A manteiga de karité orgânica da Mary Tylor Naturals é um produto de excelência, com 454g de pura riqueza natural, extraída de forma crua e não refinada, proveniente das árvores de karité da África de Gana. Com certificação USDA, essa manteiga é um verdadeiro tesouro para quem busca cuidados eficazes e saudáveis para a pele e cabelo, além de ser uma aliada em projetos de faça você mesmo (DIY).
Rica em vitaminas A, E e F, a manteiga de karité é amplamente reconhecida por suas propriedades hidratantes e nutritivas. Ela atua como um emoliente poderoso, proporcionando uma hidratação profunda e duradoura, ideal para combater a secura da pele e do cabelo. Os ácidos graxos essenciais presentes na manteiga ajudam a restaurar a barreira de umidade da pele, protegendo-a contra agressões externas, como poluição e radiação solar, além de retardar o envelhecimento precoce.
A versatilidade da manteiga de karité da Mary Tylor Naturals é um dos seus maiores atrativos. Pode ser utilizada em diversas aplicações, desde a hidratação dos lábios até a revitalização de cabelos danificados. Para os entusiastas do DIY, é um ingrediente fundamental na formulação de sabonetes, cremes e loções caseiras, permitindo personalizar produtos de cuidados pessoais de acordo com as necessidades individuais.
1. Certificação USDA: Garante a pureza e qualidade do produto, assegurando que você está adquirindo um item genuíno e seguro.
2. Origem Sustentável: Proveniente da África de Gana, apoia comunidades locais e promove o comércio justo.
3. Hidratação Profunda: Proporciona uma nutrição intensa para pele e cabelo, deixando-os macios e saudáveis.
4. Versatilidade de Uso: Ideal para cuidados pessoais e projetos DIY, permitindo a criação de produtos personalizados.
5. Livre de Químicos Agressivos: Uma opção segura e saudável, especialmente para peles sensíveis ou propensas a alergias.
Para maximizar os benefícios da manteiga de karité, aplique uma pequena quantidade nas áreas desejadas, como rosto, corpo, cabelo ou lábios. Massageie suavemente até que a manteiga seja completamente absorvida. Para utilização em projetos DIY, derreta a manteiga em banho-maria e incorpore-a nas suas receitas caseiras. É importante armazenar a manteiga em um local fresco e seco para preservar suas propriedades e garantir sua durabilidade.
HoneyTiger –
This shea butter exceeded my expectations! I read reviews of other brands of shea butters and people talked about a smoke smell – I was hoping this wouldn’t be the case for Mary Tylor’s products. I am so happy to report that this shea butter smelled like the soft, smooth butter I expected. There is a vague scent that reminds me a teeny, tiny bit of cocao, but it smells great. Melts beautifully and makes my salves softer and richer. So very, very pleased with my purchase and will buy again soon.
Dancing Erica –
High quality Shea butter. I have purchased other Shea butter on Amazon that smelled like gasoline – yuck. This one doesnt have a strong smell but does seem like it is pure. Comes in a resealable bag and inner plastic bag in one giant square lump. One of few products that helps soothe my eczema.
FYI if you’ve never used Shea butter before, it is hard unless u live in tropical country. You can warm it up in ur hand
amywest –
I bought this (and natural cocoa butter and a lot of other non solid oils) to make body butter. To successfully make body butter you need a ratio of one solid to one liquid (solid being Shea or cocoa butter or some other hard oil). You melt the Shea butter in the microwave (I melted cocoa butter then melted this Shea butter into it) then mix your other oils and any scents you want (I love the smell of coffee so I use pura d’or coffee oil – smells amazing with the cocoa butter) and mix in a mixer for about 10 mins. Refrigerate for about 15 take out and do another 10 mins. Keep repeating until the mixture starts to solidify and get a gravy like consistency. If you want to get rid of the smoky smell (it’s not noticeable until you actually use the body butter on your skin and it’s an after scent that many people might not notice and goes away in about an hour – in my research all raw Shea butter has this I think it’s how it’s processed) you need to put the mixture in your refrigerator for about 4 weeks – the other oils will absorb it and it’s gone. I couldn’t wait that long and my mixer isn’t that big so I used about 1 1/2 cups of the mixture and stored the rest (when you whip it its best to leave lots of room in the mixer as it gets about 3 times the amount with whipping). To finish just whip with a wire whip 20 – 30 mins then refrigerate 4 or 5 times until desired consistency. I store my finished result in an empty coconut oil container.
