Descrição do Produto: Love to Sleep Natural Sleep Aid, 60 Contagens
O Love to Sleep Natural Sleep Aid é um suplemento natural de ervas projetado para promover um sono reparador e de qualidade. Com uma fórmula cuidadosamente elaborada, este produto combina ingredientes poderosos que atuam sinergicamente para ajudar a regular o ciclo do sono e melhorar a qualidade do descanso. Entre os componentes principais, destacam-se:
- Suplemento de Sono Herbal 100% Natural: Formulado com ingredientes de origem natural, sem aditivos químicos, garantindo uma experiência de sono saudável e segura.
- 5-Hidroxitriptofano (5-HTP): Um precursor da serotonina, que ajuda a melhorar o humor e a regular o sono, promovendo um relaxamento profundo.
- Melatonina: Hormônio natural que sinaliza ao corpo que é hora de dormir, ajudando a ajustar o relógio biológico e a combater a insônia.
- Raiz de Valeriana: Conhecida por suas propriedades calmantes, a valeriana é um remédio tradicional que ajuda a reduzir a ansiedade e a promover um sono mais tranquilo.
- L-Tryptophan e L-Theanine: Aminoácidos que favorecem a produção de neurotransmissores relaxantes, contribuindo para um estado de calma e bem-estar.
- Vitamina B6: Essencial para a produção de neurotransmissores, a vitamina B6 desempenha um papel importante na regulação do sono e do humor.
- Lúpulo: Com propriedades sedativas, o lúpulo ajuda a relaxar o corpo e a mente, facilitando a transição para o sono.
Combinando esses ingredientes, o Love to Sleep Natural Sleep Aid oferece uma solução eficaz para aqueles que enfrentam dificuldades para dormir, proporcionando um descanso reparador e revitalizante.
1. Sono de Qualidade: Melhora a qualidade do sono, permitindo que você acorde renovado e energizado.
2. Redução da Ansiedade: Os ingredientes naturais ajudam a acalmar a mente, reduzindo a ansiedade e o estresse.
3. Regulação do Ciclo do Sono: A melatonina e o 5-HTP ajudam a regular o relógio biológico, facilitando a transição entre o dia e a noite.
4. Sem Efeitos Colaterais: Por ser um produto 100% natural, minimiza o risco de efeitos colaterais comuns em medicamentos para dormir.
5. Fácil de Usar: A apresentação em cápsulas torna o uso prático e conveniente, ideal para a rotina diária.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Love to Sleep Natural Sleep Aid, recomenda-se tomar duas cápsulas cerca de 30 minutos antes de dormir. É importante ingerir o suplemento com um copo de água, preferencialmente em um ambiente tranquilo, que favoreça o relaxamento. Para um efeito otimizado, evite o consumo de cafeína e eletrônicos nas horas que antecedem o sono. O uso regular pode ajudar a estabelecer um padrão de sono saudável e duradouro.
Astroidor –
It is normal for me and my family to have issues getting to sleep and staying asleep, all three of us tried this hoping it would help and not one of us could say it helped, we tried it several nights and if anything it was tougher to get to sleep than without it. Of course It may work for some other people but for us this did not work at all. Please see attached pictures for the ingredients.
-Thank you
Brian Mullins –
For some (like myself), melatonin works great as a sleep inducer. And it’s non-habit-forming and available over-the-counter, two additional pluses.
You can get melatonin in a variety of vehicles: Pills, gummies, lozenges, and as a liquid solution. This particular offering provides it in capsule form. The downside of capsules is that they can’t be split. So check the dosage carefully to ensure it’s what you want.
The ingredients of these capsules are:
** Melatonin: 5mg
** Vitamin B6: 25mg
** 5-HTP: 75mg
** L-Theanine: 75mg
** L-Tryptophan: 37.5mg
** Valerian 4:1 Extract: 25mg
** Hops: 25mg
The melatonin is the star here, and 5mg is a good adult dosage (adult dosage for most people ranges from 1-6mg). Taking more melatonin than you need for the effect is quite safe, and 5mg should be fine for almost any adult. The other ingredients are all things that have implicated in various studies to be potentially useful as additional sleep aids. I generally find I don’t need them, but some people swear by them. You’ll need to do your own research and make up your own mind.
I tried one of these, and it helped set me off on a good night’s sleep about 20-ish minutes later.
This stuff isn’t all that cheap–you can get plain melatonin tablets for far less–so the value to you will depend on how useful you consider the other ingredients that are included in this formulation.
Astroidor –
I’ve taken Andro400’s Love to Sleep a few nights in a row now, and it has helped me achieve longer and deeper sleep. Interesting dreams too. I love the combination of ingredients and I am sure they work together synergistically, but I wish there was more of the others and maybe a mg less of the Melatonin. I can take 2 capsules to get more of them, but then I’m getting more Melatonin than I want.
Taken about half an hour before bed, I have no trouble falling and staying asleep for most of the night. If I wake for a bathroom break, I can fall back asleep in short order. Overall, I consider it an above average sleep aid with a good combination of sleep promoting ingredients, but perhaps it’s not for everyone. My bottle has a Best by date of 11/2023.
Manufactured in the USA
~ Kort
Kort –
Even though I am in my seventies, I am busier than ever. My sleep tends to take a hit. I am very intense into nutrition so when I saw this product, I immediately jumped for it. There are several ingredients wel known for improving sleep. It is interesting that they pack more potency of some ingredients in one capsule than the competitors do with their two capsules. In fact, this appears to be one of the best formulas I have found. I already do several things to help improve my sleep:
I already take several supplements that help sleep.
I wake up in the morning and have my eyes exposed to natural sunlight immediately to set my circadian rythm.
I wear blue light blockers at night.
I have a regular time for bed.
Cool temperature, dark room, and quiet for sleeping.
Have devotions first thing in the morning to establish my daily tone.
Eat dinner at around 4 and no snacking.
I do all these things seeking a better night’s sleep. Because I am doing all of the above, unfortunately this product did not have any discernable improvement above what I am getting now in my sleep as measured by my fitbit as well as my energy level. Everyone is different and have different needs and lifestyles. This is an awesome product because of their ingredient selection, the best I have seen where you get two month’s dosage at the price the competitors give one month.
Kort –
Don’t Take If You Have Sensitivities to Melatonin!
So, three of us took this supplement the same night together. 2 of the 3 (D&G) of us have had reoccurring insomnia issues in the last few weeks, which is why I was looking elsewhere for supplements to test out. 2 of the 3 (D&G) were up at night, one unable to go back to sleep at all, the second falling asleep soundly late into the AM. 2 of the 3 (N&G) were up in the middle of the night with diarrhea. This is usually only an issue when our bodys take on too much non-naturally produced melatonin. I know its marketed as a natural sleep aid, but unless your body is producing it, its not. 2 of the 3 (N&G) of us have taken all kinds of brands of melatonin, one using it almost nightly (never having a flush issue) and the other periodically. The person using it the most usually still has issues, even with supplements, with getting to and staying asleep. I personally slept soundly when I did sleep. This product will more than likely work for some but some may have a reaction to it. There’s better brands to choose from out there.
Sam Powell, irregular –
Verdict is still out for herbal sleep aids. That might not be fair, as I have always had an extremely hard time with sleeping at night.
But this works OK. I still wake up every 2 hours or so, but I seem to fall back asleep faster than I did without them.
Niki Topski –
This sleep aid says take 1 hour before bedtime. I did and started getting drowsy in the hour and woke up the next day with no grogginess or sleep hangover. I have taken sleep aids that will incapicitate me for hours after I wake. Easy to take capsule and so glad not to have groggy periods after waking