Descrição do Produto: Lubrificante Fertilidade Pre-Seed
O Lubrificante Fertilidade Pre-Seed é uma solução inovadora e cuidadosamente formulada para casais que estão tentando conceber. Este lubrificante isotônico e equilibrado em pH foi desenvolvido para imitar o ambiente vaginal natural, proporcionando um suporte essencial à sobrevivência e qualidade dos espermatozoides. Com uma composição que inclui água purificada, hidroxietilcelulose e cloreto de sódio, o Pre-Seed é amplamente utilizado em clínicas de fertilidade, sendo uma escolha confiável para aqueles que buscam aumentar suas chances de concepção.
O produto vem em um tubo de 40g, acompanhado de 9 aplicadores de uso único, permitindo uma aplicação fácil e sem bagunça antes da relação sexual. Além de ser inodoro, o Pre-Seed é compatível com preservativos de látex e poliuretano, garantindo que a experiência seja segura e confortável. Este lubrificante não apenas facilita a intimidade, mas também cria um ambiente propício para a fertilização, tornando-se um aliado indispensável na jornada da concepção.
– Suporte à Fertilidade: Ajuda a manter a qualidade e a sobrevivência dos espermatozoides, aumentando as chances de concepção.
– Fórmula Segura: Desenvolvido por médicos, é uma opção confiável e testada em clínicas de fertilidade.
– Fácil Aplicação: Os aplicadores de uso único garantem uma aplicação prática e higiênica, sem complicações.
– Compatibilidade: Pode ser utilizado com preservativos de látex e poliuretano, sem comprometer a eficácia.
– Conforto e Naturalidade: A fórmula isotônica e equilibrada em pH proporciona uma experiência confortável e natural durante a relação.
Para utilizar o Lubrificante Fertilidade Pre-Seed, comece abrindo o tubo e selecionando um dos aplicadores de uso único. Encha o aplicador com a quantidade desejada do lubrificante. Em seguida, insira o aplicador suavemente na vagina e aplique o lubrificante antes da relação sexual. É importante garantir que a aplicação ocorra antes do ato sexual para maximizar a eficácia do produto. Após o uso, descarte o aplicador de forma adequada. O Pre-Seed é seguro para uso regular e pode ser incorporado à sua rotina de tentativas de concepção.
kay :) –
I been trying to get pregnant since my 30’s and after doing some research I came across this and thought why not give it a try. I just turned 40 years old in November 2024 now I have a 5 month year old baby thanks to this product. I used it before and doing ovulation. I taken a pregnancy test, it was positive.. I honestly didn’t believe it so I taken a few more pregnancy tests and yes I was actually pregnant. I just reordered it again because my sister is having a hard time getting pregnant and I think this might work for if it worked for me. I highly recommend
Erika –
I never thought I would make this review but I was desperate to try anything to get pregnant again. I have a 3 year old and was having so many issues to get pregnant I tried everything ( letrozole, clomid, the legs up method, mucinex etc) but Pre Seed worked for me on my first try. Got my BFP at 11 DPO. I’d like to add that I used the Frida conception cup along with it as well so it was with the help of both. Try this! It won’t hurt it’s not a very expensive product but to me it’s worth it!!
Waheed khan –
After two months of using, I conceived and got a positive pregnancy test, which I hadn’t got in years. I also took Mucinex at the same time. The combination of the two seem to work for me after having years of no luck. Sadly, I miscarried after just four weeks. But I am hoping for a viable pregnancy my next cycle. I’m just happy to know I am able to get pregnant because I’ve had so many years worth of negative pregnancy tests so this was a win for me regardless, seems like I’m one step closer.
Erika –
Currently in TTC I was worried about getting irritated in some sort but I haven’t!
Delicia –
The measure off success in using the pre-seed is whether it delivered on our ultimate goal. Yes it did. We are not expecting. I would recommend. Especially for less mobile semen. 5 Stars!
Awesome Cover! –
It worked for me
Delicia –
We have used this for trying to conceive both our children. Each time it has worked and we have fallen pregnant on first or second try! It could be nothing to do with the preseed who knows, but for the sake of the price it was definitely worth trying.
It is comfortable, doesn’t cause any irritation or anything, so a decent product all round
Amazon Customer –
Purchased it and used it about 3 separate times while tracking ovulation. Last time we used it I was peaking in ovulation according to the test strips, used this that night and we did conceive. Not sure if it was just good timing or if this actually helped, but I don’t think it hurt. I won’t credit this to our conception, but at worst it was a coincidence.
Clucksbee –
So, first of all, you definitely do NOT need to use the 3g they tell you in the directions. I ended up using 2g, and our BD was unsuccessful because my husband said he couldn’t feel anything, and it was like he went numb. This has never happened before this product. I decided to use less hoping that was the issue and used 1g, but the same issue happened. If it works for you, great! But, it definitely did not work for us. Leaving 3 stars because the application was easy, straightforward, not painful at all, very clean from bottle to applicator (which I’m glad they provide applicators!). Overall, I think it’d be a good product if it works for you. Do I think it’d help with conception? I really don’t know, but if you’re having infertility issues, why not try? Just know that for some, it does numb feeling, and that just wasn’t worth it for my husband and I, so back to the normal way of conception and praying we get our blessing soon.
Amazon Customer –
Muy muy buena.