Cari Richardson –
Mary Tylor Naturals Organic Shea butter is USDA Certified Raw and Unrefined, The shea butter comes in a 1lb package. The shea butter is of the finest quality from Ghana Africa. It is Great for making perfume, lotion, hair conditioner and all of your DIY projects.
Carole –
I recently bought this shea butter from Amazon, and I have to say, I absolutely love it! The shea butter is super moisturizing and makes my skin feel really soft and smooth. I’ve been using it every day for the past week, and I can already see a difference in how healthy and hydrated my skin looks. The texture is creamy and easy to apply, and a little goes a long way, so the jar will last me a long time. It’s perfect for everyday use. Overall, I highly recommend this shea butter to anyone looking for a great moisturizer that really works. I’m really happy with my purchase and will definitely be buying it again.
Judy Briggs –
I make my own cosmetics and this shea butter is soft and blendable with some of my oil. It makes a wonderful body butter for dry skin or for feet. I will certainly buy more real soon.
Cari Richardson –
I decided to try a new brand of shea butter to make my whipped shea butter with. Upon opening the package, I was slapped with the most unpleasant odor. Naturally, shea butter has a nutty smell. However, this stuff smelled heavily of chemicals. The odor was so heavy and strong that it began to fill the house quickly. I ran and got my essential oils. However, no matter how much I put inside, they did not overcome the odor. Also, it is very hand pliable. Natural, raw shea butter is hard. It needs to be forced to work with a machine, or high heat. I was able to push this stuff in with my fingers without much effort. When I tried to blend it down (I blended it before adding the essential oils), not only was it stringy and immensely sticky, it short-circuited my hand mixer, so now I have to buy a new one. This stuff stayed HEAVILY sticky, and never got fluffy. The stuff that got on my hand stayed on it, even after washing multiple times. Now on to the cleaning portion of things. I had to literally claw and scrape this stuff out the bowl I was using with my hand in a large freezer bag, seal it, and throw it straight into the trash. As for the bowl, I went straight for the Dawn dish soap (as I did when washing my hands as well). Upon contact, the soap liquefied. I ended up using half the bottle of Dawn before I hit the stuff with water because I was trying to break it down as much as possible without water interference. However, with all the scraping and scrubbing, there was still a thick film over the bowl. I then decided that I was going to blast the stuff with some hot water. Upon contact with the hot water, the stuff melted immediately. It was literally water soluble. Had I known that, I wouldn’t have used all my Dawn like that. Then again, Shea butter isn’t naturally water soluble so that wasn’t my natural first course of action. After de-greasing the bowl, and mixer blades (I’m throwing these in the trash, but I wanted to get the odor off them first), I ran and contacted customer support. I went to contact the seller first to give them a chance to explain themselves, but couldn’t figure out how. So, Amazon customer support, upon hearing my experience, told me to throw the stuff in the trash and that they were sending me a refund immediately. I also let them know I wanted to contact the seller first because I wanted to give them a chance but couldn’t find how to do so, so they sent me the link to do so. When contacting the seller, they initially tried to tell me that I probably just didn’t like the smell of shea butter because many don’t, and how they shipped their items. To be clear, what I mean by “giving them a chance” is by allowing them the chance to apologize before writing my review. This was not given in the first message. I thought, “let me re-emphasize the problems, even though I thoroughly explained everything to them, and try to show them some grace”, then they said they were sorry for the issue and told me to contact Amazon customer support. Honestly, in extending grace, they apologized. So yea. If I could give 0 stars, I would.