Descrição do Produto: MAAC10 1000mg TMG | Trimethylglycine ou Betaína Anidra
O MAAC10 1000mg TMG é um suplemento inovador que oferece uma solução poderosa para a metilação, suporte ao fígado e controle dos níveis de homocisteína. Com 120 cápsulas, este produto é formulado com trimetilglicina, um doador de metila essencial que desempenha um papel crucial em diversas funções biológicas. A metilação é um processo vital que afeta a expressão gênica, a produção de neurotransmissores e a desintoxicação do organismo. Ao fornecer grupos metila, o TMG ajuda a atender à crescente demanda do corpo por metilação, especialmente quando se utiliza suplementos que aumentam os níveis de NAD.
- METHYL DONOR – O uso de suplementos que aumentam o NAD eleva a demanda por grupos metila. O TMG fornece esses grupos para apoiar a metilação do corpo.
- PROMOVE NÍVEIS SAUDÁVEIS DE HOMOCISTEÍNA – Apoia o sistema cardiovascular, contribuindo para a saúde do coração.
- SUPORTA O FÍGADO – Auxilia na desintoxicação do fígado, reparo do DNA, produção de energia e metilação.
- TMG – Pode apoiar o desempenho atlético, a saúde cerebral (memória e aprendizado ao apoiar os níveis de acetilcolina) e o sistema digestivo.
- DESCUBRA O MAAC10 – Na Maac10, acreditamos em pesquisas científicas comprovadas para apoiar sua saúde e bem-estar. Nossos produtos são fabricados em uma instalação certificada pela GMP e NSF em Miami, Flórida, EUA. Apoie seus genes de longevidade com suplementos que favorecem a respiração celular e a saúde mitocondrial!
1. Melhora da Metilação: Aumenta a disponibilidade de grupos metila, essencial para processos biológicos fundamentais.
2. Saúde Cardiovascular: Contribui para a manutenção de níveis saudáveis de homocisteína, promovendo um coração saudável.
3. Desintoxicação Hepática: Apoia a função hepática, facilitando a desintoxicação e o reparo celular.
4. Apoio Cognitivo: Melhora a memória e o aprendizado ao aumentar os níveis de acetilcolina no cérebro.
5. Desempenho Atlética: Potencializa a energia e a resistência, beneficiando atletas e praticantes de atividades físicas.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas de MAAC10 1000mg TMG diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso maximiza a absorção e a eficácia do trimetilglicina no organismo. É importante consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas preexistentes ou estiver tomando outros medicamentos.
Willy Richardson –
There are better products for less. Won’t buy again.
Raye –
Trimethylglycine (TMG) naturally occurs in the body and is involved in liver function, cellular reproduction, and other functions in the body. Even though TMG is said to be healthy for the heart, I also read people with high LDL levels may be advised against taking it.
Some people take it with the idea that it’s helpful for longevity. With supplements like these, there really aren’t enough studies to know, but it’s worth a try.
It can give a slight boost of energy, so I take it in the morning or early day with breakfast or lunch.
This is a 60 day supply. There are no side effects for me, and goes down easily. This product is made in a GMP and NSF Certified facility in the USA. So I know the standards are good.
Willy Richardson –
I use this as a Methyl Donor and with its included Glycine, to go along with NAC thus giving me GlyNac with Methylation. This gives me the best of both worlds; Glutathione production plus heart and liver protection.
This seems to be a good source of TMG from a decent company that has been around for a good while.
Raye –
I got this because I take TMG for the possible benefit of TMG serving as a methyl donor. A methyl donor helps transfer molecules in the body so important chemical actions can take place. Many people myself included take TMG for its ability to act a methyl donor with homocysteine which in may studies show that it may change it into methionine. My recent homocysteine test I did had very healthy low levels which I credit TMG for. And for other protection from TMG,,,, I would bet the organ in our body that is TMG’s biggest fan is the Liver. And that would be because it possibly possibly helps the liver in so many ways and offers it a lot of protection according to many studies with rats. If you look up the benefits of the TMG the list is quite lengthy and I think it would be hard for one to not see a least something that could be personally beneficial. The great thing to me about TMG is there are so many studies getting the same or close to results. So this increases the chances IMO of the supplement doing what it’s supposed to do. Or perhaps I should say doing all it’s supposed to do since there are so many claimed benefits. Some studies indicate high TMG doses of around 6 to 8 grams plus may increase cholesterol but that it is currently very much debated. I currently take about 3 grams and have not noticed any increases in my cholesterol.
This brand is using 500 mgs caps. For those that do not like big pills, this brand has the TMG in capsule form which is a plus considering most TMG I see is in tablet form and they are Huge ! I can take them and do so to reduce my pill count but I realize many people can’t take big pills. This brand’s serving size is 2 caps for 1 gram (1000 mgs). The dosages for TMG vary greatly for what you are using it for. I prefer third party lab tested with my supplements but it is rare I see that with TMG. This is 120 caps which I like and that will definitely last me a while. They are easy to take and I had no sides. I never really feel anything when taking TMG and just trust it’s doing it’s deal like it does in the studies. Good Luck and I hope this was helpful.
Ashley –
I can’t really tell a difference when taking them, but I don’t have any negative effects and no issues mixing with my other supplements.
Luffy’s Review Life –
I take lots of senolytic products along with NMN and I was advised to take TMG for methyl group supplier. So I have been taking this combination (quercetin, fisetin, NMN and metformin with TMG.) This brand provides TMG with very decent price for the quantity, and to be honest, I really don’t know how you supposed to feel like with TMG. Anyhow, I felt the same after changing TMG product from Now to this brand so I guess it has on-par quality. It’s a powder inside of capsule – type of product not the tablet one like Now. So be aware of it if you don’t like capsule. I’m fine with it, and I recommend this product if you are looking for a TMG supplement.
This is a good quality betaine or TMG supplement. There are 120 capsules per bottle and each capsule contains 500mg betaine.
I take around 1000mg per day alongside my NAD precursors (such as nicotinamide riboside).
They appear to be third party tested for purity, though I would like it if the results were publicly shared. The quality seems good, and betaine is a mass-produced product so quality generally isn’t an issue.
Overall – good value betaine supplement and a good addition to taking alongside nicotinamide riboside.
John Long –
It’s really hard to evaluate supplements as a consumer with no access to lab equipment, but one thing that gives me some confidence in this brand is that another one of their supplements was evaluated by a leading independent consumer supplement lab, and that supplement was found to contain what it was supposed to. That doesn’t always translate to other supplements, but at least it shows they have met the bar before.
Some might be motivated to take this if they have alternate forms of MTHFR in conjunction with folic acid, and there are also some small but promising studies for help with other issues. The research is still too slim, so the jury is out for firm conclusions.
It’s possible there might be some negative effects of trimethylglycine (increased LDL in a couple of studies), so it’s probably a good idea to get blood work to make sure levels stay in a healthy range.