A luva esfoliante marroquina Kessa – Kit Econômico (2 peças) Preta – é uma ferramenta essencial para quem busca uma esfoliação eficaz e natural em casa. Com sua tecnologia de microdermoabrasão, esta luva remove células mortas indesejadas, sujeira e impurezas, além de tratar a queratose pilar, proporcionando uma pele mais suave e saudável. Ideal para todos os tipos de pele, a luva Kessa é perfeita para quem deseja manter a pele livre de imperfeições e com uma textura uniforme.
- ✅♡ MICRODERMOABRASÃO NATURAL – Esfoliante de chuveiro para esfoliação corporal em casa, que remove visivelmente as células mortas da pele.
- ✅♡ MELHORA A TEXTURA DA PELE – O uso regular de uma luva Kessa pode ajudar a melhorar a textura da pele e reduzir a aparência de pele seca, áspera e com protuberâncias causadas pela queratose pilar.
- ✅♡ REMOVE BRONZEADO FALSO – Este tecido de microdermoabrasão de grão fino é perfeito para remover seu bronzeado antigo e preparar para um novo bronzeado falso, lindo e suave. Além disso, experimente usar óleo de argan antes da aplicação do bronzeador para uma pele realmente sedosa e suave.
- ✅♡ SEM PEELINGS QUÍMICOS – e até mesmo esponjas vegetais. As esponjas vegetais são ótimas para ensaboar, mas não como esfoliantes. Peelings químicos e esfoliantes costumam ser agressivos para a pele. Apenas uma luva esfoliante Kessa natural permite uma esfoliação perfeita – naturalmente.
- ✅♡ REMOVE CÉLULAS MORTAS DA PELE – Ao usar nossos esfoliantes corporais semanalmente, você desfrutará de uma melhor absorção de produtos, menos protuberâncias e pelos encravados, e aumento da circulação sanguínea.
1. Esfoliação natural: A luva esfoliante Kessa oferece uma esfoliação natural e eficaz, removendo as células mortas da pele e deixando-a mais suave e radiante.
2. Melhora a textura da pele: Com o uso regular, a luva Kessa ajuda a melhorar a textura da pele, reduzindo a aparência de pele áspera e com protuberâncias causadas pela queratose pilar.
3. Remove bronzeado falso: Se você está procurando uma maneira eficaz de remover seu bronzeado antigo e preparar a pele para um novo bronzeado, a luva Kessa é a escolha perfeita. Sua textura fina de microdermoabrasão remove suavemente o bronzeado, deixando a pele pronta para um novo visual.
4. Sem produtos químicos agressivos: Diferente de peelings químicos e esfoliantes agressivos, a luva Kessa oferece uma esfoliação suave e natural, sem causar danos à pele.
5. Melhora a absorção de produtos: Ao usar a luva esfoliante Kessa semanalmente, você estará preparando sua pele para uma melhor absorção de produtos, como hidratantes e loções, resultando em uma pele mais saudável e radiante.
Para utilizar a luva esfoliante Kessa, comece molhando-a em água morna. Aplique uma pequena quantidade de sabonete ou gel de banho na luva. Massageie suavemente a pele em movimentos circulares, concentrando-se nas áreas mais ásperas ou com protuberâncias. É recomendável usar a luva uma vez por semana para obter resultados ideais. Após a esfoliação, enxágue bem a pele e seque-a delicadamente. Para maximizar os benefícios, aplique um hidratante ou óleo nutritivo, como o óleo de argan, para manter a pele hidratada e suave. Desfrute de uma pele renovada e radiante com a luva esfoliante Kessa!
Barbara –
My husband and I both suffer from dry bumpy skin once the weather starts cooling down, these mits are so perfect for daily exfoliation. They are inexpensive, last for a few months, and save us money by not having to by scrubs ect. Silky smooth skin
TaKaRa –
Please go for it, so damn good
KJ –
N’est pas aussi râpeux que les gants que l’on trouve au Maroc j’ai été déçu
Autumn Rose Broughton –
I came across the Kessa exfoliating glove while shopping for another brand priced at $50- pretty steep price tag! So I decided to give Kessa’s version a try. I’ve been experiencing more dry/dead skin than usual, and my previous mitten that shall remain “nameless” was old and I tossed it.
