A Manteiga de Karité Africana Suave e Macia, 32oz (946ml), é um produto excepcional que se destaca por suas propriedades hidratantes e nutritivas. Com uma textura suave e macia, esta manteiga é ideal para quem busca uma solução eficaz para a hidratação profunda da pele e cabelo. Sua fórmula natural e não refinada garante que todos os benefícios das nozes de karité sejam preservados, proporcionando uma experiência de cuidado que respeita a natureza e a saúde da sua pele.
As principais características da Manteiga de Karité incluem a capacidade de suavizar rugas e linhas finas, oferecendo um efeito rejuvenescedor. Além disso, ela é altamente eficaz no alívio de peles secas e irritadas, promovendo uma sensação de conforto e bem-estar. A manteiga também melhora a elasticidade da pele, resultando em uma aparência saudável e radiante. É um produto versátil que pode ser utilizado em diversas áreas, desde a hidratação da pele até o cuidado dos cabelos.
Este é um produto natural, cru e não refinado. Variações mínimas na cor e textura são muito comuns. Para usar, esfregue uma quantidade suficiente de manteiga de karité nas palmas das mãos até derreter e, em seguida, aplique uma camada fina na pele ou cabelo. Um pouco rende muito, mas você sempre pode usar mais, se desejar.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Hidratação profunda: A manteiga de karité africana é conhecida por suas propriedades hidratantes intensas. Ela penetra profundamente na pele e cabelo, proporcionando uma hidratação duradoura.
- Natural e não refinada: Este produto é 100% natural e não contém aditivos químicos. É obtido diretamente das nozes de karité, preservando todos os seus benefícios naturais.
- Propriedades nutritivas: A manteiga de karité é rica em vitaminas e nutrientes essenciais para a saúde da pele e cabelo. Ela ajuda a nutrir, fortalecer e proteger contra danos externos.
- Versatilidade de uso: Além de ser ótima para hidratar a pele e cabelo, a manteiga de karité também pode ser usada como um bálsamo labial, hidratante para cutículas, creme pós-barba e muito mais.
- Sustentabilidade: Ao comprar este produto, você está apoiando a produção sustentável e o comércio justo. A manteiga de karité é produzida de forma responsável, respeitando o meio ambiente e as comunidades locais.
Para obter melhores resultados, recomendamos aplicar a manteiga de karité após o banho, quando a pele ainda está úmida. Isso ajudará a selar a umidade e manter a pele hidratada por mais tempo. Para o cabelo, aplique uma pequena quantidade nas pontas para evitar o ressecamento e frizz. Use diariamente ou conforme necessário.
- Hidratação intensa que combate a secura da pele e cabelo.
- Redução visível de rugas e linhas finas, promovendo uma aparência jovem.
- Proteção contra agressões externas, como poluição e clima severo.
- Fórmula natural que respeita a saúde da pele e do meio ambiente.
- Produto versátil que pode ser utilizado em diversas partes do corpo e cabelo.
Para maximizar os benefícios da Manteiga de Karité Africana, aplique uma quantidade generosa nas palmas das mãos e esfregue até que a manteiga derreta. Em seguida, aplique uma camada fina na área desejada, seja na pele ou cabelo. Para a pele, recomenda-se o uso após o banho, enquanto para o cabelo, concentre-se nas pontas para evitar o frizz. A aplicação pode ser feita diariamente ou conforme necessário, garantindo que sua pele e cabelo permaneçam hidratados e saudáveis.
Bk. Glez –
Es un gran producto ya que tiene diversos usos, incluso sirve como acondicionador de cabello y lo deja muy manejable con muy poca cantidad aplicada.
Su olor no es desagradable y el precio es muy competitivo considerando que son dos unidades.
Nursesawa –
The container was packed to the top. This comes with quite a bit of Shea butter, and a little bit goes a long way. I expect this container to last me quite some time. This product is definitely a great value.
I have been using this to make my own natural deodorant, lotion, and body butters. When I blend Shea butter with other oils (usually coconut oil and/or cocoa butter), I use a double boiler to melt everything. This melts nicely and blends smoothly with the other oils. It has a nice, mild scent to it which doesn’t overpower the essential oils (lavender, lemon, and tea tree oil for deodorant; lavender, peppermint, and eucalyptus for a wonderful headache balm) I mix into it.
A tiny piece of the lid was chipped when I opened the package, but it doesn’t keep the lid from sealing to the container. I am assuming the low cost of the product is partly due to the ability to purchase the containers used in bulk for next to nothing. The containers hold the Shea butter well. You could always move the Shea butter to a new container if the plastic tub isn’t working out for you.
I have also just used this plain to rub into my skin and it melts and absorbs nicely, without leaving an oily feel to my hands. A small amount works for both hands. It is a great moisturizer.
This is a great product for use in homemade items like deodorant and lotion. It is also great to use as a cuticle cream, as a lip balm, to condition hair or reduce frizz, and so much more. Shea butter is certainly a must have item for anyone interested in making their own natural lotions, deodorants, make up, etc. This product is a great price and great quality. I highly recommend it.
Mermaid –
The first time I bought shea butter I bought it from a hobby products store and it was white, kinda’ oily and grainy (which wasn’t a problem… it had just melted and then cooled very slowly – most solid butters / oils behave that way. Once melted then cooled quickly it was smooth again) and it was very similar to coconut oil (the biggest difference that I observed between the two is that shea melts at a higher temperature).
