Descrição do Produto: Luz Noturna Vermelha com Sensor Automático Dusk to Dawn
A Luz Noturna Vermelha Plug-in é a solução ideal para quem busca um ambiente propício ao sono saudável. Com um design prático e funcional, este produto foi desenvolvido para promover a produção de melatonina, o hormônio do sono, sem interferir na sua qualidade. Com um sensor de luz diurna, a luz noturna se acende automaticamente ao anoitecer e se apaga ao amanhecer, garantindo que você tenha a iluminação necessária durante a noite, sem a necessidade de se preocupar em ligá-la ou desligá-la.
- Set it and forget it, 30,000 horas de vida útil, super economia de energia.
- Fonte de LED vermelho de longo comprimento de onda promove o sono, não afetando a produção do hormônio melatonina.
- Com 7 LEDs embutidos, é muito mais brilhante do que a luz noturna vermelha padrão. Proporciona boa visibilidade sem ofuscar à noite.
- O sensor de luz do dia desliga a luz noturna quando o ambiente ao redor está iluminado.
- Não bloqueia o uso da segunda tomada na parede.
1. Promoção do Sono Saudável: A luz vermelha de longo comprimento de onda ajuda a regular o ciclo do sono, favorecendo a produção de melatonina.
2. Praticidade e Conforto: O sensor automático elimina a necessidade de interação manual, permitindo que você se concentre em relaxar e dormir.
3. Eficiência Energética: Com uma vida útil de 30.000 horas, você economiza em custos de energia e reduz a necessidade de substituições frequentes.
4. Visibilidade Ideal: Os 7 LEDs garantem uma iluminação adequada para se mover à noite sem ofuscar a visão, ideal para quartos e corredores.
5. Design Compacto: O produto não obstrui a segunda tomada, permitindo o uso simultâneo de outros dispositivos elétricos.
Para utilizar a Luz Noturna Vermelha, basta conectá-la a uma tomada elétrica. O sensor de luz integrado fará com que a luz se acenda automaticamente ao escurecer e se apague ao clarear, proporcionando uma experiência sem complicações. Certifique-se de posicioná-la em um local onde a luz ambiente não interfira no funcionamento do sensor. Com sua longa vida útil e eficiência energética, você pode desfrutar de noites tranquilas e relaxantes, sabendo que a luz noturna está sempre pronta para ajudá-lo a encontrar o caminho no escuro.
Cliente de Amazon –
Came with US electric power supply not UK
Cliente Amazon –
Lo dejo encendido en la noche como ayuda para dormir
Courtney Burton –
I’ve bought quite a few night lights as I just recently successfully potty trained my child. The biggest issue we run into is at night she will wake up to go potty.. she’s tripped over her baby dolls, blocks, you name it. So I bought a couple of night lights.. they just wasn’t exactly what we was looking for. I then searched on amazon and ran across this one, and decided to give it a go. So far it’s been lovely. I absolutely love the fact that it has a auto selection (as well as on, and off) this is easily my favorite part about this night light. It’s not running all day, and I don’t have to remember to turn it off and on. As a mother of two kids my mind doesn’t always remember. It’s bright enough to see where your going, but not bright enough to wake you up completely (we got the yellow color). Since receiving this we haven’t had any more falls or cries early in the morning. The package comes with 2 night lights, they seem to be very well made. I was honestly impressed because they weren’t to expensive. The design is functional and modern which I also like. It’s not a child design like most. It also doesn’t get hot like most night lights I’ve purchased. Which is a HUGE plus with a almost 3 year old that is fascinated by anything and everything. I’ve had it running all night and it’s not even the slightest bit warm so that is wonderful.
Honestly if you need a night light and don’t like the normal ones I’d go this route. I’m very pleased with my purchase and will be purchasing another set.
Metabble –
These lights actually have a switch. For whatever reason, lots of similar products do not have a manual switch. They only work via the electronic sensor. That can be a pain depending on where you need to place your night lights. The switch on this product has three settings: OFF, ON, and AUTO. The automatic setting uses an electronic sensor. It turns on the light and adjusts brightness a little based on how much environmental light it senses. The sensor on these is pretty good. It does a better job and is less finicky than most other ones I’ve tried.
I’ve noticed that the red model is much brighter in “on” mode than it ever gets in automatic. This has actually been helpful because it lets me fine-tune the lighting a little. This difference is far smaller on the amber models.
The red is really nice. While some people thing of “red” as angry or hellish or whatever; it’s actually quite relaxing. Red is the lowest-energy visible light. It does not prompt your body to produce wakeful hormones the way other colors of light can. (Blue is the worst for this.) Versus other forms of light, this won’t rob as much from your night vision either. The red night lights are ideal for seeing where you are going, not bumping into things, etc. Choose these for winding down and nocturnal navigation.
Just be aware that red light is not good for color recognition. For reasons you can imagine on your own, amber is a better choice for the bathroom. The amber lights are pretty but do seem brighter than the reds. They aren’t disruptive like cool white or blue light. They’re better than the warmest “normal” lighting (2700K). They’re just not as good as red for those benefits mentioned above. Choose amber for a relaxing midnight trip to the bathroom or quietly making a midnight snack in the kitchen.
Courtney Burton –
La intensidad de iluminación es adecuada para poder ver
L S. –
Buena compra hice gracias
jds –
This is perfect for the kitchen and living rooms. It takes 20 minutes for your eyes to adjust to total darkness. So when you first turn off regular lights, you need a brighter night light to see where you’re walking (these Sleep Aid night lights are great for that). When you get up in the middle of the night, your eyes are super sensitive. These cast enough light in a larger room to get around, but are a bit too bright too look directly at when standing right next to them. Just don’t look directly at them and your fine. These are too bright to for me to use in a small bathroom. I use the Spectra479 for that because they just bright enough to see what your doing in a bathroom at 2am without hurting your eyes. Your not going to find one nightlight the fits all applications. You need to find the best compromise on brightness depending on what room your putting them in. I like my setup with these two different brand of nightlights.
M. Younes –
I bought two brands of red night lights over a year ago. The other brand was a little cheaper and more purely red, but these are more versatile because they can be turned off. The other ones, which only have an auto feature are fine for sunny locations, but I prefer these for dark locations because I don’t want them to be on all the time. For bathrooms whose doors are closed or where the outlet wall is shaded during the day, the ones which do not have an active on-off switch stay on all day. LEDs never last as long as advertised, but just to scale their potential life, consider that 10,000 hours is roughly 416 24-hour days, so if you can turn an LED light off during the day, whatever the lifespan is, only having it on at night should allow it to last 3x longer.
These actually throw enough light that if they are within a few feet of the toilet you don’t need to turn the bathroom light on at night. Good product.
Ada –
Very disappointed to open this tonight only to find that I can’t use it as it has a US plug.
It doesn’t say anywhere on here what type of plug it has
Katie –
Absolutely love these nightlights. The red really doesn’t disturb sleep and I’ve noticed it’s easier to get my 8 month old back to sleep if he happens to wake early around 4 am. HOWEVER, both of them flicker when in AUTO mode. They don’t flicker when set to ON. Wish they didn’t flicker in AUTO because this mode is a little dimmer which I like. That said, I would still buy them again.
Note for parents looking to keep these on all night in a toddler’s room – while the red doesn’t wake you up like other colors of light, I still think these are a bit too bright to keep on all night. I think they’re better either in a bathroom where you can keep the door closed or a baby’s room where you can flip it on and off as needed.