O L’Oreal Paris Bright Reveal Dark Spot Exfoliant Peel é um esfoliante facial inovador que combina 25% de AHA, BHA e PHA, proporcionando uma esfoliação eficaz e suave para todos os tipos de pele. Este produto foi desenvolvido para reduzir visivelmente as manchas escuras, renovar a textura da pele e melhorar a luminosidade do rosto. Com uma fórmula inspirada em peelings profissionais, o esfoliante atua profundamente, promovendo uma pele mais clara e uniforme. Além disso, conta com proteção solar, oferecendo um cuidado adicional que é essencial para a saúde da pele.
Após o primeiro uso, os resultados são notáveis: a pele se torna instantaneamente mais brilhante e com uma textura mais suave. Com o uso contínuo, em apenas duas semanas, a renovação da pele é evidente, e após três semanas, a melhora é dramática, resultando em uma aparência mais saudável e radiante. O Bright Reveal é dermatologicamente validado e adequado para todos os tons de pele, incluindo as mais sensíveis, garantindo que todos possam desfrutar de seus benefícios.
– Reduz visivelmente todos os tipos de manchas escuras, incluindo marcas de acne.
– Renova a textura da pele, proporcionando uma superfície mais suave e uniforme.
– Resultados visíveis rápidos na luminosidade da pele, melhorando a aparência geral.
– Esfoliação suave com uma mistura de esfoliantes multiácidos, ideal para uso frequente.
– Adequado para todos os tipos de pele e tons, incluindo pele sensível, tornando-o acessível a todos.
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Para obter os melhores resultados, comece limpando bem o rosto. Aplique uma camada fina do Bright Reveal Dark Spot Exfoliant Peel na pele seca, evitando a área dos olhos. Deixe o produto agir por 10 a 15 minutos e, em seguida, enxágue bem com água morna. Este esfoliante pode ser utilizado até quatro vezes por semana, preferencialmente à noite. Caso ocorra irritação, recomenda-se reduzir a frequência de uso. É importante não aplicar o produto em pele irritada ou lesionada e sempre utilizar protetor solar durante o dia para proteger a pele dos danos solares.
p c –
I am not one to pay much for skincare, so I got this one on sale. It feels great and makes my skin feel smooth upon removal. The bottle is glass and the content is extracted with a squeeze of the plastic tip. You don’t need a lot, so while it may seem small, it will last a while. Overall, it has a solid presentation. It also comes with a bonus sample of some random product they have.
While I wouldn’t get it full price, it is a nice product and I’m glad to have experienced it.
Jeni Rein –
This is good. I think you have to figure out how long to leave the peel on your particular skin.
I did decide to leave it on 20 minutes each application. However, I do think it is important to follow the manufacturers’ instructions
Nichole –
Why label this a peel when there is literally nothing to actually peel off? Put it on, wash it off, that’s it. “Mask” maybe but peel? No. Exfoliating? I’m not sure it does all that much….
While I do notice a softness and slight smoothness immediately after I wash it off, after a day or so you can’t tell I did anything. I get better results for an explaining cloth. I would say if you’re over 50-55 ish, (around there, or older) you probably won’t see you much difference. It’s just not worth $20 for the minuscule difference. I’m about half way through the bottle and I can’t say the age spots are any lighter. I do use other products such as moisturisers, etc and adding this “peel” to the mix just feels like I’m throwing money down the drain. I’ll give it 3 stars (good) because I’m not ready to call it worthless I’m just saying us older ladies probably won’t see the benefits women in their 30s and 40s will.
ALSO. Someone mentioned glitter. While I do notice a pretty teal green shimmer within the product, I wouldn’t call it glitter… But that might be the “glow” some ppl claim to have. Plus the color greenish teal would also mask reddish tones in the skin. But that’s not quite what this product is for … By that I mean you don’t apply to your face to use as a color corrector or concealer So …. I don’t really know.
I probably won’t buy it again unless there’s incredible improvement with the last half of this bottle.
p c –
Used for the first time tonight on a recommendation from dermatologists Doctorly on YouTube. Thrilled! Very thin formula easy to apply. Leaves the skin feeling cool. I am very fair and have very clear bright skin … and I legit immediately see a smoothing and brightening after the first use. Can’t wait to use this multiple times a week. I’ve had professional grade peels in the past so just an FYI I don’t have sensitive skin and can’t speak to that. My skin loves AHA and glycolic acids but not fond of retinol. If you are on the fence … buy it. I think you will like it after multiple uses.
MariaAna –
I’ve only used this product one time since I’ve purchased it. It is very much worth the money. I can both see and feel the difference. This will be in my skin line up.
Kam26 –
Was not return eligible because it was opened and used. What it obviously takes to find out this is an absolutely terrible product. The smell is like something they would use in a cat painting shop. Terrible.
Siobhan Elkie –
This stuff is amazing! I rarely write reviews because all products are sub par most of the time, but this one really does work! Let’s be honest ladies, we can’t turn the clock back and get rid of years of sun damage and aging skin, but this will help ease the aging process. When you first put it on it does burn slightly for about a minute which had me worried. Then, it has a nice cooling sensation which continues after you wash it off. My face looks clean, clear, and soft. Definitely recommend!!!
greta –
It DEFINITELY minimizes your pores. I’m on week 2 and it definitely boosts my confidence. I’m all about healing and healthy skin since I can’t stand wearing makeup unless wanna be fancy. I’ve recommended it to my family and friends. I’m here for this 100000000% just buy it and thank me later.