Descrição do Produto: LivOn Laboratories Lypo–Spheric Liposomal Vitamin C 1000mg
A Vitamina C é um dos nutrientes mais essenciais para a saúde humana, e o LivOn Laboratories Lypo–Spheric Liposomal Vitamin C 1000mg eleva essa experiência a um novo patamar. Utilizando uma tecnologia revolucionária de entrega de vitamina C, a Liposomal Encapsulation Technology, este produto foi projetado para maximizar a absorção do nutriente pelo corpo. Cada pacote individual contém 1000mg de vitamina C, proporcionando uma dose poderosa que atua como um antioxidante eficaz, protegendo as células dos danos causados por radicais livres nocivos.
Além de ser um suporte vital para o sistema imunológico, a vitamina C desempenha um papel crucial na reparação muscular, sendo ideal para aqueles que levam um estilo de vida ativo. Sua contribuição para a produção de colágeno também não pode ser subestimada, promovendo uma pele mais saudável e firme. O LivOn Laboratories Lypo–Spheric Vitamin C é vegano e não contém ingredientes geneticamente modificados, glúten, laticínios, açúcar ou hexano, tornando-o uma escolha segura e saudável para todos.
A praticidade do produto é um de seus grandes atrativos. Os pacotes individuais são fáceis de transportar e consumir. Para utilizá-lo, basta espremer o conteúdo do pacote em 1 a 3 onças de água ou em sua bebida fria favorita e ingerir em um único gole. É importante notar que o produto não se dissolve, mas isso não compromete sua eficácia.
– Absorção Superior: A tecnologia lipossomal garante que seu corpo absorva mais vitamina C, maximizando os benefícios.
– Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: Fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
– Saúde da Pele: Contribui para a produção de colágeno, resultando em uma pele mais firme e saudável.
– Reparo Muscular: Ideal para atletas e pessoas ativas, auxiliando na recuperação após exercícios intensos.
– Fórmula Limpa: Sem glúten, laticínios, açúcar ou aditivos químicos, perfeita para dietas restritivas.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir um pacote de LivOn Laboratories Lypo–Spheric Liposomal Vitamin C 1000mg diariamente. Para isso, esprema o conteúdo do pacote em 1 a 3 onças de água ou em uma bebida fria de sua preferência. É importante ingerir rapidamente, em um único gole, para garantir a máxima eficácia do produto. A consistência e a cor podem variar entre os lotes, mas isso não afeta a potência e o desempenho do suplemento.
Pamela –
I just ordered this and multiple packages had already exploded in the box leaving behind some odd brown residue. Half the box needed to be thrown away. When I tried using one clean packet there were brown specs in the water. The seller was not willing to offer any concession or take their product back which is obviously of bad quality and unsafe for consumption. I highly recommend you find another seller if you want this.
Price has increased
Donna –
I take it when I don’t feel well but most recently I’ve started taking it every day. Great product
Animas Forks –
We absolutely love the vitamin C. We take it with us when we’re traveling. It’s so easy to take and it works immediately doesn’t hurt my stomach at all.
Animas Forks –
I’ve been taking Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C for several months now, and I couldn’t be more pleased with the results. Over the past year, my cholesterol levels have dropped by 10 points, which is a fantastic outcome for me. My kids are exposed to a lot of germs and colds at school, but even when they come home with the occasional cold, I’ve managed to stay healthy. This supplement seems to give my immune system the extra support it needs!
As for taking it, the goo doesn’t blend with juice, so I just take it like a shot mixed with a couple of ounces of orange juice. It’s quick, easy, and honestly simpler than swallowing a pill. It’s a small daily habit that’s had a big impact on my health.
Overall, I highly recommend Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C to anyone looking to support their immune system and improve their overall health. This product is definitely worth it!
Cinja –
***UPDATE: 1-30-13
Well, I’m still going strong. It’s been a little over a week and I must say, I’m still very pleased with the results delivered from this product. In fact, my work load coincidentally increased over the past few days AND I have been subjected to two different, very sick children (goop hanging out of noses, coughing all over me) and I DID NOT pick up any of their illnesses. Plus: I still have increased energy everyday. Amazing. I had a few time constraints in the mornings too and have had to take this product on the road. I just love the accessibility of it. I can’t imagine not taking this Vitamin C ever again. I have increased my rating to Five Stars. Earned and well-deserved.
Note: I would love to hear from those who have been ingesting this long-term as I have a few questions about use: should I be increasing the dosage over time and if yes, when should I start doing so and for how long? Should I be taking some form of Vitamin D with this to ensure optimum delivery/absorption? If I stop taking this, should it be a gradual process, like weening oneself off? I can’t ever imagine wanting to stop taking this however I don’t know if there are any side effects to being on this product long-term…and I read another post here about how someone got very sick after stopping their usage immediately. Due to my poor immune, I simply cannot afford to have that happen. So any other suggestions and comments are very welcome! Thank you all ~ stay healthy!!
***UPDATE: 1-24-13
Well, I didn’t get better in a week using this product. I got better in THREE DAYS. That’s just short of a miracle for my body. I’m back up to speed physically by 100%! I’m at full productivity without any signs of having a scratchy throat or low energy. I would have written sooner but I’ve been busy working! I’m still amazed. This product saved me. In case there is interest, on Day One, I only had a slight feeling that I could experience a loose bowel. But that never happened. That feeling has not been back. The consistency still makes me gag a little but following up with the juice shot completely gets rid of the short-lasting, bad-tasting moment for me. I also noticed I have quite a bit of energy on this stuff and I’m still only taking 1 packet a day. That is a comfortable amount for me and for now, I will stick with that dosage. I may write one more update should anything change but for now I will take this every day for good preventative care. I am forever grateful for this product.
