A Máscara de Terapia de Luz Vermelha para o Rosto, também conhecida como Máscara de Terapia de Luz de Contorno de LED, é um dispositivo inovador que combina tecnologia avançada com cuidados estéticos. Este produto portátil e recarregável utiliza 7 cores de luz LED, incluindo a luz infravermelha próxima de 850 nm, para proporcionar uma experiência de tratamento facial eficaz e conveniente. A terapia de luz vermelha é reconhecida por seus benefícios na melhoria da saúde da pele, promovendo a renovação celular, aumentando o metabolismo e melhorando a elasticidade da pele. Com o uso regular, a máscara ajuda a reduzir rugas, linhas finas e manchas escuras, resultando em uma pele mais suave e rejuvenescida.
Equipado com luz infravermelha de 850 nm, este dispositivo penetra profundamente na pele, alcançando camadas que a luz visível não consegue atingir. Isso garante um tratamento mais eficaz e duradouro. A máscara é sem fio, permitindo que você a utilize em qualquer lugar, seja em casa, no trabalho ou durante viagens, sem as limitações de um cabo. Com 7+1 cores de luz, cada uma com um comprimento de onda específico, você pode personalizar seu tratamento de acordo com as necessidades da sua pele, abordando problemas como acne, rugas e manchas.
Recomenda-se o uso da máscara de 3 a 5 vezes por semana, com sessões de 10 minutos, para obter os melhores resultados. A função de temporização automática garante um tratamento seguro e eficaz. Após 4 a 6 semanas de uso contínuo, muitos usuários notam uma melhora significativa na aparência da pele. A máscara é leve e confortável, não causando pressão ou marcas no rosto, e vem com protetores oculares para garantir a segurança durante o uso.
– Renovação da pele: A luz infravermelha de 850 nm promove a regeneração celular, resultando em uma pele mais saudável.
– Uso sem fio: A liberdade de movimento permite que você cuide da sua pele em qualquer lugar, sem limitações.
– Tratamento personalizado: Com 7+1 cores de luz, você pode escolher a melhor opção para suas necessidades específicas de pele.
– Resultados visíveis: O uso regular proporciona uma redução significativa de rugas e manchas em poucas semanas.
– Conforto e praticidade: Leve e fácil de usar, a máscara é ideal para quem busca um tratamento eficaz sem complicações.
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Para maximizar os resultados da Máscara de Terapia de Luz Vermelha para o Rosto, recomenda-se utilizá-la de 3 a 5 vezes por semana. Cada sessão deve durar 10 minutos. Antes de iniciar, limpe e seque bem o rosto. Coloque a máscara de forma que se ajuste confortavelmente ao seu rosto e pressione o botão de ligar. A máscara iniciará automaticamente o tratamento. Durante a sessão, relaxe e aproveite os benefícios da terapia de luz vermelha. Após o uso, desligue a máscara e limpe-a com um pano macio e úmido antes de guardá-la.
Amazon Customer –
Just received this product over a week ago. I love all the light settings to choose from to target your specific skin care needs. So easy and comfortable to use. Can’t wait to see the improvements in my skin. Highly recommend this product.
Summer –
I’ve been so excited to try an LED face mask because I can see the benefits (I like skin care backed by science rather than blindly listening to “it’ll make your wrinkles disappear”) I finally caved and after awhile chose this one, and it has been awesome! Charges so you do not have to sit next to an outlet and can bring it wherever you need to light up! I’ll check in in a month or two about how my face looks!
David –
I had to leave this out for a long time when I got this because it smelled of some chemical smell. I also tried wiping it down with rubbing alcohol to get rid of the smell, but it still took weeks before it was gone.
I used the mask very regularly and have seen results with it. My skin feels even softer and I have seen some acne scars fade.
But after using this for about 5 months, the mask is no longer working properly. I used to have to charge it after about every 3 uses. But lately, I’ve been charging it after every use, and for longer than it should need. I did this in hopes that it would stop the lights from fading out while I’m using the mask. Now, when I use it, the lights start to fade out (the mask is still on, but the LEDs fade out). I shift the mask on my face and then they come back on, only to fade out again. I’ve tried loosening the mask – no difference. Also, when I turn it on, while its on my face, it doesn’t give me all the colors. It will start at blue, then go green, cyan, and back to blue again. The yellow light turns green until I shift it and it goes back to yellowish green for a little bit before changing once again.
I’m really frustrated that I spent $100 on this for it to not work anymore and now I have to look for a different mask that will be even more expensive.
Mary Elgers –
I just received my products a few weeks ago and it came in a very nice box. Right after each use, my skin do look better overall but I do not have much wrinkles so can’t tell if it helps with wrinkles.
It also came with eye covers which is good for red led mode as it’s very bright.
So far I am happy with my purchase
David Hale –
It’s very easy to use and after only 3 treatments have noticed a tighter feel in my skin and fresher look in my face overall. Can’t wait to use it again tonight.
Mary Elgers –
Great item seems to be working, great value
Belinda W –
I have been using this mask regularly for three months now and am thrilled with the results. I have mature skin with a history of breakouts, large pores, acne scarring and some pigment discoloration. I use the red light mostly, for 10 mins almost every evening after removing my makeup and before applying my evening moisturizer and serum. Occasionally I also use the white light for brightening my skin. My results have been striking. I no longer have breakouts. My pores are noticeably tighter and my scarring has become way less noticeable and easier to conceal. I feel like my skin is better than it’s ever been. I wear a light bb cream now instead of foundation, and look even better. The mask, like other reviews have noted, is lightweight, cordless and can be worn when you’re doing other things. The timer shuts it off after 10 minutes so it’s pretty worry free in use. I definitely would recommend it.
Mary –
I wanted to test this out for a while before writing a review. I had done a lot of research on LED masks before purchasing. I am very impressed with the results. Been using it daily on different light cycles since I got it and definitely noticed a difference with my skin!
Summer –
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I’ve bought 2 red light therapy masks now. And this one takes the cake, it is definitely the best quality I’ve used!
First the Velcro straps are super easy to assemble and use, it is comfortable on the face, and you can adjust the tightness to your own comfort level.
Second, I’ve actually seen an improvement in my skin’s texture, and overall appearance. Definitely a great value for the price!
Jennifer –
I recently purchased the Bubloc Red Light Therapy Mask, and I must say, it has quickly become an essential part of my skincare routine. This mask is not only easy to use but also incredibly effective.
First and foremost, I appreciate how effortless it is to use this mask. The instructions are clear, and getting the eye pieces positioned correctly ensures that the light doesn’t disturb me during my treatment sessions. Speaking of which, the mask features 7 LED light colors, each with its own unique benefits. Personally, I’ve been primarily using the Red light for its anti-aging properties and collagen-boosting effects, along with the White light to enhance skin metabolism and firmness, and the Yellow light to reduce redness and inflammation.
One of the standout features of this mask is its secure fit. It sits snugly on my face without feeling uncomfortable, and it’s a breeze to put on. I’ve been using it consistently for about a week now, and I’m already noticing significant improvements in my skin. Not only does my complexion look brighter and more even, but I’ve also noticed a reduction in fine lines and redness.
To top it off, the ability to track my progress with photos is a fantastic addition. Being able to visually document the changes in my skin over time has been both motivating and reassuring.
Overall, I couldn’t be happier with my purchase of the Bubloc Red Light Therapy Mask. It’s convenient, effective, and has quickly become a staple in my skincare routine. If you’re looking for a non-invasive way to improve your skin’s appearance, I highly recommend giving this mask a try.
The first photo is a before, and the second photo is an after one week later.