Máscara de Geléia para Faciais Profissionais, Máscara de Borracha para Spa, Hidratante
A Máscara de Gel para Faciais Profissional é uma máscara de borracha para tratamentos faciais em spa, que proporciona hidratação intensa. Enriquecida com ingredientes nutritivos, esta máscara é ideal para quem busca uma pele suave e flexível, ajudando a suavizar rugas e refinar os poros, resultando em um brilho radiante. Sua textura fresca e calmante revigora a pele, deixando-a hidratada e relaxada. Com um kit completo de ferramentas para misturar a máscara, você pode desfrutar de um tratamento profissional de spa no conforto da sua casa!
INDICADO PARA TODOS OS TIPOS DE PELE: Cuidar da sua pele é a nossa prioridade número um. Por isso, criamos a Máscara Hidratante de Geléia para todos os tipos de pele, especialmente para peles maduras e envelhecidas, atendendo homens e mulheres de qualquer idade que desejam melhorar a aparência da pele e alcançar uma pele mais feliz e saudável.
Cobertura Completa: Com uma textura gelatinosa, essas máscaras faciais cobrem todo o rosto e qualquer parte do corpo. Elas criam uma camada selada a vácuo na pele, forçando a hidratação e permitindo que a umidade e os nutrientes penetrem mais profundamente, além de diminuir a temperatura da pele. Sua fórmula não escorre nem faz bagunça.
Experimente um SPA profissional em casa: Economize tempo e dinheiro! Um pote de máscara de geléia tem uma grande capacidade de 23fl.Oz, podendo ser usado de 20 a 30 vezes. Assim, você pode desfrutar de uma experiência de SPA profissional confortável e tranquila em casa, muito mais econômica do que frequentar salões de beleza.
Como usar o pó da máscara de geléia: Misture o pó da máscara e água em uma tigela na proporção de 4:3 até ficar homogêneo. Use uma espátula para aplicar a máscara no rosto ou em outras áreas do corpo, e aguarde de 15 a 20 minutos para a máscara de geléia secar. Por fim, remova a máscara. É tão fácil assim! Nosso pó de máscara de geléia é simples de usar e pode ser misturado com água ou com o seu tônico favorito para criar uma máscara luxuosa.
- Hidratação Profunda: A máscara de geléia é enriquecida com ingredientes nutritivos que hidratam profundamente a pele, deixando-a suave e flexível.
- Redução de Rugas e Poros: A máscara ajuda a suavizar rugas e refinar os poros, proporcionando uma aparência mais jovem e saudável à pele.
- Textura Refrescante: A textura fresca e calmante da máscara de geléia deixa a pele revigorada, hidratada e relaxada.
- Economia de Tempo e Dinheiro: Com um pote de 23fl.Oz, a máscara pode ser usada de 20 a 30 vezes, proporcionando uma experiência de SPA profissional em casa, mais econômica do que salões de beleza.
- Fácil de Usar: Basta misturar o pó da máscara com água ou tônico, aplicar no rosto ou corpo e esperar secar. Depois, é só remover a máscara e desfrutar dos benefícios para a pele.
Para obter os melhores resultados, siga estas instruções de uso:
- Misture o pó da máscara e água ou tônico em uma tigela na proporção de 4:3.
- Use uma espátula para aplicar a máscara no rosto ou em outras áreas do corpo.
- Deixe a máscara agir por 15 a 20 minutos, até secar completamente.
- Remova a máscara delicadamente, começando pelas bordas.
- Enxágue o rosto ou corpo com água morna para remover qualquer resíduo.
- Use a máscara de geléia de 1 a 2 vezes por semana para obter melhores resultados.
Boshra –
**Review of MEWEACHI Jelly Mask for Facials**
I recently ordered the MEWEACHI Jelly Mask for facials, and it has quickly become a favorite in my skincare routine! This professional-grade spa mask comes in a generous 23 fl oz jar, which means there’s plenty to enjoy for multiple treatments. The jelly texture feels luxurious and is easy to apply, making it a delightful addition to my at-home spa days.
One of the standout features of this mask is its moisturizing and hydrating properties. Infused with hyaluronic acid, it provides a burst of hydration that leaves my skin feeling plump and refreshed. After using it, my skin appears brighter, and I’ve noticed a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, which is a definite plus for my skincare goals. It’s also soothing and has helped with occasional breakouts, making it a versatile option for different skin concerns.
