Descrição do Produto: Magnesium for Women, Menopause
O Magnesium for Women, Menopause é um suplemento inovador desenvolvido especialmente para atender às necessidades das mulheres durante a menopausa e perimenopausa. Com uma fórmula cuidadosamente elaborada, este produto é um aliado essencial para enfrentar os desafios dessa fase da vida. O magnésio é um mineral vital que desempenha um papel crucial no suporte hormonal, ajudando a regular os hormônios responsáveis pelas mudanças que ocorrem durante a menopausa. Isso se traduz em uma redução significativa nas oscilações de humor e na irritabilidade, proporcionando um equilíbrio emocional necessário para o bem-estar diário.
Além de seu papel no suporte hormonal, o magnésio também é conhecido por suas propriedades que promovem uma melhor qualidade de sono. Ao acalmar o cérebro antes de dormir, ele ajuda a garantir noites mais tranquilas e reparadoras, essenciais para a recuperação e revitalização do corpo. Para muitas mulheres, os sintomas como ondas de calor e suores noturnos são comuns durante a menopausa. O Magnesium for Women, Menopause atua diretamente na gestão desses desconfortos, proporcionando alívio e conforto.
Outro benefício notável do magnésio é sua capacidade de melhorar o humor, especialmente em dias em que a mulher não se sente em seu melhor. Com uma fórmula vegana, sem glúten, não transgênica e livre de crueldade, o Magnesium for Women é testado por terceiros para garantir a mais alta qualidade. A satisfação do cliente é uma prioridade, e se você não estiver completamente satisfeito com o produto dentro de 30 dias, a equipe está pronta para ajudar.
A WOMEN LOVE NUTRITION é uma marca que se destaca por sua abordagem proativa e produtos direcionados a sintomas, simplificando a gestão da saúde através de hábitos saudáveis. Com base em pesquisas científicas, suas fórmulas de suplementos atendem a diversas necessidades de saúde, incluindo períodos menstruais, menopausa, saúde vaginal e digestiva. Fabricado com orgulho nos Estados Unidos, o Magnesium for Women, Menopause representa qualidade e cuidado em cada cápsula.
– Suporte eficaz durante a menopausa e perimenopausa.
– Ajuda a equilibrar os hormônios, reduzindo oscilações de humor e irritabilidade.
– Melhora a qualidade do sono, proporcionando noites mais tranquilas.
– Alívio de ondas de calor e suores noturnos, promovendo conforto.
– Melhora do humor em dias difíceis, contribuindo para o bem-estar emocional.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas de Magnesium for Women, Menopause diariamente, preferencialmente à noite, com um copo de água. É importante seguir as orientações do rótulo e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
Toni –
Magnesium for Menopause and Perimenopause
At the age of 48 I am learning a great deal about perimenopause. There are things I wish I knew 3-5 years ago that would have helped me not feel like I was going crazy. From what I know I have been suffering perimenopause symptoms for the past 3-5 years. Not until recently did I realize my symptoms could have been managed with increasing some essential vitamins that I have been lacking. Magnesium is not a supplement I was aware of until now. But now that I know everything is starting to fall into place, This bottle comes with 90 capsules with 2 capsules as a serving size. This will provide you 45 day supply of supplements. I am learning so much about the benefits of magnesium. Note, these supplements are vegan-friendly and gluten free if this applies to you. My hot flashes are mild but my irregular period, insomnia, night sweats and mood are the most debilitating symptoms of perimenopause for me. Overall I am satisfied the with taste and content of these supplement and am feeling the benefits of them. Please consult your health care provider. I recently went to my provider for help with perimenopause symptoms.
Debbie Cook –
Yes i know magnesium helps with your sleep..but two capsules is alot for me..and since I took a cat nap around 11 am I was having trouble sleeping last night…so one tablet 45 mins before bed will be good for me. I noticed yesterday I was a lil sweaty and have hot flashes too but it could be my body adjusting to the magnesium.
Brenda Bell Chute –
This is a great supplement. It is a magnesium supplement that is made to support hormones responsible for menopause, and perimenopause, helping mood swings and irritability. It’s also used to help with hot flashes and night sweats. It can also be helpful in sleep quality.
I’ve been recommended magnesium by a few doctors now for everything from migraine headache to leg spasms. This is one of the brands I find I really like. It has easy to swallow capsules, you get 90 per bottle, and are meant to take two a day.
As with any supplement, it’s a good idea to check with your doctor to make sure that it’s something that would be beneficial to you.
Mr. & Mrs. Nelson –
I’m post-menopause (total hysterectomy) but still on HRT to help with premature bone loss, etc. While my moods are stable due to the HRT I still get night sweats, insomnia, muscle cramping, and migraines due to a magnesium deficiency. I’ve learned that the chelated forms of magnesium work better for me because they are more easily absorbed.
This product contains three different forms of chelated (bound to amino acids) magnesium, which makes for an excellent combination, as different forms of magnesium tend to target slightly different areas. The Albion trademarked forms of magnesium ensures standardization so the chelated magnesium is better absorbed in the digestive tract and reduces GI distress.
The other point to mention is the value – for a 30 day supply the current price is $9.99, which is a really good value for this type of product. The capsules are easy to swallow and odorless; taken with liquid they go down easily enough and work well for me.
Brenda Bell Chute –
I have taken these for 2 weeks and have noticed a huge improvement in the amount of night sweats I was having. I was having 3-4 a night that were so bad I would wake up and have to put in dry clothes. I now only have a few mild ones a week and I am sleeping much sounder which have greatly improved my overall mood.
These have 3 forms of chelated magnesium which makes them much more absorbable. The capsules are easy to swallow and leave no aftertaste and I have experienced no stomach upset . I take about 30 minutes before going to bed and notice that I toss and turn less and fall asleep much quicker and have a deeper restful sleep. I wish I had known about these years ago when I had my complete hysterectomy!
mr dead –
I’ve only been taking then for 2 weeks and I have not noticed any thing
Brenda Taylor –
I started taking this every night and it has helped so much the night sweats and mood swings. I highly recommend it.
Mr. & Mrs. Nelson –
This was a great supplement! It did everything the description said and was a great boost for my everyday life! I highly recommend this supplement!