Descrição do Produto: NAOMI Magnesium L-Threonate
O NAOMI Magnesium L-Threonate é um suplemento inovador que combina 2.000mg de Magtein®, uma forma patenteada de magnésio L-treonato, projetada para promover a saúde cerebral e o bem-estar geral. Este suplemento é especialmente formulado para melhorar a memória de trabalho, aumentar o foco e proporcionar um pensamento mais claro. Com 144mg de magnésio L-treonato por dose, ele apoia a função saudável do coração e dos nervos, além de contribuir para níveis adequados de serotonina, ajudando a garantir um sono relaxante e reparador.
O Magtein® é clinicamente comprovado por sua capacidade de atravessar a barreira hematoencefálica, o que significa que o magnésio é entregue diretamente às células neuronais, potencializando seus efeitos benéficos. A combinação de magnésio elementar com ácido treônico não só melhora a entrega do mineral às células, mas também aumenta sua biodisponibilidade, garantindo que seu corpo absorva o máximo possível.
Diferente de muitos suplementos minerais comuns que utilizam óxidos, sulfatos e carbonatos, que podem ser difíceis de absorver e causar desconforto gastrointestinal, o NAOMI Magnesium L-Threonate é gentil e amigável ao estômago. Este produto foi desenvolvido por Naomi Whittel, uma autora best-seller do NY Times e defensora do bem-estar, que tem um histórico comprovado de lançamento de produtos naturais de alta qualidade, feitos com ingredientes cientificamente comprovados e patenteados.
– Melhora da Memória e Foco: Aumenta a capacidade de memória de trabalho e a clareza mental, essencial para o desempenho diário.
– Suporte à Saúde do Coração: Contribui para a função cardiovascular saudável, promovendo um coração forte.
– Apoio ao Sistema Nervoso: Fortalece a função nervosa, essencial para a comunicação entre o cérebro e o corpo.
– Sono Relaxante: Ajuda a regular os níveis de serotonina, promovendo um sono mais tranquilo e reparador.
– Alta Absorção e Biodisponibilidade: A fórmula única garante que o magnésio seja facilmente absorvido pelo organismo, maximizando seus benefícios.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas de NAOMI Magnesium L-Threonate diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso não apenas otimiza a absorção do magnésio, mas também minimiza qualquer desconforto gastrointestinal. É importante manter uma rotina consistente para maximizar os benefícios cognitivos e de saúde geral proporcionados por este suplemento.
Isaac Powell –
I like adding Mg L-Threonate to my routine and like that this brand has no fillers. Been using two months and 👍 so far
Customer Review –
I take magnesium supplements pretty regularly to ensure that I get high quality sleep, as magnesium helps one to get better sleep quality. This magnesium threonate supplement is quite nice. It’s easy to swallow and does not cause any indigestion for me. It also seems like a pretty pure supplement, and it has a surprising amount of magnesium per serving (even for a magnesium supplement). My bottle also expires about 2 years after receiving, which is good. I find that this is an effective supplement, and I do think that it helps my sleep. Overall, this strikes me as a high quality magnesium threonate supplement; it is expensive compared to most supplements, but if you can readily afford it, it might be a suitable addition to your daily supplements.
James N –
This Magtein capsule are very easy to swallow. Per instructions, take 2 with meal. I saw the benefits of brain focus, heart health, and sleep aid on the web description. Seeing the sleep aid part, I waited until the evening to try it the first time with a meal. 2 hours later, I get an intense stomach cramp for the next several hours that including several trips to a stomach cleanse. I’m not sure if I want to try this supplement again, but if I do, I’ll start with one pill and see if I have the same issues. I did read up that too high of a dosage of magnesium in some can cause stomach issues. It was not an enjoyable 4 hours…. but it could be just me, so that’s why I gave it 3 stars and not less. I did not see any sleepiness or see any difference other than the effects described above. This stated “Gentle & GI-friendly”… again it might be just me, but I also don’t have a sensitive stomach either. The advertised benefits might be true, but the side effects will deter me from trying at least for a bit later. I’ll update this review if the results prove otherwise.
Beth Miller –
This seems to work well. I like that it does not cause diarrhea like other magnesium does.
Lita Norsworthy –
As someone who’s memory is not what it used to be, I’m a big believer in supplementing with Magnesium L-threonate. This is a good source for the most popular licensed (only perhaps?) version of it. I especially like that you get the recommended 2G dose of it in only 2 capsules. Most other products package it in 3 capsules. Yes, these capsules are larger, but I have not had any problem swallowing them.
Enedina Camacho –
Muy buen producto!!!
Customer Review –
Like this supplement. Helps with sleeping.
James N –
Magnesium is one of the foremost nutrients the average person should consider supplementing. It is essential to many functions in the body, while also being one of the most common nutrients modern humans are deficient in. Magnesium is supposed to be abundant in much of the produce we grow. But because few big food producers are concerned with healthy soil, and pesticides indiscriminately kill good bacteria in soil as well as bad bacteria, just like much of the produce you buy at grocery stores is not as FLAVORFUL as it should be, so it doesn’t have as much NUTRITIONAL VALUE as it should, either. Magnesium is one of those lacking nutrients.
To help your body absorb the magnesium better, it is usually paired with something else. That is why so many types of magnesium supplements exist on the market. Of those, Magnesium L-Threonate is one of the best at crossing the blood-brain barrier (making it available to your brain), as well as one of the forms least reputed to cause side effects. (Certain OTHER forms of magnesium supplements, for example, see more frequent complaints of gastric issues.) Magnesium L-Threonate is also known to promote better sleep if you take it ~45 minutes before bed.
You should know Magnesium L-Threonate is PATENTED under the name Magtein. In other words, any “Magtein” you find on the market is the EXACT SAME substance, made by ONE company, resold by different brands. So, for the most part, my recommendation would be to buy the most cost-effective Magtein you can find. But, in fairness to all the various brands which bottle and sell Magtein, different brands do have varying reputations for quality control and filling capsules uniformly; perhaps use different ingredients for their capsule shells; perhaps have different shelf lives; perhaps stray into combining the Magtein with some other forms of magnesium or other supplements entirely in multi-supplements.
Having tried several forms and brands of magnesium and Magnesium L-Threonate in particular, I’ve been very pleased with this brand’s capsules. No adulterants, and cleanly, uniformly filled—might even be the most uniformly filled I’ve tried.
Ultimately it IS a little expensive, so I am giving it 4 stars. But it’s a good version of a very important supplement. 5/5 for what’s in the bottle, 4/5 for the overall deal.