This shea butter isn’t like that. The two that I bought are the same color as pictured: kind of the color of a creamy honey mustard. Between this and the grape seed oil I used in my products, my body butters are almost the color of margarine (I also use coconut and cocoa butter in them – the coconut oil lightens the color somewhat)
As for the texture… this is VERY different from coconut oil. It is far denser and I find that I really don’t need to use as much of this as I would have the other “prettier” product to achieve the same results. I’d say that it probably takes slightly longer to melt than it’s hobby store cousin, but not much (still not as long as bees wax or cocoa butter)
Because it looks so natural, my first reaction when I saw it was, “Oh, I hope there’s no ‘inclusions’ in it… no fibers or leaves or something!”
My fears have been put to rest after using the first entire container… it was pure and free of any chunks or anything dirty or undesirable. It was perfect… clean, no noticeable smell, no chunks, no yuck. Good stuff.
My advice is this: if you’re making products for yourself or for people who actually WANT a natural product, this is great stuff and a wonderful bargain (I’m going to order again soon)
HOWEVER, if you are selling products to people who expect that every product should be white or pink or some “fluffy” color like that, I think you have 3 choices… * buy this and use only a little so your product stays white; * DON’T buy this and pay more for the bleached out stuff, or * buy it, use it, and tell your customers the truth: natural shea butter is yellow – not white. The stores are full of processed products that are bleached out and “beautified” if that’s what they want. But if they want the benefits of natural products, they have to take the natural color right along with it. (The last option was obviously the one I chose)
TL;DR version: Clean, great product and a super bargain. The packaging is adequate – certainly nothing fancy – but my products arrived in tact and I’m fine with not paying more for a fancy package.
*** Oh, hey… I try to write reviews that actually HELP people, so if you found this review helpful, please give it a ‘thumbs up’ so I know that I’m on the right track. Thank you!
Veronica P B –
Me gusto por su consistencia que aunque realices tus cremas agregando otros aceites queda cremosa, lo que no me gusto fue el olor porque pones aceites esenciales y se pierde el olor de los demás aceites, la uso para estrías en el embarazo, para labiales, crema para pies. Para todo, por eso me gusta.
Estela1 –
Excelente producto, no tiene olor; además de que llegó en excelente condición!!! 5 estrellitas para Amazon.
Jen –
They say you can’t do anything, that it’s genetic, but my mom has them and I got stretch marks growing in adolescence… yet I don’t have ANY from pregnancy! AND I’m 36 years old, not young and elastic like some mommas! Here’s what I did:
-Buy raw African Shea butter
-Get some oil of your choice, I use a mix of coconut, avocado, and olive (all from the grocery store)
-Get some essential oil of your preference (check that it’s safe for pregos and for topical application first, I use lavender)
-Round up some of your cheap but good-smelling random lotions that you’d like to get rid of (I always have like 5 nearly-empty lotions)
*Put a pot on the stove and warm some water, then put a jar in the water, filled about 1/2 way with chunks of the Shea butter (it comes soap or hard cheese like consistency). When that was melted set it aside and let it cool a bit, till it was just starting to re-harden. This takes quite some time, so I’d do it in a day off that you’re running errands or housework or whatever. Alternately I hear some people use the fridge, and some people skip this step but I find it results in a weird, gritty texture at the end
*Next put the lid on and shake the crap out of the Shea butter! It will re-emulsify it so it’s not partly hard and partly liquid but all thick liquid
*Look how much you have. Calculate approximately 1/3 of the volume, and add that much oil. This way you have 1/4 oil and 1/3 butter. It’s fine to use a little more or less.
*Add the essential oil. Read the manufacturers instructions on how much to add based on the volume of your lotion. Some are natural antibacterials, like tea tree. But again, make sure that you either check with your OB or do your research to make sure whatever you use is safe.
*Add the random lotion, about the same volume as the oil. The bonus to this is it has preservatives, and your other ingredients are things that could welcome bacterial growth after a month or so, particularly if you’re putting your hand into the container. You end up with 50% shea butter this way, which is far better than most expensive stuff!
*shake the crap out of it again! I actually do this every hour or so till it’s cooled.
In the end, sometimes the mixture separates depending on what you put in it, the temp of your home, etc. Sometimes it gets a little gritty, which is just the Shea butter hardening in little lumps that can be rubbed into your skin. Sometimes shaking more will help, but it doesn’t really matter either way. If you hate the texture then any kind of blender or milk-frother can emulsify the lumps out, or you can store it in a sunny window and just shake to re-mix before use.
It’s worked fantastic for me, I haven’t been itchy or gotten a single mark and I started using it around 16 or 20 weeks. Also don’t forget to drink TONS of water and gain only the recommended amount of weight, and stay otherwise healthy! Your skin’s health is generally an easy indicator of YOUR health!
Cliente de Amazon –
La etiqueta es muy diferente a la que muestra el envase en la foto a la del producto que recibí, sin embargo, el producto es bueno. Tiene una buena textura, y es muy buen humectante. Es verdad que tiene un cierto aroma fuerte, pero es un producto sin refinar, por lo que es de esperarse. El producto es excelente y si se le agrega algún aceite esencial el olor dismunuye.
Jen –
Los envases llegaron con producto escurriendo, sin embargo no fue mucho lo que se perdió del producto. Me encantó la manteca de karité, hace poco me brotó psoriasis en el rostro, y me he estado aplicando en ésa zona la manteca de karité y me ha mejorado, no se me ha quitado pero tiene mejor aspecto y ya no me da comezón, ni está reseco.