I appreciate that the mask is designed for both professional and home use. It’s perfect for treating yourself after a long week or sharing with friends during a spa night. The only downside is that it can be a bit messy during application, so be prepared to clean up a little afterwards.
Overall, the MEWEACHI Jelly Mask is a great investment for anyone looking to enhance their skincare routine. It delivers on its promises of hydration and skin improvement, making it an excellent choice for those with wrinkles or acne-prone skin.
**Key Points:**
– Luxurious jelly texture for easy application
– Moisturizing and hydrating with hyaluronic acid
– Reduces fine lines and brightens skin
– Soothes occasional breakouts, versatile for different skin types
– Designed for both professional and home use
– Can be a bit messy during application
– Generous size for multiple treatments
s –
It’s kinda like a science experiment and spa day all in one. It does take a bit of experimenting to get the consistency right. My first attempt, the gel was rather watery and didn’t want to stay put. It was fun to do with the kids, but in the future I’ll probably use prepackaged collagen masks.
CuteHappyLittleBug –
It was a fun day. After trial and error, I finally found a preferred mask ratio over the recommended one. We’re all set for my daughter’s spa day party with a few of her closest friends. The day will include facials, manicures, pedicures, and some snacks.
The mask powder is abundant, making it perfect for multiple spa days. Using the included spatula, the mask was easy to apply. The kit came with two small white plastic bowls, a small scoop, a headband, and a flexible-tip spatula. I discovered that the thicker I mixed the mask, the easier it was to peel off. It was a fantastic way to unwind as the girls chatted and giggled, enjoying the sight of each other covered in the masks. Overall, it was an enjoyable day!
Pet Trend –
The ratio for this mask that worked best for me was 4:2, not 4:3, as the description said.
The mask comes in powder and is in a huge jar that might last for a very long time, even one whole year. I kept the mask on for 15 minutes and my skin feels rejuvenated and plumper after that, but it’s too soon to tell the visual effects of it yet. I will apply it weekly every month and will update on the result. It’s easy to peel off, I had to rinse my face thoroughly after that, but I guess the ingredients are well absorbed by the skin.
BethLakshmi –
After a few bad peel off mask experiences, I was a bit dubious to try a jelly mask – but I may be a convert!
The experience:
– easy to mix, it’s a powder that you mix with water, although apparently milk or ? toner? are also options. I just used water, and it can be mixed in a bowl they give you, with the “brush” they give you. It made so much I had basically a mask’s worth of leftovers.
– goes on gloopy, I basically looked like a melting snow man, but it solidifies well. It never gets fully dry (at least over 15-20 minutes), but it gets a jelly like consistency that doesn’t drip but never feels totally dry. I’d say it gets firm.
– taking it off is a breeze. I rubbed my hands over my face and it just fell into my hands. No scrubbing, just gentle rubbing (not even massage-levels heavy). And I had a handful of goop that I just threw away. I washed my face while taking a shower, which got it out of any excess that i accidentally got in my hairline.
– now, and hour or later, with no extra products, my face does feel soft and relaxed.
– there’s plenty of it! It’ll give many applications.
I’d definitely recommend it, and I’ll probably try other jelly masks, now that I like this one.
Asha –
I have never used a jelly mask and it was fun to try it out for the first time. Despite the name, I did not think it would actually be like jelly on the face. The ratio of powder to water that the directions call for make a lot of the mask. Next time I will make less because I did not use all of it. It comes with a mask spreader tool, but it was easier to use my fingers to spread the jelly mixture on my face. It was hard for me to get it on neatly, without some of it dripping down my face and neck. After you put it on, you may need to lay back for a few minutes to let it dry a little before walking around. I left it on for about 15 minutes and then washed it off with a washcloth and warm water. I tried to peel it off but was unable to do so successfully. The wash cloth worked the best for me. I immediately saw a difference in my skin. It looked so much more clearer and it did not strip any moisture from my skin. I plan on using this a couple of times a week.
Lillian –
Using this mask is fun and provides my oily skin with enough moisture, I like how this mask turns into a jelly, I thought I didn’t mix it up well because it took a long time to turn into a jelly I think it’s fun to play with how much water and powder goes into the little bowl to change to consistency, I dumped it in the trash can when I was finished I didn’t know if it would clog the sink it was easy to wash off and smelled okay. I’ve been using this once a week and this is a part of my skincare now.