Mack’s Ultra Soft Foam Earplugs: O Conforto e a Tradição em Proteção Auditiva
Os protetores auriculares Mack’s Ultra Soft Foam são a solução ideal para quem busca conforto e eficácia na redução de ruídos. Com um design inovador, esses protetores são feitos de uma espuma de baixa pressão, que se adapta suavemente ao formato do ouvido, proporcionando um ajuste perfeito e confortável. A cor suave dos protetores não apenas agrada aos olhos, mas também é um reflexo do cuidado e da qualidade que a marca oferece.
Com uma classificação de Redução de Ruído (NRR) de 33 decibéis, esses protetores são extremamente versáteis, sendo ideais para diversas situações do dia a dia. Seja para dormir em um ambiente barulhento, estudar em um local com distrações sonoras, trabalhar em um escritório movimentado, viajar em transporte público ou até mesmo desfrutar de um show sem se preocupar com o volume excessivo, os protetores auriculares Mack’s garantem uma experiência auditiva tranquila e sem interrupções.
Reconhecida como a marca número um recomendada por médicos para o combate ao ronco e para garantir uma boa noite de sono, a Mack’s se destaca pela confiança que inspira. Os próprios profissionais de saúde utilizam e recomendam esses protetores, o que atesta sua qualidade e eficácia. Fabricados nos Estados Unidos, os protetores auriculares são feitos com espuma de alta performance, garantindo não apenas a redução de ruídos, mas também a segurança e a satisfação do usuário. O frasco plástico que os contém é selado para segurança e possui uma tampa que facilita o acesso, tornando o uso ainda mais prático.
– Conforto Superior: Feitos com espuma de baixa pressão, proporcionam um ajuste confortável para longos períodos de uso.
– Redução Eficaz de Ruídos: Com NRR de 33dB, são ideais para ambientes barulhentos, garantindo tranquilidade em qualquer situação.
– Recomendados por Profissionais: A marca é a preferida entre médicos, oferecendo confiança e qualidade.
– Versatilidade de Uso: Perfeitos para dormir, estudar, trabalhar, viajar e participar de eventos, adaptando-se a diversas necessidades.
– Fabricados nos EUA: Garantia de qualidade e segurança, com um produto que atende aos mais altos padrões.
Para obter o máximo de eficácia dos protetores auriculares Mack’s Ultra Soft Foam, siga estas etapas: comece limpando suas mãos antes de manusear os protetores. Em seguida, retire um par do frasco e, com os dedos, molde a espuma suavemente para que ela se torne mais compacta. Insira o protetor no canal auditivo, empurrando-o suavemente até que esteja bem ajustado. Mantenha a posição por alguns segundos para que a espuma se expanda e se ajuste ao formato do seu ouvido. Para remover, puxe suavemente a extremidade do protetor. Armazene os protetores no frasco após o uso para mantê-los limpos e prontos para a próxima utilização.
S. Bowler –
If you’re like me and have a wife whose snoring sounds like a herd of elephants on a rollercoaster, Mack’s Ultra Soft Foam Earplugs are a lifesaver. I was skeptical at first—how could something so small silence the nightly symphony of snores? But these earplugs are surprisingly effective.
They fit comfortably and snugly in my ears, blocking out almost all of the noise (I can still hear the faintest hum, but it’s more like background noise now). They’re soft, so I don’t feel like I’m jamming a piece of plastic in my ear, and they stay in place all night. Now, I actually get some sleep without the sound of a chainsaw next to me.
The 50-pair pack means I’ve got plenty of backups, and the handy jar makes grabbing a pair easy—no more rummaging around in a drawer at 2 AM.
In short, if you want to get some peace and quiet without causing a scene, these earplugs are the way to go. Thanks, Mack’s, for saving my sanity!
Rym m –
Don’t hurt when I remove them in the morning very soft and cancel noise pretty well. The best I’ve tried so far.
Joseph T. Allen –
Because my ears have very narrow ear canals, and one of them takes a 90 degree bend and goes straight up, I am particular about my ear plugs. Because I use earplugs for active motor sports, shooting, and chainsaw work in Hawaii, over the ear protection isn’t always practical. I recently purchased 5 different brands of earplugs and put them to the test. Here’s what I found, sorted for most to least favorite.
Mack’s Ultra Soft – My personal favorite, and at $0.17/pair, also the least expensive. They share the same small diameter of the Hearos Ultimate Softness, but are a bit more firm and a few millimeters longer. So, for me, they did a better job of subjective sound dampening, and were a bit easier to grip and pull back out. My tests are mostly in warm weather. In very cold weather, these could be too firm for some users. The Mack’s and Hearos Ultimate Softness both shared the same smaller diameter.
Hearos Ultimate Softness – These were the softest, most comfortable plugs I tested. At $0.18/pair they were the second cheapest, and also my second favorite. My daughter doesn’t like earplugs, as they really bother her ears, but she was at least able to tolerate these. I think most people would be pretty happy with these, however, they were not my favorite for two reasons. First reason is that they seemed to stop slightly less high-pitched sound than the other plugs. All the plugs are rated at 33 db, but that’s because that is all they are allowed to be rated. Subjectively, these were at the lower end of sound blocking, but still adequate for most tasks. My only other “complaint” is that these seemed to take the longest to spring back to shape and fill the ear because they are very soft, and they are somewhat shorter than the Macks. This makes them feel a bit like they might fall out for the first minute or two, and their 2-3 millimeter shorter length makes them every so slightly more difficult to grip and remove. Both minor complaints, and these are very good plugs.
