Modo de Uso
1. Aumenta a elasticidade da pele
O Óleo Tummy Rub é clinicamente comprovado para aumentar a elasticidade da pele, deixando-a mais flexível e resistente às mudanças do corpo durante a gravidez.
2. Hidratação intensa
Sua fórmula contém uma mistura de óleos naturais que proporcionam uma hidratação intensa, mantendo a pele macia e suave ao longo do dia.
3. Proteção contra estrias
Ao aumentar a elasticidade da pele e fornecer hidratação profunda, o Óleo Tummy Rub ajuda a prevenir o aparecimento de estrias, mantendo a pele saudável e nutrida.
4. Fórmula leve e sedosa
Sua textura leve e sedosa permite uma aplicação suave e fácil absorção, sem deixar a pele oleosa ou pegajosa.
5. Produto clinicamente testado
O Óleo Tummy Rub passou por rigorosos testes clínicos para garantir sua eficácia e segurança, sendo recomendado por especialistas em cuidados com a pele durante a gravidez.
Aplique o Óleo Tummy Rub duas vezes ao dia, massageando suavemente em movimentos circulares, do busto até o quadril, envolvendo toda a região abdominal. Utilize durante toda a gestação e continue o uso após o parto para manter a pele hidratada e protegida. A aplicação regular não só ajuda a prevenir estrias, mas também proporciona um momento de autocuidado e conexão com o seu corpo em transformação.
Justin –
The citrus smell is nice .My belly started to get itchy around 14 weeks and It feels smooth and relax .My skin takes it really well .The only downside about this product is the prıce.
Rebekah Dickey –
I used this product daily for most of my pregnancy and did not get any stretch marks! To be fair, I did not get huge while pregnant but definitely believe this product helped keep my skin in top notch condition.
Christine –
Love this stuff! I’m 29 weeks and have been using it about 1.5-2 months. It makes my belly feel so smooth and it’s another excuse to rub my belly and bond with my baby. I don’t have any stretch marks (yet) but I’m not sure if that’s due to the oil or genetics (my mom didn’t get stretch marks when she was pregnant). Either way, this oil is worth it because it helps with itchiness on my belly, back, and hips, and keeps my skin soft. I’m still on my first bottle and I use it about 1x-2x a day (if I remember). But I would definitely recommend ordering 2 bottles if you order in your 2nd tri and you’re planning on using it daily.
Freddy –
Excelente para hidratar la piel
Lindsay JWK –
So I bought this and the hatch oil and decided to use one in the morning and one at night just to have my bases covered. I’m only going to re-buy the Mio. It’s thicker, which might not sound ideal to everyone, but for someone like me who has dry skin this makes my belly feel moisturized (which I assume is the point) for much longer. I adore the smell, but it doesn’t last which is fine. So far so good, I’m only 18 weeks but it’s my second and i was a little (lot) heavier than I was with the first one so suffice to say I’m boat already and so far so good. And my boobs have tripled in size and though I got some stretch marks there last time, no new marks. Fingers crossed, lol.
BearDownChi1 –
My wife loves this stuff. She’s on her fourth pregnancy and has used this magical baby oil for every one of them. Smells good, she is over the moon about it. Could get at Buy Buy Baby and other stores but I found it cheapest on Amazon. Helps keep the “baby home” (my wife’s stomachs) moisturized and as she puts it “free of any stretch marks.” I bought her a different oil once and that was a mistake. Bought this stuff again for her and totally redeemed myself.
Freddy –
Miriam Valenzuela –
Loved loved LOVED this belly oil. I have no stretch marks from my pregnancy. Kept my belly moist but not sticky. Definitely a must have for pregnancy!
Kami Fitzgerald –
This product was recommended to me from a co worker who also used it. I used it to apply to my pregnant belly daily, after a shower. I applied it while I was still damp and it helped it absorb better. I hardly have any stretch marks, if any. It works!
Marianna Absalon –
I bought this for my second pregnancy as I got some pretty full-on stretch marks at the end of my first. I started applying from about 20 weeks and loved it – the smell is luxurious and relaxing, perfect after a bath and became part of my bedtime routine. It’s a nice consistency and makes skin feel lovely. I’m unsure if it prevented stretch marks as I didn’t get any new ones, but I also didn’t get as big as I did with my first pregnancy (and my body had already stretched before!). I’d still recommend this product as part of your pregnancy routine though.