O Bálsamo Precioso para os Olhos L’Occitane Immortelle, com 15ml, é um verdadeiro aliado na luta contra os sinais do envelhecimento e da fadiga na delicada região dos olhos. Formulado com o poderoso óleo essencial de Immortelle, conhecido por suas propriedades anti-envelhecimento e regenerativas, este bálsamo proporciona um cuidado intenso e eficaz. Sua ação tripla atua na redução visível de rugas, linhas finas e olheiras, promovendo uma aparência mais jovem e radiante. A textura suave e hidratante do produto nutre e protege a pele ao redor dos olhos, que é uma das áreas mais sensíveis do rosto.
O Bálsamo Precioso para os Olhos L’Occitane Immortelle oferece uma ação tripla para reduzir visivelmente a aparência de rugas e ajudar a restaurar a firmeza da pele. Além disso, ele combate olheiras e inchaço, proporcionando um aspecto mais descansado e revitalizado. Com uma fórmula que garante hidratação intensa, o produto mantém a pele ao redor dos olhos nutrida e saudável, prevenindo o ressecamento e a formação de linhas finas.
1. Redução visível de rugas: O bálsamo é formulado para suavizar a aparência de rugas, promovendo uma pele mais jovem.
2. Restaura a firmeza da pele: A fórmula exclusiva ajuda a tonificar a pele, conferindo um aspecto rejuvenescido.
3. Combate olheiras e inchaço: Ingredientes especiais atuam na diminuição de olheiras e inchaço, proporcionando um olhar mais descansado.
4. Hidratação intensa: Mantém a pele ao redor dos olhos hidratada e nutrida, prevenindo o ressecamento.
5. Fácil aplicação: Sua textura suave e de rápida absorção torna a aplicação simples e confortável, ideal para o uso diário.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique uma pequena quantidade do Bálsamo Precioso para os Olhos L’Occitane Immortelle abaixo dos olhos. Utilize a ponta dos dedos para espalhar suavemente em movimentos circulares até que o produto seja completamente absorvido. Para maximizar os benefícios, recomenda-se o uso diário, tanto pela manhã quanto à noite, garantindo uma pele radiante e revitalizada ao redor dos olhos.
Cynthia Lasso –
La uso hace más de 10 años y me ha ayudado a controlar las arrugas de la zona.
Stephanie –
I love this company and thought I would like this eye balm, I was looking for a less expensive eye cream to the expensive option I currently use in their line called Immortelle Divine Eyes (comes in a small glass pump bottle) anyhow this balm soaks in so quickly and flakes off of your skin, it looks like you have a sun burn around your eyes and your skin is peeling off, but its just the product. This is definitely note something you could use under makeup with the way it flakes/peels off after it dries on your eyes. I will go back to my expensive version in this company line, or be switching to a different company all together to address my dark circle needs. I was HIGHLY disappointed.
Zoya –
That was present for my daughter. She like that very much
Ira –
I have combination aging skin and have fought dry flakiness kn my nose and cheeks. This product takes care of it and now my skin is soft!
Christine –
Throughly like the product and didn’t leave my skin feel greasy. Absorbs quite well.
Teresa bouty –
Crème légère est efficace. Arrivée dans les délais
Wanda L. Patterson –
It is funny how they say that you look in the mirror one day, begin to really stare at yourself and realize you have lines that you were not paying attention to. I started using this product and I must say in two weeks of putting in on in the morning and at night I do not see the lines. The skin around the eye is so sensitive and often dry where this product provides the moisture required to right the wrongs I was starting to see. Thank-you for creating it. The texture and smell is wonderful!
Megan –
I fairness i have only been using it for a few days but I have noticed that the area around my eyes appears more hydrated and I don’t look as tired all the time. I have a rowdy infant and a full night’s sleep isn’t always in the cards. It doesn’t irritate my skin as much as the drug store products I’ve used in the past, absorbs very quickly and doesn’t leave a greasy residue.
Ann Christine –
First bought in a duty free shop in BKK – now can’t live without – and even use it on my chest and hands, great ‘peeling’ effect! Seems like a lot of $ for a tiny jar – but packs a lot of power for the money and so very worth it – would pay double the price – and its cut down the frequency of my botox visits for crows feet. And no I am not being paid or compensated in any way for this review. Just think its a great product!
Just an update- it is 2019 – And yes I still use this product – and YEP – still get fabulous results – Recently turned 50 and this product, along with sunscreen! REALLY HAS KEPT MY FACE YOUNG. Happy to keep recommending and even if offered I would refuse free goods for a review.
I consider this product a MUST HAVE in my simple beauty regimen – and well worth the price. Now if only I could figure out how to take a picture of my eyes for everyone to see – with this insanely complicated new phone/camera thing that my S.O. gave me – LOL – (without the eye wrinkles).
Nancy –
I’ve tried numerous under eye creams to reduce the dryness under my eyes and this one works the best for me. It effectively moisturizes my under eye area without the product creeping into and irritating my eyes. I have sensitive skin and this did not cause a reaction from using it. I don’t have to apply much to get the results I want so this little jar lasts me a very long time.