Hearos Xtreme Protection – As the name implies, subjectively, these blocked the most sound of all the ones I tested. They have the same larger diameter as the 3M plugs, but are easily twice as soft/half as firm. They gave a very full feeling to the ears, but were not uncomfortable. At $0.39/pair, they were the most expensive plugs tested. They were the most effective and were quite comfortable, but the Mack’s were 95% as good, and less than half the cost. These went into my shooting kit and would be my third selection, for use when max protection for a shorter wear period is ideal.
Flents Quiet Contour. These plugs have a bell shape. I did not find that the shape made any improvement to sound dampening. These were on par with the Mack’s for noise suppression. The downside of the wide end is that there is more material in your outer ear, which could be uncomfortable for some, and also perhaps less aesthetically appealing. However, if you’re in charge of safety compliance, that extra bit makes it much easier to visually see that someone is wearing hearing protection, and it did leave more to grip for removing the plugs. At $0.30/pair, these were the second most expensive, and I do not recommend.
3M 1100 – These are what was issued to me for my 22 years of military service, and the benchmark from which I was judging. About the only positive thing I’ll say about them is that they came individually packaged by pairs, so you can carry or store them in dirty or wet environment easily, but these were absolutely the least comfortable of the ones I tested. I paid $ 0.27/pair for them which puts them in the middle of the pack price wise. For me, they are much too firm, and also have the largest diameter of the group. In very cold weather, they would be nearly solid. They quickly made my ears sore/itchy. As much as I usually love 3M products, I do not recommend these.
For those who care about such things, I tested these several ways. I wore each pair for about an hour just to get subjective feel for long term comfort. The exception was the 3M, which I could not leave in the entire hour because they were uncomfortable. Then to test for noise reduction, I put one brand in one ear and a different brand in the other ear and work for half an hour, then switch ears. During the test, I listened to speech, music, traffic noise, etc, and noted which plugs seemed to be most effective.
Jack Graham –
If I could give any purchase I’ve ever made five stars, it would be these earplugs.
– Easy to use
– Comfortable
– Super effective, I can hardly hear someone talking right next to me
– Helpful instruction pamphlet with pictures (seems obvious but still helpful)
– Easy to put too far into ears which can leave them a bit sore after a night
Devin –
These are great, when i roll them up to stick in my ears they don’t instantly puff up like cheaper earplugs, which gives me more time to get them into my ears. They block out my downstairs neighbours bass-y hard stomping(the guy stomps so loud it shakes my pill bottles)completely and they also block out the noise from vehicles on the busy road next to my house, these did cause my ears a bit of discomfort after a week of wearing every night but i have very narrow ear canals(i used to get water stuck in my ears when i went swimming as a kid), these plugs ARE very comfortable and soft but i should have gotten Mack’s smaller earplugs. If you have normal ears or are just gonna wear them for short durations it’ll be fine. They are way better than the earplugs i bought from Shoppers drug mart and way cheaper too. They are well made and come in a nice flip top container. They are very soft and squish down very very small so it’s easier to get them into my ears and they stay squished down for longer than the Shoppers earplugs which gives me more time to get them into my ears. Mack’s makes a wide variety of different earplugs and i feel like you can’t go wrong with these if you have normal sized ear canals, i don’t, but i should’ve bought Mack’s smaller plugs instead but that was my fault and i won’t take stars off for something that i did.
TLDR: These are great and they block out all the sounds that wake a light sleeper like me while i sleep. They are cheaper and better than the Shoppers drug mart earplugs too.
Amazon Customer –
Every time I’ve tried another brand of earplugs to save money I regret it. These are the most comfortable I’ve found. They easily mold to the size you need and are great quality. I don’t have trouble with these falling out or hurting my ears like a lot of the ones I’ve tried (which is saying something considering I use them every night). They block enough noise that I can fall asleep through loud snoring but don’t block it out entirely. My only wish is that it came with a larger quantity for the price.
Rui Porto Dias –
Ótimo produto isola muito bem o som . Cumpre o q anuncia
AC –
I have an ear condition which sometimes results in hyperacusis, a rather extreme sensitivity to sound which can make loud noises, like the impact of a glass bottle on a counter, painful and even disorienting. I’ve been using generic CVS foam earplugs to protect the ear when this happens, and they are just okay. I tried to upgrade to some proper earplugs, including Loops and Entymotics, but with those I had a different issues where while wearing them tapping my teeth together or eating something crunchy would produce the same effect. so I wanted better foam earplugs.
These were recommended online, so I decided to try them. They are very nice – nicer than the CVS ones – and they even do a better job blocking sound. I think this is because they are so soft that I can insert them slightly further into the canal, and they remain there. They are smoother, and exert less obvious pressure on the canal than the CVS ones do. They block low and high frequency sounds well enough for me. I also like that they close to my own flesh tone, so they don’t attract attention. I even trim a little off the end so they don’t stick out.
The only con is that these are not as durable – not a problem when they are in the ear, but if I keep a pair in my back pocket, the CVS plugs retain their shape whereas these get smushed, though they seem to recover well enough. I can’t think of any significant way in which to improve them.
I haven’t used them sleeping and don’t intend to, so I cannot comment on that, but they stay put when doing normal everyday activities anyway. I would recommend them for general use.
Claudia –
Son suaves si se pueden introducir perfecto en elmcanal auditivo, he comprado otras marcas pero son mar rígidos y me lastiman el oido y estos son mejores.