A Máscara Aquecida para os Olhos é uma compressa quente calmante que proporciona alívio temporário para olhos irritados, ressecados, pálpebras ressecadas e inchaços nas pálpebras. Com um design inovador, esta máscara é o complemento perfeito para a sua rotina de cuidados com os olhos, permitindo que você rejuvenesça seu olhar com um calor suave e reconfortante. Ao aquecer a máscara no micro-ondas por apenas 20 segundos, você pode desfrutar de um momento de relaxamento, colocando-a sobre as pálpebras fechadas por 15 a 20 segundos. O calor suave atua como um bálsamo, acalmando a tensão e proporcionando um alívio temporário que transforma a experiência de quem passa longas horas em frente a telas ou enfrenta o desgaste do dia a dia.
A máscara foi projetada com um foco especial no conforto e no ajuste perfeito. Sua cobertura externa é feita de um material suave que é gentil para a pele delicada ao redor dos olhos, enquanto a alça ajustável permite que cada usuário personalize o nível de pressão, garantindo um encaixe ideal. Isso significa que você pode usá-la com facilidade e conforto sempre que sentir necessidade, seja após um longo dia de trabalho ou durante momentos de estresse.
Além de suas capacidades de aquecimento, a Máscara Aquecida para os Olhos também oferece a opção de terapia de frio. Colocando-a no freezer, você pode obter um alívio instantâneo e temporário de inchaços e inflamações, ideal para aqueles dias em que os olhos parecem cansados e pesados. Essa versatilidade torna a máscara uma ferramenta indispensável para o autocuidado.
A qualidade premium e a durabilidade da máscara são garantidas por seus materiais de alta qualidade, que a tornam leve, portátil e fácil de limpar. Isso assegura que você tenha um companheiro confiável em sua rotina de cuidados com os olhos por muitos anos. Além disso, a Heyedrate se compromete com uma causa social, doando uma parte dos lucros para ajudar aqueles que precisam de cuidados com os olhos, reforçando a importância de cuidar não apenas de si mesmo, mas também dos outros.
1. Alívio Direcionado: Proporciona alívio eficaz para olhos irritados e ressecados, além de inchaços nas pálpebras.
2. Conforto Personalizado: A alça ajustável e a cobertura suave garantem um ajuste perfeito e confortável para todos os usuários.
3. Qualidade e Durabilidade: Feita com materiais de alta qualidade, a máscara é projetada para resistir ao uso diário e durar por muito tempo.
4. Terapia de Frio: Oferece uma opção de alívio instantâneo para inchaços e inflamações, aumentando sua versatilidade.
5. Contribuição Social: Ao adquirir o produto, você ajuda a financiar cuidados para aqueles que necessitam, promovendo um impacto positivo na comunidade.
Para utilizar a Máscara Aquecida para os Olhos, aqueça-a no micro-ondas por 20 segundos. Em seguida, coloque-a sobre as pálpebras fechadas por um período de 15 a 20 segundos. O calor suave proporcionará alívio temporário para olhos irritados e ressecados. Para a terapia de frio, coloque a máscara no freezer por um tempo adequado e aplique-a nos olhos para um alívio instantâneo de inchaço e inflamação. Ajuste a alça para garantir um encaixe confortável e personalizado, permitindo que você aproveite ao máximo os benefícios da máscara.
Brian –
Feels good!
Amazon Customer –
My new ophthalmologist told me to put a hot compress on my eyes for 15 minutes morning and night to open clogged oil glands in my eyelids.
Warming a hand towel with hot water felt good – for a minute – so I searched for a better solution and found the Dry Eye Mask by Heyedrate. Since a reviewer tried this mask as well as a more expensive mask and said they are equally good, I bought this one.
It’s easy and comfortable to use and stays warm for about 15 minutes. I don’t need to use eye drops as frequently as I used to.
On the day I placed my order, my entire right eyelid became red and swollen. The mask arrived the next day, and after I started using it, the swelling in my eyelid immediately decreased, revealing that I also had a stye.
Continued use of the mask has helped to speed up the healing of the stye and my right eyelid is nearly back to normal.
Highly recommend this eye mask!
Stephen –
I recently purchased the Heyedrate Heated Eye Mask, and it has quickly become a must-have in my self-care routine. As someone who spends long hours in front of screens, I often experience irritated eyes, dryness, and those annoying crusty eyelids. This heated eye mask has proven to be a game-changer in providing temporary relief and comfort to my eyes.