Original review:
I have a weak/poor immune system that is getting worse as I get older (just turned 38). If I’m near someone with a common cold, 9 times out of 10 I’ll catch it. Where it might put that person out for 1-2 days, I’m out of commission for 1-2 WEEKS with swollen glands, a lasting sore throat, itchy/runny eyes/nose, low energy, etc. It always hits my head, throat, glands. Anyhow, I’ve been to so many doctors over the past few years without much to show for it except numerous ENT visits, prescriptions for anti-biotics, and large medical bills. So, I’ve decided to try this out as I’ll try anything at this point. I happen to be sick today and my symptoms are slowly getting worse. Therefore, I am on Day One for this Lypo-Spheric Vita C. My rating may be premature but for now, it is based on ease, taste, and cost. I will update my review once I have some results (or lack thereof).
Ease: Using this packet is a cinch. I like that I can take it on the go if necessary. Just cut off one edge of the packet and insert into mouth and swallow or into liquid and drink.
Taste: Well, it’s not so much the taste than the texture I think that puts people off. I took it by itself (tilted head back, squeezed orange-looking gooey contents to back of throat) and chased it with some water. A little got onto my tongue and the taste reminded me of a grain/wheat-like taste (one person said it was card-boardy tasting. I can see that…). On the plus side: atleast it doesn’t take like raw vitamins or have a bad aftertaste. In fact, there isn’t really much of an aftertaste. The texture is mucous-like, and to me anyway, put me off a little (only slightly grossed me out). The water helped. Use the cold juice if you need to but I can see how that process is more work (like mixing oil and water; don’t bother if you can muster taking the packet alone).
Cost: Some may say this is costly, especially if you’re using more than one packet a day. I only took one today, in the morning, on an empty stomach, to see what results I get that are measurable. I may increase it to two packets (1 morning, 1 evening) if needed. Ultimately, you should decide what’s worth your money (and time): Preventative Health Measures or Emergency Visits/Missed Work?
The Big Test: I work with children in private homes. Yes, they have their sick moments. Yes, this is cold/flu season. So in short, if these packets keep me healthy when I’m around an adult or child who looks sick, is sick, or is even thinking about becoming sick, I will be SOLD. FOREVER.
I will report back when I have been using this product for atleast a week and can share my personal results.
Coloratura Kiki –
Now, more than ever, it’s important to take care of our health and do our best to avoid illness. Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C is a big part of my wellness plan.
Most people associate vitamin C with the immune system and know we need sufficient vitamin C to ward off colds and other viruses and to fight them if and when we do get sick. But vitamin C does a lot more. It reduces the risk of chronic disease as well as acute, it can help protect the heart and blood vessels, it helps prevent anemia, and it may prevent dementia in older persons. And that’s just the beginning of the list of benefits.
If you simply swallow a vitamin C tablet or capsule each day, it’s better than not taking any vitamin C at all, but most of the vitamin (up to 97%) can be lost as it passes through the acidic environment in your stomach. Liposomal vitamin C is encapsulated in a layer of fat that allows it to pass through the acidic environment of the stomach without being destroyed. According to LivOn, this means that liposomal vitamin C delivers 200% more vitamin C than the standard tablet or capsule, and you, of course, are the beneficiary. According to LivOn’s Website, the liposomes, themselves, contribute to our nutrition.
As someone who doesn’t like to take large pills, I like the fact that I can simply open a packet of this liposomal vitamin C, pour it in a glass, and down it in one swallow. I was a little reluctant, at first, to take 1,000 mg., since 75-90 mg. is the usual recommended daily dose, and I’m no believer in mega-vitamin therapy for anything. However, I’ve suffered no ill effects from the high dose, and I don’t expect to.
Due to an accident, I’ve had two cornea transplants (one in each eye), and due to the cornea transplants, I’ve developed dry eye syndrome in both eyes. Drops do help greatly, but after taking Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C for a few months, I find I usually don’t even need the drops. I also feel I sleep better and have a lot more energy during the day, though it’s calm energy; I’m never nervous and jumpy like some people are if they drink too much caffeine, etc.
I also love it that this vitamin C contains no GMOs, sugars, starch, artificial flavors, artificial colors, flavors, gluten, hexane, or meat or dairy products. It’s suitable for vegetarians like me and even for vegans. Some people say it tastes terrible, but it really doesn’t. Just put some water in a shot glass, pour in the vitamin C, and swallow. There won’t be any taste at all.
If the health benefits aren’t motivation enough to take this, your skin needs vitamin C to look its best. It needs a lot more than vitamin C, of course, but vitamin C plays a huge role in bright, beautiful skin. Many of us use expensive vitamin C serums on our face, but unless we have adequate vitamin C in our body, our skin isn’t going to be able to glow, and we won’t be able to make adequate collagen and elastin, two substances that keep our skin young and bouncy looking.
I love this vitamin C, and I’m trying to get everyone I care about to take it daily. You should be doing that, too. (I also take LivOn’s L-Carnitine to counteract the aging effects of sugar, since I don’t eat meat.)
Gessica –
Will order again
Doris E. Kelley, Kelley’s Used Cars, inc. –
I share it with anyone who will listen. I just squeeze pack directly and chase with juice or water. It’s that easy. Some of family mix it first, it works for them. I know I’m doing right by my body. Best quality in my opinion.
Lindsay L. –
I use this product for overall well being. Soft Packaging slightly damaged, but product undamaged. Very fast delivery for international shipping.