O Lume Deodorante Corporal Completo 5 Amostras é um conjunto inovador de desodorantes em creme invisíveis, projetados para oferecer um controle de odor eficaz por até 72 horas. Clinicamente comprovado como mais eficaz do que qualquer outra marca líder de vendas, o LUME elimina 100% do odor ao longo do dia, garantindo frescor e proteção duradoura. Este produto é o primeiro desodorante para todo o corpo do mundo, podendo ser utilizado com segurança em diversas áreas, incluindo axilas, partes íntimas e pés.
Com uma fórmula livre de alumínio, bicarbonato de sódio e parabenos, o LUME é uma escolha saudável e segura. Nunca utilizamos ingredientes prejudiciais, como fragrâncias artificiais, ftalatos, sulfatos ou talco. O LUME é naturalmente derivado e recomendado por dermatologistas, sendo ideal para peles sensíveis.
O conjunto contém cinco tubos de desodorante de 0,75 oz cada, disponíveis nas fragrâncias Clean Tangerine, Coconut Crush, Lavender Sage, Peony Roses e Unscented, permitindo que você experimente uma variedade de aromas e encontre o que mais combina com você.
- Controle de odor por 72 horas – O LUME é clinicamente comprovado como mais eficaz do que qualquer outra marca, eliminando 100% do odor durante todo o dia.
- Desodorante para todo o corpo – Seguro para uso em qualquer parte externa do corpo, incluindo axilas, partes íntimas e pés.
- Livre de ingredientes prejudiciais – Sem alumínio, bicarbonato de sódio, parabenos ou produtos químicos agressivos.
- Recomendado por dermatologistas – Ideal para peles sensíveis, garantindo uma experiência suave e segura.
- Conjunto de amostras variadas – Permite experimentar diferentes fragrâncias e descobrir a sua favorita.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique uma pequena quantidade de LUME nas áreas desejadas, como axilas, partes íntimas ou pés. Massageie suavemente até que o creme seja completamente absorvido pela pele. Para manter o controle de odor por até 72 horas, reaplique conforme necessário. Evite o contato com os olhos e não aplique em pele irritada ou lesionada.
Faisal –
عن ماذا اتحدث؟
السعر المجنون المبالغ فيه؟
الكمية والحجم الصغير اصغر من اصبع قدمي؟
المنتج الرديئ بكل شي تقريبا
لا اعلم لماذا اغلب المراجعات أحبت المنتج
رغم أنه لا يعمل
ساعة من الوقت ثم كانك لم تضع شيئا ابدا
لا اوصي بشرائه مجرد قمامة لها سعر بالغ بلا فائدة
Ell Rhynerson –
While Lume does work, as it claims. You won’t stink if you use it! the initial smell of this stuff our of the tube in atrocious! Seriously makes me want to gag. Because of that – I can hardly make myself use it.
The horrid smell does go away, but coming out of the tube is hideous. Surely Lume people could do something about this. Please. The initial odor of this stuff is the sole cause of a 3 out of 5 star review.
In my humble opinion… –
Got the trial, five different scents pack to see which one I liked best. The cream has a weird smell when you rub it on. All have that same bad scent along with the featured scent but it goes away shortly after you have rubbed it in but when you sweat you can smell the flavored scent, not the bad smell. Doesn’t last 72 hours as advertised. But 24 hours pretty much. It definitely keeps you from smelling like B.O. as would be the case if I didn’t use it. I will probably buy again, not sure what scent next time. I like the fact there are no bad ingredients, it works and it’s easy to rub in. I just hold my breath when I put it on, and make sure to wash my hands well.
Molly Davies –
So before I bought this stuff I read a lot of reviews. And a lot of them mentioned that this has a strange smell. A lot of people, at least the reviews that I read, couldn’t get over this smell. Said it was so terrible and gross and why would a deodorant have a terrible smell etc etc. The smell seemed to be more or less depending on what scent people ordered so when I saw this variety pack of different scents I thought that was the way to go and I could see what scent I liked the best and see which scent had the least of the weird smell that everyone was talking about. Okay, so does it have this weird smell? Absolutely. Does it last for more than 10 seconds? Absolutely not. Do I have to scrub my hands or anything like that to get the smell off? No. I can see some people being more sensitive to this strange smell but the people that said they had to scrub their hands to get it off I’m not buying that for a second. When you put it on you for sure can smell this weird smell. I can’t really describe what it is. It seems like a familiar smell but at the same time I can’t tell you what it smells like. But it doesn’t smell nice. But it goes away. Almost instantaneously after rubbing it in. I do think with some of them the scent is worse than others but it’s pretty comparable. If I had to buy it again, which I am going to buy it again, I would get the coconut. One thing is, I thought the peony rose had the worst of this strange smell but I think it’s also possible that the peony rose worked best. So maybe the strange smell is a good thing. More the better. I’m not sure. But they all work. Even if the peony rose worked better it was only marginally. And they really work. And I mean everywhere. Everywhere. And I’m going on vacation and I’m trying to fit everything in my suitcase and I realize I can just take one of these tiny tubes with me and I’m set for the whole time. Because you don’t need that much so that’s another cool feature of it. I might buy the sample pack all the time so I have small ones for travel. So there’s my review. This stuff is the real deal. Yes it has the weird smell and I suppose if you’re super super sensitive to smells it might bother you but for me it goes away and after it’s rubbed in you can’t smell it at all. All you can smell is the scent of whichever one you’re putting on. And the smell of no BO.
JodieH –
I don’t normally leave long winded reviews. But I almost didn’t buy this because of all the negative comments. I kept coming back to it and decided to give it a try. So I am going to tell you my experience and it might take a minute.
The most unhelpful comments I read prior to purchase were people complaining about the size of the samples. These are .5 ounces each (that’s a half ounce). This is clearly stated in the details of the listing. Like CLEARLY. Taking stars off because the samples are the size stated is not fair to the seller. I was not surprised by the size when the package came because it is exactly as advertised. EXACTLY.
There are lots of comments about this smelling bad but it doesn’t. Each one smells the way you would expect. They smell like deodorant in the specific scent printed on the tube. I would say take those comments with a grain of salt. I’m not sure why there are so many complaints about that. I really don’t understand.
This works. It does exactly what it says it does. It eliminates odor. So, if that’s your jam, try it!
This is not an antiperspirant as clearly stated in the details, and I was wondering if this would be a problem but surprisingly this didn’t bother me. I don’t notice much perspiration at all. Like I said, I’m a little surprised.
I was surprised by some of the comments about value for the money. These are sample sizes. I would not expect them to last me for weeks/months. A little bit of this goes a long way. If something is not in your budget then don’t buy it. Find something that fits your budget. I don’t think this is expensive and comparing Lume’s regular sized products with comparable products, they are competitive in price. Are there cheaper products? Yes. But I think this is worth the money and will buy a regular sized container of this here shortly.
Anyway, this is my review. I hope you find it helpful. I recommend this product. I am really glad I tried it. If you want to try this product, like I did, the sample size is a good way to do it. It’s a good way to decide if it works for you and if you want to buy a regular sized container. Thanks for sticking with me!