I am happy to report that this much more affordable glove works excellent. I don’t use it with every shower (you don’t want damaged skin!), but with just semi-regular use (once or twice a week) my skin is great again. Couldn’t be happier!
Some questions you may have:
Q: Do you *have* to use the Kessa Moroccan soap, or Moroccan soap in general?
A: While I’m sure Kessa’s soap is great, I try to avoid as many animal-tested products as possible. I do not know if Kessa is cruelty-free, and I already have several great smelling herbal soaps. They are bar soaps, all natural, cruelty-free, and locally made. And no, they are NOT Moraccan. But it works just fine. So the answer is no, you don’t need a special soap. I do make sure my skin is optimally prepared by being wet for a few mins before going in to scrub, that way it has sort of soaked to soften and loosen dead skin. And when I’m out of the shower, I apply Palmer’s Shea Butter, coconut oil, or another deeply moisturizing product. If you wanna know my routine to maximize my time, water, and use of the glove, read on in this section. Otherwise, skip to the next paragraph. Routine: So, I usually do scrubbing while my hair conditioner is in doing its thing. I start my shower just by taking a minute to relax (who doesn’t love an extra hot, steamy shower?), then I soap up my body once with my hands and rinse. Then I shampoo my hair. When I’m done rinsing my hair, I wash my face. Then apply my hair conditioner. While conditioner is in, I soap up the top half of my body again, and use the glove. Rinse well. Then do the lower half of my body. It’s best to shave after exfoliating, so I follow with any shaving I need to do, and finally, rinse out my conditioner. Doing things in this order allows the time I need for my skin to ‘soak’ prior to using the glove, but it doesn’t waste time, nor do I waste water just standing there waiting for my skin to soak and soften.
Q: How often should you replace the glove?
A: If you take decent care of it by hanging it up, keeping it dry between showers, and rinsing it well with some very hot water every once in a while, this glove should last a year, after which I would suggest replacing, mostly for sanitary reasons. BUT if you have the habit of not hanging it up, and it often ends up found on the shower floor or randomly crumpled in a nook of a shower shelf, caddy, etc, then I suggest you replace after 6 months. Hey, stuff happens, and at this price, don’t worry too much if you aren’t the best at keeping this hung and dry between your showers (it can be hard when you share the shower space with others).
Q: Do I need to wash or sanitize the glove?
A: You should not need to wash the glove beyond rinsing it well, lathering it with some soap just for cleaning itself (so, after you’ve used it on yourself), and then rinsing it again. I share my bathroom/shower and sometimes find that my glove has been somehow knocked into the tub and become wet again from someone else’s shower (rude, I know) so I wash and rinse with some extra hot water when that happens.
Q: Is the glove machine washable?
A: Again, hand-washing and hanging to dry after each use is really all you need to do. That said, if you really feel the need, you can run this through the washing machine. But DO NOT use chlorine bleach, and DO NOT put in the dryer. Hang dry at all times!
