Descrição do Produto: Zatural Hemp Body Butter 17,500mg
Descubra a revolução em cuidados com a pele com a Zatural Hemp Body Butter, uma manteiga corporal que combina a pureza do cânhamo orgânico com a suavidade do cacau. Com uma textura cremosa e rica, esta manteiga é formulada com 17.500mg de cânhamo por onça, proporcionando uma experiência de hidratação profunda e eficaz. A Zatural se orgulha de utilizar apenas ingredientes naturais e puros, garantindo que cada aplicação não apenas nutra, mas também acalme e proteja a pele. Os ácidos graxos essenciais, como os Ômega 3 e 6, juntamente com a vitamina E, trabalham em sinergia para oferecer resultados visíveis e duradouros, tornando a pele mais macia e saudável.
Além de ser uma opção de cuidado para a pele, a Zatural Hemp Body Butter é classificada como grau alimentício, permitindo que você a utilize como uma alternativa saudável à manteiga em suas receitas. Isso significa que você pode enriquecer sua dieta com gorduras saudáveis, sem abrir mão do sabor e da textura. Com 100% de ingredientes veganos, esta manteiga é ideal para quem busca um produto que respeite o meio ambiente e os animais.
A Zatural garante a qualidade de seu produto com uma política de satisfação de 30 dias. Se você não estiver completamente satisfeito, basta entrar em contato e a equipe se compromete a resolver a situação. Experimente a Zatural Hemp Body Butter e transforme sua rotina de cuidados com a pele em um momento de prazer e bem-estar.
– Hidratação Profunda: A manteiga de cânhamo proporciona uma hidratação intensa, ideal para peles secas e danificadas.
– Ingredientes Naturais: Composta apenas por ingredientes puros e naturais, sem aditivos químicos.
– Versatilidade: Pode ser utilizada tanto para cuidados com a pele quanto como substituto saudável em receitas culinárias.
– Acalma e Regenera: Os altos níveis de Ômega 3 e 6, além da vitamina E, ajudam a acalmar irritações e regenerar a pele.
– Compromisso com a Qualidade: Garantia de satisfação de 30 dias, assegurando a confiança do consumidor.
Para obter os melhores resultados com a Zatural Hemp Body Butter, aplique uma quantidade generosa na pele limpa e seca, massageando suavemente até completa absorção. Utilize diariamente, especialmente após o banho, para maximizar a hidratação. Para uso culinário, substitua a manteiga convencional por esta manteiga de cânhamo em suas receitas favoritas, adicionando uma dose extra de nutrientes à sua alimentação. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a qualidade dos ingredientes.
Ashley –
Pretty great since ive been using it! Use it pretty much all over my body and ends of my hair. My skin is so much softer,my knees dont hurt so bad and i had a rash that ive been putting this on and its practically gone. This stuff amazing. Will be ordering more.. (i had no problems receiving it in solid form since its cold out right now but it is butter so it will melt in hot/warm temperatures. The website actually says to refrigerate after opening) but for now its fine just sitting out since its not melting.. The smell isn’t so great Its a basic waxy soft oil smell but it fades off once it drys up so i dont mind it at all. Its so soothing im always rubbing it on
Jack dahlmann –
Moisturizing, food grade so if my 3 dogs lick me it’s ok and safe, product sinks in, non irritating (I have v sensitive and reactive skin and can only use two things on my face), this is the third thing I can use thank God. Good price for the amount. Love that it’s a small business and I get to support that. I’ve seen reviews complain about the smell but it dissipates after about 30 minutes, I don’t mind the smell, it’s a soft natural nutty aroma that is natural to the hemp seed that isn’t offensive. I guess if you’re used to synthetic cheap trashy vanilla smells then this would be a shock to you. I’m a natural girl, my home smells classy like natural fresh cut wood and eucalyptus, v natural. Anyways, I love this stuff.
Mahogany41 –
I suffer with excruciating back pain from being in the healthcare business for over 30 years,as a CNA, home health aide,caregiver,live in. On occasion my back will go out where I’m unable to move. This cream is a relief to my back, I used to use the hot cream but it was only $12.99, now that its $ 18.00 I switched to this.Its better than the hot cream,however if ever the hot cream price goes down I’ll buy them both.
Callasjoy –
My skin drinks this stuff in like there is no tomorrow. It smells a tiny bit like hamster food but that is to be expected, it is derived from an herb. I would like to know the exact ratio of coco butter to hemp oil. My skin loves this and feels “really” silky soft after applying it. The coco butter is a nice addition to the hemp oil. I think I will continue buying this though I need more time to see what it does. It goes on greasy but rapidly absorbs in. It is less greasy than shea butter and absorbs in faster. I think this is good meaning the skin can readily use it and it does not just sit on top of your skin like a glove and moisture barrier. It allows your skin to breathe. I like this a lot as you can see by the 5 star rating…
Velveteen royal –
Product was different texture this time. My rating is for this jar only. I received early July 2024 and it was as if product was old and would not spread. I had to use a knife to remove from jar to try to soften. No idea if it will harm the product to have heated it. It was too far from our hase date to return, but my prior jars have lasted until the were entirely used.
Callasjoy –
Not crazy about the smell so much, I don’t know how I could incorporate it into a diet, but I use it for skin care and pain relief and love the little beads of coconut oil that melt in your hands when you touch it. I rubbed some on my husbands elbow yesterday (not without fuss on his part as he didn’t want any of that pot stuff on his skin) but I never heard him complain the rest of the day about the muscle pain he had in his forearm after rubbing it on his arm.
Ashley –
It’s a thick/hard paste that goes on oily & moisturizes well. It takes away my knee, neck & shoulder pain for about 2 days & lessens my back pain so it works very well. The smell i cant get past & I can’t even give you an example of what it smells like. Now I dont use it on my neck & shoulders because the smell for me is unbearable so I just use it on my knees & lower back & after about an hour i try to mask the smell with another lotion on top of it after I’ve given it time to penetrate my skin.
Tall&honest –
came as a liquid from being in a hot truck.
When it cooled is VERY lumpy. not fun to apply in the lumpy condition.
Seems to work well takes a LOOONG time to be absorbed into skin.