing the pack around so that it would counter differently and not hurt as much, but it still somewhat hurt. I think it might have been a combination of the weight plus the cold, so it caused it to hurt. it was alright, but I was just not really a fan, I wish it was a bit lighter, since that might have helped.