Viva a solução definitiva para limpar, desinfetar e equilibrar profundamente a pele oleosa. Nossa fórmula direciona e elimina as imperfeições enquanto remove o acúmulo, ajudando a prevenir futuras erupções para uma tez mais saudável.
Tônico facial para pele oleosa que trata problemas de pele e controla o brilho com propriedades refrescantes e esclarecedoras.
Suggested Use
Aplicar o tônico em um algodão umedecido, passando-o em movimentos circulares para fora. Em seguida, aplicar o hidratante.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Limpeza Profunda
A Loção de Limpeza Especial Mario Badescu C para Pele Mista ou Oleosa proporciona uma limpeza profunda, removendo impurezas e resíduos acumulados na pele.
2. Controle da Oleosidade
Sua fórmula exclusiva controla o excesso de oleosidade, ajudando a reduzir o brilho indesejado e deixando a pele com uma aparência mais mate.
3. Combate às Imperfeições
Com propriedades antibacterianas, a Loção de Limpeza Especial Mario Badescu C ajuda a combater as imperfeições da pele, como acne e espinhas.
4. Equilíbrio da Pele
Além de limpar e desinfetar, esse tônico facial equilibra a pele, deixando-a mais saudável e preparada para receber os cuidados diários.
5. Refrescância e Clareamento
Ao aplicar a loção, você sentirá uma sensação refrescante na pele. Além disso, seus ingredientes ajudam a clarear manchas e uniformizar o tom da pele.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomendamos aplicar a Loção de Limpeza Especial Mario Badescu C para Pele Mista ou Oleosa após a limpeza facial, utilizando um algodão umedecido. Massageie suavemente em movimentos circulares, sempre do centro do rosto para fora. Em seguida, aplique seu hidratante preferido para manter a pele hidratada e protegida.
Jae Miner –
I’m glad I can still get this on Amazon (I used to buy it at Ulta, and they stopped carrying it). SUPER strong, I used it regularly with Mario Badescu’s Glycolic Acid exfoliator and buffering lotion to clear up my skin and use it now when I have PMS break outs. Definitely pair it with a solid moisturizer (I like Mario Badescu’s vitamin C moisturizer and a vit C serum from Mad Hippie). I like the hyaluronic acid cleansing lotion better for everyday skin care now, but only because this stuff completely cleared up my stubborn acne and blackheads. I’ve tried everything from acne prescriptions (they just made my skin peel without doing anything for the deep cystic acne) to basically every acne treatment on the market (seriously, SO many). After using this and the glycolic exfoliator regularly, my skin looks SO GOOD, for the first time since I was like 12 lol. Even the blackheads I’d accepted as pretty much permanent are gone. It helped with all the scarring and red marks I’ve gotten over the years, too. My skin’s clear and looks like I never had years of constant breakouts.
It’s really strong. Like I can’t emphasize that enough. It’s not for sensitive skin (go with one of the other cleansing lotions, the cucumber cleansing lotion is similar but not as ridiculously strong) and it does sting a bit, but it didn’t cause redness or irritation or anything for me. My skin’s (physically) fragile, and it didn’t cause the thinning/tearing/bleeding I’m used to from powerful problem skin products. It also wasn’t drying, which was surprising since it’s so strong. It’s definitely not something you can skip moisturizing after though, and it needs to be paired with a really solid moisturizer. It made it so I COULD use a good moisturizer without my skin freaking out, though.
Overall, I love this stuff. Cleared up my skin when nothing else would without overdrying. It doesn’t work alone, but as part of a solid routine it’s magic.
No name please –
I was going to wait until I write the review for some time to see some results first but it actually is already happening! I had some skin problem due to the bad diet, lots of spots and redness irritated skin on my face. First when I received the product I was sceptical as it contains an alcohol but it really works! I have been using it only second night and today morning when I woke up I couldn’t believe it! My face was so calmed, no redness, no irritation. Most of the spots are gone! I wish i could find it way before now!
Stef –
I purchased this along with the Mario Badescu Acne Facial Cleanser. After I wash my face with the cleanser, I follow it up with this. The consistency is like water, and I would compare it to a toner or an astringent. However, this feels like it does that same job, but it is much less harsh feeling on my skin. I really like the fresh and clean smell it has to it.
I easily apply this by squirting a bit of this on a cotton ball and running it over my entire face. I have combo skin type; dry in some places, but greasy in the T zone. This greatly improves my greasy areas while comfortably cleansing my dry areas. My skin feels fresh and not tight after using this. I have been using it for about a week now and I am happy with the results so far. I only use it once, at night, but because my skin doesn’t seem to be drying out, I think I will also start using it in the morning when I wash my face. I’m excited to keep using this for hopefully continued god results.
I recommend this to anyone that wants to use a toner or an astringent but looking for a less harsh version. I hope my review was helpful to any readers!
No name please –
I’ve used this cleaning skin solution for years, it’s wonderful especially for people with oily skin like I have. I haven’t had a breakout in years since using this every day. It has Sulfur in it without the overly strong sulfur smell!
Heather D. –
Works great! I have oily skin and hormonal acne. I use this after I wash my face and it smells great. Settlement at the bottom is active ingredients, give it a good shake before using and it works like a charm. Cleared up my breakouts
Dagmara –
A friend suggested I try this product for my acne prone skin. It has sulfur and some other Greta ingredients, so I decided to give it a try. I have very sensitive skin and this doesn’t seem to irritate it but it does burn slightly. So far it has been ok, but there are much better products out there that don’t burn when using. Would not buy again.
C. J. –
So far I like it it’s fresh and gentle on sensitive skin. I like the fragrance it’s very fresh.
Duran Bodasing –
Product has residue in it don’t feel comfortable using it
nakbg –
This toner is a holy grail product for me. I’m constantly trying new products but anytime something works as well as this product I keep it in the rotation forever. I’ve been using this for about four months now and my skin has been consistently clear (my skin tends toward oily with only slight hormonal breakouts). I use it in the evening after I’ve cleaned with water and purity (by Philosophy, another holy grail product for me). My skin feels incredibly clean and taut afterward. I tend to wait at least ten minutes before then putting on whatever serum or moisturizer I’m using overnight. I think it is the perfect toner to prepare your skin for your anti-aging or anti-acne overnight products so that those products can really work most effectively. It also helps to exfoliate when my skin is on the drier side. Another thing is that I’ve had this bottle for four months, have used it every single night, and I’m only half way through the bottle so I anticipate being able to get at least 8 months use out of one purchase. Really can’t recommend enough!
justme –
Sometimes it’s nice to know what to expect from a product youve used and liked for a long time. It works, it hasn’t changed and I can always get it when I need it.