Please note that the amount of dead skin the glove removes depends on how much you actually have. Makes sense, right? For me, when I first got the glove, I was having MAJOR skin issues, so the first few uses removed rolls and rolls of dead skin, it was quite astonishing. But with regular use (experiment with how often you need to use it, everyone is different), I get very little, if any, visible dead skin removed; that doesn’t mean it didn’t work, it just means there isn’t enough to be visible. Think about it: when yyou exfoliate your face, you don’t see a bunch of dead skin come off. So if you purchase this and don’t see visible dead skin coming off with use, it’s not due to the product. It just means you don’t have a lot of dead skin! Keep it that way by using the glove once a week. Regular exfoliating also helps circulation, skin tone, and production of new skin cells, leaving you with softer, healthier, and younger-looking glowy skin! Always, always, always apply a good body moisturizer after you shower, but especially after using this glove. If you see some skin flaking or cracking but the glove isn’t removing much visibly, you may have dry skin, and not a lot of built-up dead skin. In this case, increase your use of body moisturizer, or try a more deeply moisturizing product like shea or cocoa butter. These (especially the shea butter) do take longer to absorb, but they moisturize better and feel amazing. If you have the time, use olive oil- it penetrates into your skin even better and has the added benefit of vitamin E, which is essential for healthy skin. But be careful! Oils WILL leave oil blotch stains, so put on a robe and cover your seating area with a large towel or old sheet. Also, if you suffer from VERY dry, but not shedding skin, exfoliating can actually do more harm than good if done too often, so while it’s still good for you to do, reduce the frequency of use of any exfoliating products/tools. And for your best skin ever, make sure you are, of course, drinking plenty of water. 😉
aly! –
I read a bunch of reviews before buying this and some were great and some were not. It is a small opening for your hand. Mine is a snug fit and I have smaller hands. I like the feel of this, especially before and after shaving legs/underarms. It is a bit abrasive, if you’re super sensitive, not for you. I rinse after use, let air dry in shower and then throw it in the wash after several uses and dry on low. Seems to be holding up.
A. Mullaney –
You have to be damp for this to work. If your skin or the gloves are too wet it will not work.
A. Mullaney –
I had seen a similar product advertised and it seemed like it would be a good product to try for my skin which is sensitive, but notorious for keratosis pilaris as well as dry patches. Found this here on Amazon at a great price.
This thing is AMAZING… when you use it correctly. Your skin must be saturated before this will be effective. To accomplish this, I use it at the end of my shower. I don’t like hot water, so the water temp does not matter as long as your skin has been soaked long enough. I’m amazed at the amount of dead skin that still comes off even though I use an exfoliating wash cloth during every shower. This glove must also be saturated before use, although not dripping wet. I’d say for best results, use this when both your glove and skin are still damp. Rub firmly in a circular motion, but don’t scrub. This is like a micro polishing cloth and you don’t want to scrub your skin raw. The first time I used this, I hadn’t even mentioned to my hubby that I bought it. I really didn’t even think it was worth mentioning because I wasn’t expecting such substantial results! After my shower and getting dressed, he touched my arm as he normally would, then I watched him do a double take as he reached back to touch my arm again! I personally thought my skin felt smoother after, but my hubby’s reaction confirmed it!
Also, I’ve seen a lot of ignorant comments about how dirty people are because of the “dirt” coming off the skin. It is not dirt, but dead skin. Almost every single person on this planet has skin cells which contain varying degrees of melanin or “pigment”. The darker your skin, the more melanin you have so the exfoliated skin will appear darker. If you’ve bathed using soap, I promise it isn’t dirt!
If you take care of this glove, it will last. I’ve had mine almost an entire year now with no signs of it needing to be replaced. I do take care in not being overly rough with the glove, and put it on and remove it carefully – it’s a bit difficult when it’s wet.
A final suggestion: get two of these. One is a bit of a workout, as you have to switch it back and forth to be sure you get all areas of your body. If you have two, you can easily go from the left to right hand as needed. I’m actually purchasing a second one tonight, and a set for my daughter.
Ndiaye Franck –
يابقا طلبت ولكن ماطلعت الاصليه بس ليف زكيه تشبه الليفه الكوريه الاصليه
هذاا عن تجربه شخصية لي انا
والخامه تشبه korean loaf bath جدا جدا وبنفس الاداء
Tristin –
I’ve never used a better exfoliating glove until I found these. You can literally see the dead skin roll off your body
aly! –
This works! The trick is to soap your body, let the soap stay on your body for 5 -10 minutes, rinse it off, then use the mitt. It takes all the dead skin off. It works great on the back also. I put it on a long handle brush. Moisture your body and enjoy feeling the smoothness.