Pastilhas Tradicionais Medicinais – Orgânicas Limão Gengibre
As pastilhas Tradicionais Medicinais Orgânicas Limão Gengibre são uma solução natural e eficaz para o alívio de náuseas e enjoos matinais, especialmente durante a gravidez. Com uma fórmula cuidadosamente elaborada, que combina o frescor do limão com o toque picante do gengibre, essas pastilhas oferecem um alívio rápido e natural, tornando-se uma escolha ideal para quem busca um remédio sem aditivos químicos.
Produzidas com ingredientes 100% orgânicos e verificados como não transgênicos, essas pastilhas garantem que você está consumindo um produto livre de pesticidas e substâncias prejudiciais. Cada embalagem contém 30 pastilhas individualmente embaladas, proporcionando praticidade e facilidade de uso em qualquer lugar.
O sabor equilibrado e agradável das pastilhas transforma o ato de aliviar náuseas em uma experiência prazerosa, permitindo que você enfrente o dia com mais conforto e bem-estar.
- Alívio natural e eficaz de náuseas e enjoos matinais.
- Ingredientes 100% orgânicos e não transgênicos, garantindo segurança e qualidade.
- Ervas de alta qualidade provenientes de parcerias comerciais éticas, promovendo a sustentabilidade.
- Sabor delicioso que combina limão e gengibre, tornando o uso agradável.
- Praticidade com pastilhas individualmente embaladas, ideais para levar em viagens ou no dia a dia.
Para obter o máximo benefício das pastilhas Tradicionais Medicinais Orgânicas Limão Gengibre, recomenda-se dissolver uma pastilha lentamente na boca sempre que sentir náuseas ou enjoos matinais. É importante não exceder a dose diária recomendada, garantindo assim a eficácia do produto e a segurança do usuário.
Jenny Guenther –
I disliked a lot of things during my first trimester however, these were good and helped with my constant watery mouth.
mesh –
I began to suffer from chronic stomachaches & read how ginger can provide relief. I began a search & found Traditional Medicinals Organic Morning Ease Lemon Ginger Lozenges. I can definitely see how these would help pregnant women with morning sickness as I once suffered from such. Now I’m dealing with something different. These lozenges are organic which I love. The ingredients are made 99% certified organic. The taste of lemon ginger isn’t strong at all, it’s rather soothing. It says to take one 2-3 times a day. There’s 15 calories a lozenge with 3g of sugar. I say not too bad to relieve my stomachaches & these do! I can keep one in my mouth for more than 30 minutes. For me it’s like using a cough drop. I didn’t want the ginger chews because I didn’t want them getting stuck in my teeth so I’m happy I found these. 30 lozenges per bag at the price of $11.99 equals 40 cents each, which is well worth the cost for relief one gives. I’ll purchase again & next time save a little more by using Amazon’s subscribe & save program. I took a picture of what one lozenge looks like. Each one comes nicely wrapped. I highly recommend these!!
Indya –
These are a life saver!!! I’m able to get through a day of work without feeling sick if I have one of these in the morning on my way in. Great and will absolutely buy more.
Manuel Angeles –
I was excited for these to help with nausea, but the didn’t really work, and they don’t actually have ginger in them. I think because saliva is made to suck on these, it helps while you’re eating it, but it doesn’t settle my nausea. Ginger chews are a better option for the same carb amount.
Gloria –
With my son (1st baby) I had HG, and I was beyond sick and miserable. NOTHING I tried helped. I would be puking 20-30 times a day, it would continue on through the night sometimes, I’d throw up so much and so badly that a few times I’d thrown up blood along with getting to the point (daily, unfortunately) where I’d just be uncontrollably dry heaving because I had nothing left in my body. Literally nothing helped me. I’m deathly allergic to all medications so that was never an option. I was 103lbs pre-pregnancy and by 6 months I was 89lbs. I was a waif and it was honestly just horrible. The HG continued on into the 8th month and then the puking subsided in extremity but I still remained horribly nauseous and would still throw up a few times a week, until he was born. Despite how sick I was, he was perfectly healthy and I had him completely naturally, just how I’d wanted to! That said, I was so sick I never even looked pregnant. My stomach stayed completely flat right up to the day he was born. I do have a tilted uterus which played a part in that but a good 60% of the issue was that I was so thin and no matter what I ate or how much I ate, it was futile because I couldn’t keep a single thing down, not even water. It was MISERABLE. I can’t even begin to describe how horrible it was.
So all of that to say, finding out by surprise that my husband and I are expecting baby #2 had me WORRIED.
I did a ton of research, went with a holistic midwife who understands nutrition during pregnancy this time around, and I’ve changed my diet as best I can. Currently 8 weeks and the severe morning sickness hit about a week ago. An exact repeat of how I was with our first baby and I just can’t do it again. I have a toddler and we are homesteaders so tons of animals to take care of along with a house to clean and food to cook, the list goes on. So I decided to try and beat this awful sickness this pregnancy.. Any ladies suffering from HG- if you can manage to eat protein- eat it! It actually does help a little bit. Sadly with HG nothing really takes it down much, but eating protein makes it slightly more manageable.
And that brings me to where I am now! I’m a petite person and have a very hard time eating or drinking large quantities of anything at one time and I hit a point where I couldn’t eat enough protein to keep myself from throwing up. So I decided to try these. I tried ginger ale, saltine crackers, sea bands, ginger Candy, lemon candy, Gatorade, literally anything you could name, I TRIED when I was pregnant with our son. I didn’t WANT to be so sick all the time or so skinny. But, it was far beyond my control and the doctors were absolutely entirely USELESS. They didn’t even TRY to help me. At all. When I almost died from the anti nausea drug they prescribed, they told me I was on my own and that I was being dramatic and making things up, and exaggerating how sick I was. Trust me. Nobody wants to be as sick as I was. Lol. That’s not something you dramatize or make up.
Anyways, I bought these on a whim with zero expectations.
The flavor is wonderful, lemony with a hint of ginger spice. If I take one the second I start feeling nauseous and go eat something, and then take another one after I’ve finished eating, I can keep the puking at bay! It does help take the nausea down a bit, but I was and am far more concerned with keeping my food down so I don’t lose weight like crazy again. I’m still nauseous all the time, but these in combination with eating when I can and staying hydrated have helped me not hurl my guts up 20+ times a day. I’d definitely suggest trying these even if you just have normal morning sickness! 😊
Olivia –
I don’t get terrible vomiting during pregnancy, but I do get this awful, deep, gut-level nausea that lingers, especially in the evenings (kind of makes me wish I could throw up). These things are amazing. They take that feeling away almost instantly. They also help me in the morning when I have a nauseous empty stomach until I can get some food down. Worth their weight in gold for me.
destinee nicole –
I am leaving this review, simply to let you know that these taste a lot better than you would think! If you are on the fence about getting these because you are afraid of the ginger taste, get them. I don’t know how, but they helped a lot and they taste way better than I expected.
Julia –
These have helped me get through work in my first trimester. They taste good & even just keeping them on the side of my mouth while I was busy/had to talk helped.