Not only does it offer a warm compress for tired eyes, but it also provides cold therapy for those days when your eyes need a refreshing pick-me-up. The option to switch between heat and cold makes it a versatile solution for various eye concerns.
Phyllis Dumont –
What’s the difference from this micro heated masks to others, Nothing. I have MGD am a feisty 79 who is obsessed with checking reviews and products. This sounded good, and it is, but is it better then any mask similar, in the sense of comfort and ease it’s fine, in the sense of holding consistency of heat, NO. It’s good enough for a quickie, but not good for even more then five minutes.
Lewis –
I bought one of these after my eye doctor recommended warm compresses to prevent styes. This mask works great, warm but not too hot, and quite comfortable as long as you stay on your back. I’m bought a second one to use when I travel. The only negative is they’re hard to keep clean as you can’t submerge them; makeup removal cloths can only do so much. The side that is not on your eyes pills and looks nasty. Need to find a ‘sweater stone’ to clean it up.
Happyface –
This is the best stye mask I have tried, comparing it to the Walgreens brand pearl mask and the Bausch & Lomb pearl mask. The pearl masks I think get hotter and are a little easier when they are still new to mold around your eye; but the bead mask here on Amazon does pretty darn well conforming to your eye as well. The pearl masks have a plastic cover/body, so after you wash it with soap & water and use it for a few months, it doesn’t conform as well as it does in the beginning and can kind of poke your eye when using it. I would say the bead mask is harder to clean, as the instructions just recommend using a damp cloth/paper towel to wipe the mask, which is interesting. The pearl mask you can actually use soap & water so I think it’s cleaner, however the heat is really what is important so the bead mask wins. I would just wipe my eye with a paper towel/bath towel to clean it, after using the bead mask. The plastic pearl masks also get much more oily when touching your face and you really need to clean your mask & face after using it, while the bead mask doesn’t pick up so much oil from my experience.
I have another brand of mask and I don’t use it. The tabs in the back used to adjust the mask does not work easily for me and this is why I was not using it. Then came the Dry Eye Mask by Heyedrate and I love it. The tabs for keeping the mask on are long enough so that you are not struggling to adjusting the mask to stay on. The mask fits comfortably and I was able to leave the mask on for 15 minutes and not have the mask moving off of my eyes. I also love the fact that the mask can be washed. If you use it on your eyes 2 times a day, it will eventually need washing and other masks I saw, you could not wash it. After using the heated mask on my eyes, it felt really good since the junk in my meibomian glands was released in my eyes. I then used the lid cleaner and it took out all of the junk. My eyes feel so good now. No more dry eyes and no more overgrowth of that awful ugly demodex. I can’t see them, but I’ve seen their pictures and they are swimming around in the meibomian glands. Yuky!! It’s also nice to have the mask stay at a warm temperature. I’ve tried using a wet towel and this method is not comfortable since the warmness fads rapidly. The Dry Eye Mask by Heyedrate stays warm and it’s comfortable the whole time that I’m wearing it.
Stephen –
First I’ll say that this got rid of the stubborn stye that eye drops stopped working on. I started getting styes a few months ago along with dry eye and drops stopped working. Someone suggested a Bruder mask and I ended up with this.
I wasn’t paying attention bought what I saw in search. This obvs works, my only question is does the Bruder stay warm longer. Bc this gets cool after about five minutes. The first time I used it I reheated three or four times. So don’t go upstairs and get comfy. Stay downstairs near the microwave bc you’ll be jumping up in a few minutes.
This also takes care of my watery eyes. I’d never had that happen either but that started too and one night blinked and a literal waterfall came down my face. Now when I have any kind of issue I put this on and everything clears up.
I took one star off only bc if I do a search for a brand that’s what I want to see first. It’s not the sellers fault (I guess) but if this works just as good as the Bruder I’ll come back and give five. If Amazon lets me do that.
Also, if you use it again right after you’ve just used it, reduce the time in the microwave. I think it’s like 20 seconds iirc so do like 17. Depending on your microwave ofc. I did 20 seconds the 2nd time and it was too hot. It hadn’t fully cooled down yet and I didn’t think to adjust the time.
Also it’s very comfy to wear. It’s weighted so you’ll want to lay down but it’s very comfy.