Descrição do Produto:
O Magnésio Glicinato 800mg da Vitaminer Shop é um suplemento de alta absorção que promove o bem-estar geral, melhora a qualidade do sono, apoia a função muscular, a saúde do coração e alivia o estresse. Com uma fórmula avançada, este suplemento combina magnésio com glicina, um aminoácido que potencializa a absorção e minimiza desconfortos gastrointestinais. O magnésio é um mineral essencial que desempenha um papel crucial em mais de 300 reações bioquímicas no corpo, incluindo a regulação da função muscular e nervosa, a manutenção da pressão arterial e a produção de proteínas. Ideal para pessoas que buscam um suporte natural para a saúde mental e física, o Magnésio Glicinato é uma escolha eficaz para quem deseja melhorar a qualidade do sono e reduzir a ansiedade, promovendo um estado de relaxamento e bem-estar.
1. Melhora da Qualidade do Sono: Ajuda a regular o sono, promovendo um descanso mais profundo e reparador.
2. Apoio à Função Muscular: Contribui para a saúde muscular, reduzindo cãibras e melhorando a recuperação após exercícios.
3. Saúde do Coração: Auxilia na manutenção de níveis saudáveis de pressão arterial e na função cardiovascular.
4. Alívio do Estresse: Promove um efeito calmante, ajudando a reduzir a ansiedade e o estresse diário.
5. Alta Absorção: A combinação de magnésio com glicina garante uma absorção superior, maximizando os benefícios do mineral.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 cápsula de Magnésio Glicinato 800mg ao dia, preferencialmente à noite, antes de dormir, para otimizar os efeitos relaxantes e melhorar a qualidade do sono. É importante ingerir a cápsula com um copo de água, garantindo a dissolução adequada e a absorção eficiente do suplemento. Para melhores resultados, consulte um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais.
Jose A. Machado –
Byblite Magnesium Glycinate 800mg is heralded as the ultimate supplement for emotional equilibrium and tranquil sleep. This specific formulation of magnesium glycinate is recognized for its exceptional absorbability and bioavailability. It assists in muscle relaxation, improves sleep quality, and promotes overall health. Magnesium is renowned for its advantages in enhancing sleep, strengthening bones, and improving concentration. Furthermore, Byblite Magnesium Glycinate 800mg supports the functions of muscles and nerves, as well as the health of bones, the brain, and the heart. It is GMO-free, vegetarian-friendly, and devoid of soy, wheat, gluten, and dairy, making it an advantageous addition to your health routine.
Old Customer- –
After looking at multiple magnesium supplements, I decided to give this one a try. I especially like that these are manufactured in the USA. Also the glycinate form of magnesium is less likely to cause side effects like diarrhea and stomach upset. It is also easily absorbed. The capsules are easy to swallow and came in a safety sealed bottle. The expiration date labelled on the container is 9/4/2027. This supplement also has vitamin C, vitamin D3, and a small amount of potassium.
Now the things I don’t like. The labelling, does not list the amount per capsule, but rather, the amount per serving (2 capsules). The bottle also arrived with 2 labels slapped over some important info (exp. date, etc.) Luckily, I was able to carefully peel these off. No where on the labeling does it specify how much elemental magnesium you are getting. The label also does not state whether these are made in a facility that adheres to GMP (good manufacturing practices).
The value provided, (30 doses for $16.99) could be better. I would recommend some careful comparison shopping before choosing this.
MarkinPhoenix –
I’ve been taking magnesium in my diet for several years now
I have learned that different types of magnesium have different benefits
Specifically, magnesium glycinate is supposed to aid with sleep and in some cases inflammation
I do know that it helped me when I was getting a muscular cramps
This supplement eliminated that from happening as I was short on magnesium
Rachel Martin –
High dose of the Vitamin D3, but a normal dose of magnesium, C, and potassium – I’m glad to have this in my rotation to keep leg cramps at bay. We’ll see if the promised relaxation benefits materialize.
Lucifina –
This bottle of Magnesium contains 60 capsules. The recommended serving size is 2, so this is a one-month supply. I think this bottle is a little pricey compared to others, but certainly offers some great benefits.
The capsules are a pretty standard size and are easy to swallow. They don’t cause an upset stomach and have no aftertaste.
It’s always hard to tell immediately if you’re reaping any benefits from a supplement, but time will tell. I think this is a fair choice to consider given the ingredients.
C.O. –
Ever since my doctor recommended I take Magnesium I have been taking it at bedtime and it works for me. I wake up rested and less muscle soreness from workouts. The Glycinate form of Magnesium is highly absorbable and I recommend this form over others.
John J –
These capsules are high potency 800 mg each. Serving size is two. I like that they are easy to swallow and that you get a nice 30-day supply.
Anne G –
This product has an amazing percentage on the ingredients. It does say 1600 mg but be aware that is if you take two capsules which is the recommended dosage. It may cost a tad more, but you get more for your buck. If you do not take magnesium and vitamin supplements you are missing out on great health benefits. So google it and explore all of the benefits of these wonderful supplements. We take them every single day and multiple times a day sometimes. There are so many proactive benefits of it. This product is wonderful because the the easy to swallow capsules give us the supplement benefits we need on a daily basis. I highly recommend this product.